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Everything posted by Effect

  1. If it was done by TP then this could put an end to who has the rights to the story, maybe. It says "Original Story Created By Studio Nue". Or maybe that tells us nothing I don't know. This would be outside of Japan and as to the agreement they had to with BW, TP could release the series outside of Japan. I thought this was already agreed upon? No one doubt TP and as a result HG had rights to SDF Macross. It was everything that came after that was the problem.
  2. That really sucks but its good that your okay. The car can be replaced your life can't.
  3. Not sure if everyone has seen this yet. I went back over a few pages and didn't. If someoen already said this before, sorry. This is from the Macross Compendium for the new game.
  4. Shin is already a member of Skull Squadron. He and Edgar joined in episode 2 of Mac Zero.
  5. God. I wish they would move away from Macross. That's all Yune wants to do it seems. Macross all the time, ignore Southern Cross part of RT(a complete 1/3 of the series) and slowly come out with New Generation which will most likely be a rehash of an old comic series just the way the prequel comic was a rehash of the old Graphic Novel and Return to Macross comics(I think it was Return). Honestly if it wasn't for my childhood memories, not even sure about that anymore, I wouldn't care about these new comics. I want them to do well but what is bring produce is making that hard. If the new series SK is working on turns out to be Macross related I just might have to say good bye to RT or at least treat it as one of the series I keep on my back burner. Everyone is making such a big deal that Amano is doing the cover. Big dea. It means nothing if the actual comic is crap. Sure it will look great but story is what is important. Two stories in each issue. Like Love and War, I really find it hard to see how well they can tell a story that way when it will be shortened due to having a Macross story in the comic as well.l
  6. Very cool I'm kinda surprised they haven't come out with an official version of this yet. Guess it isn't that popular. Would be a welcome change from the models beign released now.
  7. Effect

