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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I can't wait to get my hands on this. I love this OVA.
  2. I agree, the Arc Troopers are badass. No talking at all in this episode but then again there was no need. Actions speak louder then words. I liked in episode 2 how Obi-wan told Anakin it wasn't his skill that was in quest but his maturity. Hmm did Anakin forget about all those Sand People(men, women and children) he killed not to long ago. I do like his custom Jedi Starfighter. I might pick that baby up from the store.
  3. I don't have that much trouble with fan service but most of what I've seen, the characters have been near 16, 17, 18 or older. Not those around 13 or 14.
  4. I believe he was talking about Fumoffu. Since he quoted a post that was talking about Fumoffu and he agreed with it.
  5. That is true but I still have a problem of them even suggesting there was a love triangle. Both Basara and Gamlin were much older then Mylene. The two of them were what, in their early 20s and she was only 14. Come on. <_< If she was just a few years older it would have been more believeable as well.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't City 7 have something very similar to the Culture Park in Macross II? That or the opening credits is lying. Its not crazy for something like this to be built at all, especially after the devastation the Earth suffered.
  7. You know this was something I didn't even think about, usually in military themed shows most fighter pilots have call signs. Interesting that in Macross, which heavy on the fighter action didn't have these. Hmm maybe call signs aren't as common in the military as we are lead to believe, that could be why. Then again my knowledge on the subject is very limited. Anyone care to clear this up?
  8. I missed the beginning of it but I liked what I caught near the end. I agree it will be viewed better once its on a DVD. I honestly would enjoy it if they made this into a full series.
  9. Why don't you get off your high horse and learn to discuss things like a rational person like the rest of us? Nobody else in this thread is angry at each other, so why are you getting so worked up? Seriously. Its one thing to disagree, we all do on different things but you need to check yourself and how you respond to people. You do this far to often.
  10. Good point. When Macross II was released the only other Maross that had been released was the original TV series and DYRL. Everything else came later. So it isn't as if Mac II went against anything really.
  11. I still haven't checked it out yet, due to the reason that it wasn't like FMP! where there was a great mix of mecha military action, drama, and comedy. I still might download it in a few days to finally check it out. Guess I just have to enjoy it for what it is. How many episodes are there? 13?
  12. I have to agree. While I really enjoy Macross 7, high quality isn't a phrase I'd use to describe it. I still enjoy Macross II as well. It was actually the first Macross I viewed besides the Macross Saga in RT, so glad by that time I was used to reading subtitiles cause I turned the english version off pretty quick once I checked the subtitles to the actual dialgue.
  13. Strange. I've run into a ton of people on forums and in real life that perfer the english dubbing over the japanese version. Granted I watched the english version first with the subs on. I just liked everything flowed better. Then I tried the japanese, just didn't have the same type of flow as the english version did.
  14. Honestly I'm kinda hoping the live action would be something taking place post-Return of the Jedi that really screws with novels. While I enjoy them, Star Wars is GL's story and he should have a say and be the final word in how the OT cast ends up. Having them come back for it would be a nice touch. Wouldn't even have to be a movie. An hour or so of showing off some new special effects, maybe showing the Luke, Han and crewed ended up after the battle at Endor, cover a few years or decades in that time, jumping from time frame to different time frame. Just an idea.
  15. How are people able to review this when it hasn't even been released yet? Personally I have a fansub copy and really enjoyed it. The series is better but the movie is still. Though I wish this had been split into a small OVA to really add more to the story but still good with a good bit of action. I can't wait to get an english version of the movie. I always felt the english version of the series was better then japanese version. I didn't find the japanese verison that funny which makes me want to see a english release of the movie all the more. I know I'll have a different opinion for the better when I see it.
  16. Alright another fan . I think you'll find that a lot of people agree that the series starts off slow. Having Fire Bomber sing the same song over and over again and being the main focus in the first set of episodes and really waiting so long to explain things is really the main downfalls of the series.
  17. Or just think that they decided to recyle the music since it was already done and not spend any more money on songs since they were already working on the Fire Bomber songs for Macross 7 and the songs for Macross Plus.
  18. God no. English version of Macross II is bad. I can only watch this series subbed, its pretty good that way. Ishtar is one my favorite Macross characters .
  19. I have to wait till I'm home for Thanksgiving in order to see it. I just finished watching the first movie, I like how things mean more after watching Reloaded. I agree Reloaded was a bit lite on the story but I still enjoyed it. I hope Revolutions is better, it seems like it will be.
  20. Nope. I've never played the PC verison, only the Xbox one. It and a few other games were the deciding factor in my actually getting an Xbox to be honest. I'm not really crazy about sim type games, I try to stay away from flight sims.
  21. I wonder if there will be a US release of this since the OVA is being released in the states. Hmm I wonder how the actual game places, sim or arcade like. Just finished playing Crimison Skies, one of the best flying games I've had the pleasure of playing(controls had an arcade style feel to them).
  22. This is the major thing I hate about japanese animated shows. While the overall shows are good the endings are usually horrible or confusing as hell with no sense of closure. I'm not sure if this is a cultural thing or not but I'm tired of it. Its one thing to leave openings for a sequel, that's all good but not like this.
  23. I'm throwing in my hat on this. I missed most of season 2 and even season 1's finale so this episode was even more of a WTF. Usually I can pick up on things to and still understand things but that wasn't even possible with this. It seems like this like said very Dark City plus a mix of, what was the name of that movie with Jim Carry where his entire life was broadcasted on TV.
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