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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I'd love it if there was a cameo by Gamlin, heck even Fire Bomber in a concert would be good. I'm hoping it might be able to cover the time between SDF and Macross Plus and the time after Macross 7. Either in flashbacks or have part of the story taking place between SDF and Plus and the second half after Mac 7. Either more Macross is a great thing.
  2. Great news. There was word that SK was working on a new series but nothing else was said on it. With this new statement could mean that a new series, OVA, or movie is really on the way. YAY
  3. I just felt like hell when I saw that part. I had wished that Gamrin would have gone over and at least slapped the taste out of her mouth. I felt the same way. I just skip over that part now. I can't watch it anymore to be honest.
  4. I agree. There was no reason for you act like that. I happen to enjoy Drew's work but that's not the point. He said nothing for you to go off on him like that. Its true the movie Kill Bill and Macross are two different things, so different that you can't even compare them. I really like the new report feature. Makes things so much easier.
  5. Anyone know how to save the real player files to the harddrive? Even with a high speed connect the playback on these is choppy. Might be easier playing from my harddrive.
  6. I just watched the end and honestly I felt part 14 was amuch better way of ending the show. I did like the scene where Sagara was fighting the other classmates but other then that the humor seemed very misplaced, not one of the better episodes and not a good ending in my opinion.
  7. This is good news. I love watching Family Guy, I never miss it on Cartoon Network. The same goes for Futurama. Here's hoping that gets the same treatment in time.
  8. Trying to get my hands on it now. I hope I can see it by tomorrow.
  9. Its a movie taking place two years after Final Fantasy 7, well after the final battle not after the very end of the game since that last scene jumps ahead about 500 or so years. Its going to be an hour long. A remake of FF7 would be great but I think they dropped that idea and went for the movie after FF:TSW didnt' do well in the theaters, which is a shame since I thought it was really good.
  10. Except we knew that better additions would be released and Lord of the Rings warrent such a purchase. RT really doesn't, especially after they said there would never be a remastered version since it would be to much work. (footage was on tape, notes of where the edits were done and voices places were gone, etc). Now had the had said, there are no plans to release a remastered version at this time. Or said that it might be possible we will have to see if its affordable or profitable to do so. No they said there wouldn't be a remastered version at all. Just another example of HG lying to people. I'm not surprised at all though. Its jut like them to lie and they trying to milk things all the more. Oh well I might bother with downloading the episodes or picking up a bootleg(copies) from somewhere. No way I'm going to pay near full price for this. Like others have said, I'm better off picking up the original series anyway, I still need to do that and christmas is coming up and I'll have enough to pick up the Animeigo version of SDF Macross Joy
  11. I thought that DD was Roy's old instructor. In my copy of Macross Zero(episode done by ANBU-AonE) when they cross in the air and the scene slows done DD notices that Roy is the on the one in the VF-0 then Roy says "Instructor Ivanov...He's alive?" We hear Ivanov simpley say "That chick".
  12. heh easy for you to take pot shots at the fans of the show huh? first we noted that the original release was not as good as it should have been. we were told there would be no remastering. fine we accept it, lay out the $ to purchase the sets. now suddenly not more then a 1 yr later a remaster is possible.yeah thats great for people who never bought in the first time but haha oops guess us suckers who bought in and supported the series are out of luck. Good point.
  13. HG bashing is fun and I have no problem with it. We all know they deserve it. But cool it with the Robotech "fan" bashing alright. No need to go there at all.
  14. Bah. I'm a RT fan but I already have the DVDs and seen the story. Since my interest in RT has been lessing I see no need to buy this. Not worth the money in my opinion nor my time.
  15. ********spoilers*************** Here's the thing on the Fumoffu. When Sagara dress up as Bonta-kun(its hugh costum that looks like a hamster, the way people workers dress up at Disneyland, Greater Adventures, and other theme parks), the inside is setup similar to the inside of the Arm Slaves. In side though is actually a voice translator that pretty much has to be on, he tries to turn it off but the suit won't work when he does. So since its on, no matter what he says while inside of the suit comes out as Fumo, Fomo, Fumoffu. Fumoffu is usually said with a lot of emotion in the show. Words don't really translate into anything. ******************end spoiler***********************
  16. I just finished watching up to part 14. Grant I still miss the mech action from the first series but this one is still great. Its rare that I actually laugh out loud in watching a anime. Part 12 was great, loved having Mao and Kurz back, they really should be on more. Though I will agree the show is hit or miss in certain parts. It can go from trying to be funny(actually coming off boring and slow paced) to making me laugh out load. I'd have to give it an 8/10 if I were rating it.
  17. I'm interested in hearing about it as well. Honestly I'm going to pass on it. Just something about the game that really doesn't make me want to go out and get it. FFX gave me that feeling as well. Final Fantasy 9 was the last Final Fantasy that I really enjoyed. Still need to pick up FFTA. I just don't feel like playing a game where the only three characters I can play as are a couple of pop girl singers with a serious dress up problem.
  18. I thought this was pretty good. I like how it explained Viola somewhat but at the same time it didn't really focus on her. A nice lead up to the first game.
  19. Will there be a PC version? The game looked great but I don't have an ISP that works with my network adapter. So PC is the only option for me.
  20. Glad you are enjoying it. I won't be getting FFXI till around December(mom might have actually picked it up, at least the way she is hinting at things, she knows I'm a huge FF fan(have her and my dad to thank for getting me into them)). In the mean time SWG is pretty enjoyable, even though I've been playing for a few days to relax from classes. FFXI does look good it a bit like EQ in certain ways(been told I'm wrong which is good I was wrong about SWG in this reguard as well) but I'll give it a fair chance(free month) once I pick it up and decide which of the two I enjoy more.
  21. I actually just started this a few days ago, so far it seems to be fun. Granted I haven't traveled off of Naboo yet. The next patch is suppose to do away with corpse runs, just having everything on you cloned when you die. So far what I've done in the past few I'm close to getting my $44 dollars worth, still on the free month. So I'm going to stick it out, and maybe one month after that to really see how I feel. I play on Bria(characters name is Zyberion Gates, he's a Brawler right not trying to become a Fencer or TeriKasi Fighter and trying to become a Droid Engineer as well) and Lowca(started here last night since Bria was down). On the up note I believe my mom picked up Final Fantasy XI for me, for christmas. I was actually hinting at it when I called home one time and she knows I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan. Also after my years with Everquest and Anarchy Online she has a good idea of what a mmorpg is. So I'll cancel SWG if she did get it, try that out during my winter break and decide which of the two I enjoy more. Final Fantasy XI seems a lot like Everquest though and I'm a bigger Star Wars fan and find the idea of trying the different class in SWG a nice challenge. A nice change from EQ, I'll give SOE a thumbs up for the great work on it. Like I said I'm not that far into it. Thought Ultima X: Odyssey is what I want but won't be out till sometime in early 2004 from the current word so these will be fillers. Edit: Changed character name and class since I started over. More fun now.
  22. Chapter 5 was pretty good. Was centered on the Mon Calamari homeworld(just so happen to be the same in name), the world where Admiral Ackabar is from(the fish like admiral from the original trilogy, seen in Return of the Jedi). Was centered around Jedi Master Kit Fisto and undersea clone troopers.
  23. Episode 3 has been subbed. For a month now I believe.
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