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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. Okay forget what I said about Pfunk's Avatar. Bobe's Avatar has Kermitt Beat hands down. Okay everyone raise your hand if you could watch this for hours? Um back on topic....Um I come here for the free food too. ROb MN
  2. Protoculture is the name of the Civilization (Alien race) that was basically the frist to develop "Culture" in the Macross Universe. Once they became advanced enough the set forth into the universe. Super advanced and liking to dabble in gentics. Basically they made the Zentradi and "us". Rob MN P.S. - Probably should have posted this in the "Newbie Questions" Thread
  3. OMG! You can sell Radioactive material on eBay? I guess you lern something everyday! Rob MN
  4. I come here for pfunk's avatar No I too come here serveral times a day. It is quite addicting. Man I went into withdraws last August when the site went down. (Frantically searching the net for anothor forum to get my fix, but alas, nothing on the net could satisfy "The Need" like MW does... ) This is the BEST POLL Ever created! Rob MN
  5. Truly amazing. I have a few 1/55 missiles laying around from the takatoku's. I beat that guy on his auction and start it at $3.00 I guess if you needed missiles you would be grateful to this auction. Rob MN
  6. It was abandoned by the supervison army, and sent into a fold to draw the Zentradi away. And yes it was booby trapped so that when the Zentradi did show up it could drestroy numerous vessels without risk to actual Supervison Personnel. I'm probably wrong but that's what I have come up with. As for defolding near Earth..I think it was random? Maybe. Or because a Protoculture Base was on Earth. Someone with more knowledge can answer it better. They are Nukes. more powerful nukes...but nukes no the less. Ooo Ooo This was my 600th post "I'm doin' the Happy dance...doin the Happy dance...... Rob MN
  7. Frist thing you need is a "Blue-print". Or Line-Art. Preferably top view, side view front view and bottom, in the appropraite scale. You will need several copies. Go to your local Hobby Store and by varied thicknesses of styrene, double-sided tape, and modelling putty. I always start with the "Top-View" frist. Cut out the outline of the part you want to scult. Tape or glue it a sheet of styrene. Or you can trace the outline using a pencil onto the styrene. Make sure that the outline is a few mm under the scale you want. This gives you room for applying the putty. Cut out the out-line with a hobby knife. Repeat until the desired thickness is achieved. Then do the side in the same manner. This time you are going to do the shaping and shouldn't need to apply any more styrene. Basicaly shape it to the outline of the line art. By this time you should have 2 formats, Top and Side. Next is the front. Shaping. Don't worry about making too many mistakes. You can cover up most mistakes with putty. Apply the putty liberally over the entire pieces. Do not worry about the fine detail lines becasue it is done last. After you have applied the putty wait for awhile to let it set. Next your are going to do more "shaping" almost as the putty is completely dry. This is a guessing game. Use a sculting knife to remove un-wanted putty. Be careful not to take too much off. When it is at the closest shape of the finished look, allow the putty to completly dry. If you have made mistakes re-apply putty in the needed areas. Next is sanding. use maybe a 600 grain sandpaper and work you way up to 1000 grain until it is smooth. After you have finished sanding you can add the panel lines. Basically draw them on with a pencil and the use a hobby knife or drimmel tool to etch them out. Sorry if this is brief, but it is the general idea. If someone has more to add or if I left something out feel free to add. Hope this helps. Rob MN
  8. Now sir, you have made ME spit Pepsi through my nose... Rob MN
  9. But Kenshin doesn't have rockstar mecha. That's pretty funny!
  10. Forget them both...Choose a VF-1S Chunky Monkey! Durable, Strong, Cheap...Classic!
  11. robokochan

    News Drought

    You could check the toy (Yamato, Hasegawa, Banpresto, Doyusha) sites daily, but you probably wouldn't get that much info. I guess if the only reason you come to MW is to get toy news, I guess it would be kinda frustrating. There is more to Macross World than just "Toy Release Updates". Everybody here is in the same boat. Sometimes we get lucky here and get the "Inside-Scoop". It's ultimately up to the companies who make the items who decide when the news will be released. And there are those here who do know what is coming out, but have been reqested by the companies not to release the info. You could come to Japan and go to the toy shows..but that wold proabably leave you disappoited as well because there is usually not much to see. Trust me I know. "Buck up young lad, good things are a-comin' - More than you know Rob MN
  12. Sure Jesse No problem...where did I put that stash (Looks in Monopoly Box to get Jesse the Money ) Rob MN
  13. robokochan

    Valk Stands

    You can PM s_i_t_t_l_o_r_d and ask him if he has some. I also think that Valkyrie Exchange has some for sale as well. Rob MN
  14. I say bring it on! I remember the days where I couldn't find anything. And when I did it cost me an arm and a leg. It got to the point where I said F-IT! I'm moving to Japan. And I did. Rob MN
  15. man that thing is Sweet! It's even lighted! Man I want one! Rob MN
  16. yep it's pretty much a dead deal. I keep trying to order parts and they just blow me off. RobMN
  17. Happy New Year All. Here's hoping this is will be the BEST year yet. May all your hopes and dreams become a reality in 2004 THE YEAR OF THE MONKEY! Sorry got alittle excited there. Rob mn
  18. Wow that looks sweet! Man if you could make a bunch of those I am sure people would buy them. Rob MN
  19. Well in a star-studded event. Stevie Wonder was there, Mike Tyson was there and a few others. In a match that lasted 3 minutes between Akibono and Bob Sapp, the winner by Knock-out was. Bob Sapp. The fight was sad and pathetic. IMO it mad both fighters look bad. It was completely obvious that Bob S. wasn't even trying. He even let Akibono get a few good punches in. But one good shot to the chin and down he went like a big sack of potatos. Oh well...there is always teh rematch. They showed Mike Tyson after the fight and even he looked disappointed. Thanks you Mods for putting up with this thread. Rob MN
  20. Man how could I have missed this Thread! I love GITS! Rob MN
  21. Welcome to MW. Enjoy the free snacks. Nice kits! You did an excellent job! Rob MN
  22. Hey Graham! I could paint it for you. But it would have to be all pink and different variations of pink and white. Pretty much the only color I can see well (Stupid parents for making me color-blind <_< ) Rob MN
  23. Actually thatis about right. They sell for about 2500 - 3500 yen here in Japan. But stillthat is a high price for DVD's! Rob
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