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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. Man I need closure....so we now have to wait until next year when this happens again to see if you will catch the mystery guys...my ulcer can't take this...
  2. Congats man! So when will it be released in Japan? And if we mail you a copy could you autograph it for us? (Doesn't hurt to ask). Seriously that is outstanding news. I wish you much success! Rob MN
  3. Yikes sorry for the misconception....we just found out. Whether it is a boy or a girl it is up in the air. All it means is that I am now really poor. (But very very happy! ) Rob
  4. Man I loved project A^Ko. It was one of the frist anime series I watched. I couldn't stand C-Ko...never could ...I just found her to be...well ....annoying! But overall excellent series. If you haven't seen it, put it on your list! Rob MN
  5. Late to the party again..... Excellent Job Min. It looks really good! Rob MN
  6. Cool idea. I do agree that it would look better alittle longer. But all around very nice! Rob MN
  7. I don't know what's scarier...that there are 4 clones doing the YMCA ir the fact that you actually know all the words to that song But that is some funny stuff! ROb mn
  8. This would be very cool...if they allow it
  9. It does look like JAR-JAR. Jar jar as the Preadator? Now that would be funny! "Esqease-me...um mista Anold sar....cana misa hava your skoool? Rob MN
  10. It's ARNOLD SWARTENAGGERRRR? And it is a clip from a Japanese Genki Drinke Commercial. Sorry Bobe...couldn't resist answering because for once I actually know the answer Rob MN
  11. Looking EXCELLENTO. Man when you get ready to sell these things mark me down for one. Sweet Job! Rob MN
  12. That is too cool! But an expensive hobby I must say. Good luck on your project! I have a question. So to get the weathered / Used look do you just let them sit out in the rain? Rob MN
  13. robokochan


    Merry Christmas Everyone...it is actually Christmas Day here in Japan. Hope everyone got what they wanted Rob MN
  14. —D‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·I”ñí‚É‚æ‚¢I
  15. Man it's like Christms Eve tonight (Well tomorrow for you). Will MM catch him/her/it..man the suspense. They should make a TV movie about this! Or it would make a great comedy! Anyway MM please let us faithful viewers know what happens. Maybe you could even get some Quicktime Video shots up? Possible? Rob MN PS. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! PSS - Hey Mechamaniac what would really be scary if you catch the person and take off thier hood and it is the guy from the picture you posted in the max thread LOL
  16. I wish I could....but my internet access consists of a Cell Phone Insert card. Would probably take a week to download. So basically what I am getting here is that it is worth it. Extra scence, more information and explaination....cool. Thanks Guys. I never did realize that the eye-patch guy was Ayato's father....they never interacted at all Rob
  17. Man this is a difficult subject. While I do feel as though the Mods should use alittle more "politeness" in dealing with certain situations....this is a difficult job for them. Reading through all of the posts to make sure everything is okay would be difficult for anyone. But they are Mods for a reason. I really don't think that Shawn just picked random people and said "By the power vested in me....you are a MOD." They had to earn it. As for calling someone a "dickhe@d" that should be considered something that is not cool...whether it is a Mod or a regular user. Everyone is right by saying "They don't get paid to do this job." But as with any job if it gets to the point where you no longer enjoy it or the stress of it is too much...then maybe it is time to change jobs...or retire. It's what I have done on a few occaisions. The only ones who really have the right to judge what should be done on this matter is Shawn, Graham and the other Mods. Not that it matters much but just my 2 cents. Rob MN
  18. IMO it is a fine piece of Animation. Good story good animation, and really kick ass fighters. It is very similar to EVA, so if you like EVA you will most likely like Raxephon. Definately worth getting. The story can get alittle slow and there is the flashback thing....but the action really pays off in the end. MrDisco - Thanks I look forward to hearing about it. Rob MN
  19. Someone should buy a set and then recast them! But not me Rob MN
  20. I was surfing through ebay the other day and I noticed an auction for Rahxephon the movie. Now I have all of the TV series and I was wondering if this is different. I think Rahxephon kicked butt and if it is something new I would like to get it. SO anyone have it or seen it? Alittle help before I waste $10.00 Rob MN
  21. Sorry not at this time. I did order a few extra sets that I will be offering in march when they arrive. Rob
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