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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. I like yukikaze....love the plane designs. However the more I watch it the more confusing it gets. I understand Japanese but I still can't follow it. Operation 3 totally blew IMO...I hope Op 4 gets better. Great Review A7 as always...Thank You! Rob MN
  2. That is exactly what it is used for....to get to space. Do you realize how big that thing would be in 1/60 scale? Friggin HUGE! I have a partially built one in 1/72 scale and it is way to big. Someday I will finish it but I won't cast it...too too big. Rob MN
  3. I think it is one of those 1/76 giftsets, it's really hard to tell but the box looks about right. Man I saw one of those Macross Laser Guns on Yahoo the other day. From what I understand they are not electronic but one of those "Spark" style guns. Hope this helps. Maybe Noel will see this thread and give more info. The 1/55's Looks like they are standing on as display case and in the case is the ARII Toys??? Rob MN
  4. Man these kits are awesome. I have one...but haven't built it yet. valkyrie does a top notch job with these. Anyone who doesn't have one should jump on this! Rob mN
  5. Man that would be alot of McDonald's!
  6. Yes she is Japanese...we met in America. Wait a minute...how did you know I drink alot of Coke? Nothing Hentai in the house. Small child you know (Plus on on the way). I am pretty sure she gets it from the way most Japanese people feel about Americans. The general belief is that all Americans are that way based on our Porn Industry and how they see "Americans" act on TV and in the Movies. Although I don't think the Japanese have much to say about considering what the feel is morally acceptable and what is not. Basically anything goes as long as it is semi-censored and it is without an age limit. But your guess is as good as mine. I was just looking...you have like 3 halves....#1 and #2 and yourself? Rob MN
  7. (Runs underneath VE Telus' window and catches the Falling Valk idea and throws it back up) All you have to do it paint it. The make the custom parts yourself in order to make a strike cannon fit. Simple . Or you could even make your own custom Strike Cannon. Rob MN
  8. I really don't know. However she did say one time that the only thing Americans think about is Sex. Which is completely not true....I also think about Anime and um....ah......lotsa other stuff too. I guess I shouldn't complain, she did try. And I should be grateful for that. And she doesn't get mad when I buy toys for myself, most of the time. Jesse - You are one lucky guy.
  9. This is my first ever poll on MW. (Mods if you deem this unworthy of poll-hood please feel free to remove it ) What prompted this poll you ask? Well today my wife surprized me and said "Look I bought you some toys for your collection!" A bit taken back I cautiously opened the bag. Inside was a Non-Macross toy consisting of broaderline hentai Devil-Man Figures with mouths and teeth in places on a girl where those mouths and teeth should not be. Of course I smiled and said thank you. (When she goes to bed I will then take pics of it and list them on ebay. So basically this poll is to find out if your "Other-half" knows you well enough to buy the proper toy for your collection, because my wife doesn't. Please feel free to add commentary as you see fit. Yes I know this is open invite for trouble. Rob MN
  10. I have actuallay chewed leather before It is not Fruity at all like a fruit roll up. But you do have a good point
  11. Wow Graham...I don't think I have ever seen this side of you before So have we figured out if it is leather or some other substance...fruit Roll-up per chance? You know for the times when they don't have time to eat or get stranded, like Hikaru and Misa in DYRL..they could eat part of the gun-strap instead of eating mutated fish. Just food for thought Rob MN
  12. This is pretty funny...got the title wrong. And before anyone says "What where you searching for?" I came upon it by chance as I was checking a bidders feedback. Based on LOTR - Except misplelled Consider yourself warned...Agent One DO NOT CLICK! Creepy Auction - Be Warned
  13. I voted Sailor Moon...my son is into it (still don't know why)...I'm into it...young girls in mini-skirt-sailor uniforms fighting evil. Who wouldn't like that! Man actually it's just figgin' funny! Rob MN
  14. This is from Yukikaze right? Man it is wonderful! Outstanding work! Rob MN
  15. Once again Mike...simply amazing! I always look forward to seeing your custom jobs! Outstanding! Rob MN
  16. Yeah this pic was seriously doctored. But funny. There are signs like that on the trains but they don't look at all like that. Rob MN
  17. Excellent idea....man I wonder if I will ever get one. I want to be in the club too. (Well not the banned club....that one kinda sucks ) Rob MN
  18. Well Akibono doesn't really suck...but I agree that they will both run out of Gas. That's what makes this such an interesting fight. Who will win? Who can last the longest. But one thing I can garuntee......that it will last longer than a Tyson fight. Rob MN
  19. I would let them know about it. They may have gotten package labels confused. You may even get a refund. At least that is what I would do if I sent you the wrong item. I wouldn't let them know that you don't really care about it. Rob MN
  20. Yep I remember....(still wonders why Bob Sapp is still in Japan...and why he is wearing a high school girls uniform in some commercials )
  21. I recommend STEAM. It is much safer and alittle faster. It's how I do my stuff and I haven't damaged one yet. Rob MN
  22. Yeah I watched alittle of that specail that was on. Man this is going to be a good fight. But I think Akibono will lose. He is Old, Bad Knees and watching him train last night was alittle sad. He is powerful and if he happen to get a sumo chop in..it will be done for ol Sapp. But if Bob S. gets a good shot into Aki's knee then it will be over. It's on in a few days and I personally can't wait. They are putting it on regular TV so I will probably tape it.
  23. Well I don't know if many of you know who Akibono is (First American to reach the level of Yokozuna in Sumo Wrestling - The top). But last year he retired from Sumo. Anyway there is another extremely popular fighter that came from the U.S. - Bob Sapp - Pro Football player turned K-1 Fighter that won the hearts of everyone here in Japan. Anyway someone thought it would be a good idea to have these two face off. Now this is going to be the fight of the century because it is really difficult to tell who will win. Akibono weighs 240kg to Bob Sapp's 190 Kg. I know it isn't exactly SF or Anime but man this is going to be good. The fight is on New year's Eve. So the question is who do you think will win? Akibono - Seasoned Sumo Wrestler - Very powerful and at the top. Bob Sapp - Retired Pro Football player - Street-Fighter. (Mods feel free to terminate this if you see fit. I just thought it was extremely interesting) Rob MN
  24. You should expand the poll to include multiple item combinations. I buy all of the above. Rob MN
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