    Yamato Prices

    Question. Are the prices we pay for valks close the to the price in japan? I mean after we do the whole money conversion thing. Or are import fees, import shipping, and price of the valk factored in? Or is it just that the valks cost this much overseas? I've never really given it much thought till now. I bought a 1/60 Strike(Yamato version) a few months ago and now that I'm intersted in picking up another one or two I've been thinking more about the price.
  8. VF-22 gets my vote. From Macross 7 is appears to be faster, more fire power, and better maneuverability. Please three of my favorite characters each pilot one(Max, Milia, and Gamlin).
  9. I'm interesting in know if the original Dana, I think her name was Jeanne in SDC, is like. Please tell she's more mature or at least less annoying then the Robotech Dana.
  10. That had to be strange. Were the clones produced full size adults or where they infant size? Had to be strange if not a little distrubing either way. You go in to be cloned, while you are waiting for yourday to board a colony ship you run into several of your clones cause you all had the need to eat at certain food place. Or if the clones don't have any memory and are seperated you might chance upon a family memeber and not even know about it. Even worse if the two develop feelings for each other. Though I'm sure family information would be supplied to stop this type of thing from happening, I hope.
  11. The question is though, which version? Will he already be a pilot like in DYRL?(if I'm remembering correctly) or will it be the TV series version of Hikaru where he's just an amatur pilot being invited to the launch of the Macross by Roy? Guess we'll have to wait and see.
  12. I'd like to see a story that takes place after Macross 7 finds a planet to settle down on. Maybe with Gamlin in the postion that Max is in and but with a whole new cast of characters in the mix. Either dealing with renegade Zents or maybe a full scale civial war. I"m sure there are a few themes that could be covered in something like that, even a love triangle(wouldn't be Macross without one) could be thrown into the mix. Maybe a number of main characters as well. Several episodes from one sides point of view, the next set from the others, then switch back and forth till eveything comes together at the ending episodes.
  13. I hope the story in this one doesn't suck the way Love and War does. But I don't have a good feeling on this. After all this series will contain two stories like Love and War(one of the reasons that series is bad). They can't leave Macross alone can they(the other part of the story is about Mars Base during the Macross Saga portion of RT). Bah. I'll wait till I get a few reviews before I pass judgement but my thoughts are negative on this one.
  14. You know how HG says they were understaffed during the time Macross Plus and Macross II were released. Since they didn't have enough people to watch the market to see their release wouldn't them releasing products during that time period pretty much go against that statement. Macross II in 1993 US Rendition, and in 1995 by Manga I believe. Macross Plus in 1995 - 1996 and in 1997 for the movie version. Thing is Harmony Gold was releasing items at the same time. Heidi in 1993 Cobra in 1993-1994 Casshan: Robot Hunter in 1994 Gatchaman in 1994 Harmony Gold Theatre was renovated in 1995 American Strays in 1996 Not to mention the release of the Robotech comics during that period. How understaffed coudl they be if they released these shows, there were two more I think, during these times. Two of which are in the anime industry, same as Macross II. Then there is the one released in 1996, same time Macross was released. Not sure if someone has brought this up before. Sorry if they did.
  15. So I guess what I'm really asking is should the HG even get a second chance in the eyes of the law cause they themselves didn't pay attention to the very market they were in? Aren't business responsible for that type of thing no matter how understaffed they are? After all they knew how to gather the information. They knew out about Macross and the other series to bring them over. They themselves were attempting to make two more RT series over the years. Sents and 3000. Anyone know what the dates for those are? Even if they didn't make it out of preproduction, the fact that they were working on them would mean they were active in the market wouldn't it?
  16. I believe that was said at the Anime Expo 2002 Panel. Anyway you are right , while the releases of Mac II and Plus weren't big in entertainment in general it seems it was big during the anime industry. A industry that HG would be apart of since they did release anime outside of Japan. I still would like to see them answer about the release of Do You Remember Love?. Along with the release of the Macross II RPG(they didn't have any hand in that right?). How could they not know about Macross Plus when it was release. Wasn't that said to be one of the most exspensive, if not "the" most exspensive OVA made at the time? How could they know about that if import of animated shows is one of the things they do, understaffed or not(did they even try get more staff during those times?) or did they just let things sit.
  17. That was really my whole problem with Basara to be honest. The singing got annoying but that is dealable but he was so closed minded or at least appeared to be. He constantly gets upset that no one understands him or what he's doing but at the same time feels that the military is wrong no matter what nor does he even try to explain himself to even make people understand.
  18. I'm really interested in checking it out. Actually over the past year I've been far more interested in the original series that made up Robotech then Robotech itself. Guess my taste are changing, I'm actually glad to be honest. Less stress and frustration trying to make sense of things and how things are run. So glad I decided to pick up Macross 7, which I'm crazy about now. As for Southern Cross I really hope that the translation is good and the quality of the video is good. I still need to pick up Mospeada. So many things I want to get and so little money. Anyone know how much it's going to price?
  19. While I do enjoy both series I have to agree that Macross 7 is more entertaining and the better of the two. Reasons have been listed above so there isn't a reason for me to type them out again. I will admit I dislike 7 when I only saw a few episodes but after buying the boxset that include the ova, movie, and encore episodes I have to say that I love the series which makes me a bigger Macross fan then I thought possible. I only wish I had gotten in to Macross 7 sooner. Even Basara's singing stopped being a pain once his character started to develop but if I hear Planet Dance again it will be to far to soon.
  20. I pretty much listen to all types of music other then country and hard rock. I love jazz, r&b, and techno. B) It just depends on my mood. Sometimes I'll be in the mood for classical, disco, old school hiphop, or even gospel.
  21. Wow The game looks great. Now I really have to buy those disc to let me play imports and copies. Things would be even better if they could add subtitles for the language. All in all I can't wait to play this. The one screen targeting looks pretty good, as does the firing of the missles, and the detail of everything. I wonder what the land based missions will look like.
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