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Everything posted by Axelay

  1. *sigh* Nerd anger on: Was at the midnight showing at my closest theater, and the manager did a trivia thing for prizes before the show. He asked which suit was the one with the triangle on it, and I answered Mark VI. He said this was wrong, and he called on someone else who said that the answer was the Mark IV. I was like WTF, I've been reading about this for almost 6 months now. Today I went to Target and bought the Mark VI suit of the "Hall of Armor" toys which comes with the light up base and took it back to the theater. I politely introduced myself and explained that I felt like the answer last night was incorrect, so I showed the package to the manager who then claimed that the toy was wrong. Um... OK, so Marvel is gonna let Hasbro make millions of dollars of these toys and other merchandise and they're all labeled wrong? I then pulled out my phone and went to the Wikipedia page about it and showed him what it says about each of the suits in this movie and he claimed that it wasn't a credible source. So then I went to find production images and showed him the scene with the 4 suits in the workshop and pointed out that the Mark IV in the background still has the circular chestpiece. He claimed that since he had read the answer in a Marvel encyclopedia that he was correct and I was wrong. Ugh. If there wasn't a prize involved in this (which was a stack of free movie passes), I'd be content to let him continue to be wrong, but noooooooooooooo. Now I just can't let it go. LOL. I don't suppose anyone knows of any official images or storyboards with labels online which clearly specify which suit is which?
  2. I have to say that I'd buy the costume pack simply because Garrus' damaged armor drives me crazy. Surely he could get a new suit at some point.
  3. Please... please... let it be able to hold its gunpod in fighter mode... 'cause I WANT it.
  4. I say with tremendous pride that the old Bandai VF-19 Kai is the first Valkyrie fighter I've ever owned, and I got it from Graham, no less. I couldn't be any happier about this news. This is a must-have for me. I look forward to seeing pictures.
  5. Once of the greatest gifts I've ever been given: When I graduated from college, my friends all got together and bought me a Neo Geo MVS. They did a substantial amount of restoration on it, and it's in better condition than any I ever saw in an arcade. Samurai Shodown 3 came with it, and they also got me King of Fighters '94 and Magician Lord. Over the years, I added Samurai Shodown IV and KOF '95, '96, and '97. I still play it to this day.
  6. Had this in mind for a while. It's pretty simple, but I like it. I can't take credit for all of the decals - someone else designed the Skull Squadron decal and the Frontier logo on the rear. I touched up the skull a fair bit so that it looks more like what's on the back of my Armored Messiah.
  7. Which one? Mine did the same thing. I've been hoping to be able to have someone recast it, but no luck thus far...
  8. Ugh. Any advice for repairing (or maybe even replacing) one of the front landing gear doors on an Armored Messiah? I have no idea how it broke since it's only ever been treated with the utmost of fragile care, but one of the two tabs on the inside of the left door has broken. I am not very good in the least at plastic repair, especially with parts which are moving.
  9. Thank you for the images! How in the world did you get such nice quality large ones? It is very interesting, though, in that the first image looks like it sits where it logically should - below the thigh armor. In the next picture, though, you can't see it from behind which would make me think that it sits up high above the thigh armor. I can't really tell in the third shot. Maybe I should go back and watch again.
  10. Out of curiosity, is there any lineart showing where exactly the gunpod sits while in armored fighter mode? I'd like to know if it sits below the light gray attachable thigh armor pieces or if it does indeed remain exactly where it is without the armor. While I did finally get my gunpod affixed in fighter mode, it does seem to cause a noticeable amount of stress on the wing pins since it pushes the legs a little further apart. I am contemplating an idea for how to fix this.
  11. Got mine two days ago thanks to Anime Export. They are my new heroes, to be certain. Anyway, I cannot believe that there is simply no way to mount the gunpod in armored fighter mode. Seriously. Anybody thinking of doing a longer recast of the gunpod holder which will be able to accomplish this? It's driving me crazy already. I'd also be interested if anyone has seen a custom head-peg extender which can telescope and allow for transformation in all 3 modes. While I like this thing, it's my first DX and I definitely have some issues with it. I'm so rarely able to make high-dollar toy purchases, so the only other thing from this past year I can compare this to is the Beagle Ridearmor. The funny thing to me is that in concept, the Ridearmor uses so much anime magic that it shouldn't work at all... and yet the Beagle one does. Not only does it work, it is like my very pinnacle of transforming toys now. The transformation of the VF-25S conceptually should work with little trouble, but the execution is quite problematic. I can't help but wonder if we'll ever see a better one.
