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Everything posted by Raikkonen

  1. Might be cause he's not in the right circle, or perhaps prefers streaming money, as lately it seems to be his forte. The moment the one-liner jokes wear out, it might dip towards cancellation. Seems to rely too much on the "shoot from the hips" quirky humour.
  2. It's a possibility. While Sunrise/Bandai has a preferred and tested formula, at times they've surprise it's fans. I'm leaning towards a retelling of the original with perhaps slightly re-designed valks to fit marketing and toy engineering needs. If not, then definitely a sequel to Delta with a fresh clean slate for the sake of new merch to collect.
  3. It was a revolution for most kids back then in the West. Majority of daytime shows then were very safe and daily life lessons driven. Suddenly here's this show with a terrifying alien threat bringing mass slaughter, and the heroes take the fight in fighter jets that transform into robots. It was a pure adrenaline rush for a child's mind. And this was just through the "Robotech" branding. And that sensation reignited when the internet arrived and searches for 20 bit images of Robotech, lead to the Macross universe, and this happened all while there was a explosion of Manga and Anime imports on VHS in the West.
  4. Utterly agree. Frontier held onto it's military foundation, while Delta completely shift towards teenage social themes.
  5. Did they fix the tab holding the cockpit/nosecone in fighter mode?
  6. Probably right, which will allow them to milk the mold even more both ways.
  7. Was thinking this. This is new spin is severely missing that underground edge. The animation also isn't anything to write home to about.
  8. They only have the license to brand it as Robotech, right?
  9. Nah, it's this. I keep thinking the single prologue episode as season 1. The screenshot is from the last episode when the gundams got together to spin into that energy thing that shined through most of the galaxy. Hence, me calling it sailor moon like magic. Aha, I was unaware of this, I swerved away from Macross back then for some years and missed it, and also lost my original profile here. I won't argue that Zero, SDF and Plus fans will likely be disappointed if they're thinking Anime in general is still how it was back in around 2008. However, Sunrise/Bandai has surprised it's Gundam fans with grounded works like Thunderbolt and Hathaway, so there is that slim possibility that whatever they have planned might slot into medium. With that said, being in Europe, the west over here may not be into the actual Frontier and Delta animes itself, but both young and old fans are swooping up the merch, especially the mechs and kits.
  10. Season 3 comes to mind. The amount of energy pouring out of these mechs is beyond exorbitant. And you saying the main leads are not teenagers running in circles around their actions? Does this have a source or is it opinion?
  11. Witch mercury still suffers of confused teenagers piloting mechs that shoot sailor moon magic. But I'm on some page that Frontier and Delta are short of the expectations left by Plus and Zero...
  12. Excellent. Cheers for the feedback. Guess one will be displayed tonight...
  13. I don't know how I feel about this. Sunrise at times produces grounded series with adults characters leading, and at times it goes all colourfully cutey with annoyingly confused teenagers needing to save the galaxy. I'm in the camp of wanting something more military serious, and nothing silly like mechs with giant fish hooks as weapons while magically fueled with love and friendship.
  14. What is the purpose of the X-59? Is it just a lab plane?
  15. Also looks short. Maybe will be fixed on final version, but still odd how they engineers got it wrong off the bat,
  16. I'm thinking of opening one of my 2 VF1S low-vis to display, but before I transform it, can any one remind me if it was released before or after the all the quality issues of this design/line were resolved? (Apologies for new topic, but I cannot find the any original threat about this)
  17. I'm sure it's coming. Considering it takes 3 years from concept to retail a Metal Build, this zero line already has it's own timeline planned out. Now, on what planet's calendar this timeline is based on is whole other question. 😂
  18. The last pic shows how the white has is a very faint greyish/bluish tint compare to the 0S.
  19. Fantastic. The blue is clearly plastic here, and it's the right shade. As well, the white isn't the bright white. Now... the question is... order one... or two...
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