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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I have the FX versions. I believe they are better buy, could be wrong, is that, that set includes the entire series plus the Encore episodes(3), the OVA, and the movie. I don't think the Mac version includes those.
  2. I've only seen parts of The Ring but from what I saw it was pretty good. I'm going to have to rent it to see the rest. What's "The Eye" about? I agree just because something was the original doesn't make it better. With remakes you have the chance to keep in the good and improve on the bad.
  3. I'm liking the series so far. Its not on Cartoon Network anymore though.
  4. That's what I was wondering myself. Since BW owns the designs and if TP knows they own the story as well then the derivatives pretty much belong to BW with HG having no way of claiming them or saying that they infring on their rights. Then that would also mean that all TP and HG own is the actual animation to SDF Macross which people thought anyway. At least from my reasoning of things but I can be wrong. Wouldn't the copyright of a story be seperate from everything else though? How do authors copyright their stories, I mean where would one find that kind of information?
  5. The "new" Tomino is a good thing.
  6. Thanks. Yes that was the fight I was refering to. Man I really need to pick up the offical SDF Macross set. I really wish the price would lower.
  7. Yeah. Just about all MMORPG give you a free month when you purchase the game before they start to charge you the monthly fee. I think with FFXI you also get charged an extra $3 for each character your create after your first one. Which I don't like since with other games you get from 5 to 8 slots to create different characters on one account.
  8. I really like the lines on this mech, very Gundam Sentinel-ish. I have to agree. Pretty good.
  9. Same here. I wish I have just a bit of that talent. Great work.
  10. Be sure to let us know what the leveling situation is like. If its a slow level grind like Everquest I just might pass it. Rather play and have fun then pay to actually work.
  11. I realloy recommend that you check out Escaflowne. Great mecha that transform plus a really good story and characters.
  12. I'll be picking up the PC version. Would cost less, especially since I'm not playing my PS2 as much and I don't have an ISP that works with the network adapter, bought the damn thing for nothing but at least it was really cheap when I bought it used. I have high hopes for FFXI, but honestly it will just hold me over till Ultima X: Odyssey comes out. Would most likely put my order for it and the end of next week or sometime next month. Want to find out how the leveling situation is first(if its like EQ then I might pass and just stick with Ultima Online) and the general feeling of the world before I jump into it. Voted Maybe.
  13. I would have voted for both but I voted for the VF-22. I really liked the YF-19 but didn't care for how the YF-21 looked that much. At the same time though I don't like the VF-19 as much but like the VF-22 more though. Strange.
  14. Very cool. I have to get my hands on this once a fansub version comes out.
  15. I'm sorry to here about this. I guess the only thing I can say is good luck and I hope you get through this. Good luck once again.
  16. The VF-22 doesn't show up in Macross 7 Dynamite till episode 3(near the end) and 4. Its being piloted by Gamlin when he goes to look for Basara. Its in the Diamond Force colors so its all black. Its actually in action in the last episode I believe. Also in Macross 7 it doesn't show up till the very end, when Max leads the assult on Vaurta and during the final battle where Max and Miriya are both piloting one in their own colors.
  17. I caught the episode, very nice. It look like Magneto was actually acting as a teacher during the future glimpse. The Dark Pheonix was a nice touch, its bound to happen sooner or later, it always does. I didn't catch the Shield thing but I did see the Brotherhood. They look good as adults. Rogue will get her flying ablitiy which is cool. There has to be more after this, the Apocalypse arc was great. If they do more I hope they keep up this level of quality in the arcs.
  18. Question. There is a point in Macross Saga of Robotech where Max fighting and then tell's Rick about a move he is about to do call Fokker's Fake(I think it was that). I could have been when Max and Ben were first assigned to Rick. Does Max say anything similar to Hikaru in SDF Macross during that fight? If so is it called the same thing or something different? Thanks.
  19. I can't wait to get this game. So glad christmas is really close. The game and the slid card.
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