  12. You and me both. I am terribly excited now. I didn't expect this to be out this soon.
  13. I preordered the armored VF-25 with Anime Export today. I feel like I got a very good deal which included shipping. Here's hoping I have my hands on it shortly after it's released.
  14. Official response from Anime Export is that because they don't yet know for certain the weight of the finished product, they cannot commit on a shipping cost. I'm going to write back and ask if an estimate of 19,300Y would be a ballpark figure.
  15. Just sent them an email now. Will report back once I have heard from them. If they can hook me up with SAL, then I'll place my order immediately. I can't foresee getting a better deal than what they are asking.
  16. That would be the best deal I've seen yet, but I think the site stipulates that SAL is only available for orders under 15,000Y. Having to ship via EMS would bump the price to about $212USD...
  17. So what's currently the best deal on a VF-25S+armor preorder?
  18. I'll pass on the VF-25's, but count me in for the Fire Valkyrie.
  19. Huh. Looking at that tray, it appears that there's only 1 head (on Scott), and 1 helmet. I can't tell if the helmet's visor is up or down, so it makes me wonder this: Does the helmet also have a "helmeted head" inside it? Or does this helmet hollow and it just goes on the already-mounted Scott head?
  20. Sign me up as a hardcore fan of the TIE Avenger. I have loved that thing since the long ago, far, far away days of college and playing TIE Fighter on a 486. Many years ago, I found a Lego custom someone did on Brickshelf. Dibal's Tie Avenger I'd love to have that set, or at least instructions on how to build it.
  21. After seeing both heads, I am really torn now as to which of the 1/10 Ridearmors I want. I definitely prefer the head of the Beagle, but I have a sinking feeling that it's going to cost me a lot more to get my hands on it. Any advice here? I am trying to keep my budget as close to $200 as I possibly can...
  22. Now that this is showing on HBO (or is it Showtime...?), I finally got around to watching it. After seeing AVP, I was fearing the worst and my expectations were incredibly low. That being said, this movie exceeded my expectations in a few ways. So, if anyone is still talking about this franchise, I'd enjoy hearing what you think about some of the points in this movie. - I can't believe they'd use the motion tracker sound effect at the title screen of the movie. That's not even remotely right to tease me with that. - I think this movie did a fairly nice job introducing some new Predator lore. I thought the concept of the "cleaner" was somewhat plausible, but it did seem a little odd to me that only 1 would be sent. I thought it was interesting that the Wolf would stop to pray over one of the fallen Predators in the crashed ship. The "blue goo" seemed a little too useful, but if the Predators have been hunting Aliens for long enough, they've surely learned a few tricks from them and have put them to good use. Setting up the laser grid in the sewer to lock the Aliens in was quite clever. - The Wolf Predator was hands down the baddest one in any of the movies thus far. Every time he did something, I couldn't wait to see just how authoritatively he would do it. Using two casters just made me smile. - Exactly how many rounds of 5.56mm would you need to put into an Alien to kill it? It just doesn't seem like it'd be an effective weapon at all, which is why I couldn't help but laugh when the Army woman must have fired about a smabillion rounds without changing magazines. - If Aliens take on the characteristics of their host and the Predalien could create more Aliens by facesucking a pregnant woman, Predators must have some... nasty... mating processes. I'm not sure what to infer from this, but it's potentially more curious Predator lore. - So what exactly happens to the survivors at the end of the movie? And how about the Special Forces group who picked them up? Surely they can't all be expected to be sworn to secrecy forever. - It really irritated me that some of the scenes and lines were directly out of previous movies. I cringed on a few occasions. - Mathematically, how do so many Aliens wind up running around the town before the hospital is taken? How many facehuggers were on the Predator ship, anyway? I thought there were 5 Aliens total before the hospital. - National Guard, WTF? I know we're not talking about Green Berets here, but there were only, what, a dozen of them? Not that I've ever seen an emergency NG mobilization here where I live, but I feel like a dozen with an armored vehicle is a pretty small reaction force. Ah, well. Maybe I'll watch it again just for fun. I can't force myself to see AVP again, but Requiem was good based solely on The Wolf. By the way, does anyone have any of the Hot Toys Aliens Snap Kits? I've seen these on eBay recently, and was wondering how articulated they are. They look to be about the scale of GI Joes.
  23. Wait, what...?! I could buy that. Where can I find pics?
  24. My doggies and I are hoping that your doggie recovers. Mine have also had some health problems as of late, so I can understand that you could use some support. Hang in there, and hope for the best.
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