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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Or, use the credit towards a Mclaren and get it in 2024.
  2. Lol, and if you miss the preorder you are SOL.
  3. SLS AMG is no joke. So this is the direction Bandai is going? High price motorcars? Euro autos all day if so.
  4. Oh, that sounds like great times!
  5. Lol, one issue is your toys will smell like the ocean.
  6. Haha, could open a whole new world for you.
  7. I hate to say it @sqidd but it sounds like you are getting to the point where the time you save by not worrying about paying more for all these different schemes you come up with is becoming not worth the effort of just using ferry and calling it a day.
  8. They updated the look with Kite and Skull logos instead of the random number? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! I didn't mind having the number on mine but would MUCH rather have these. Don't feel like rebuying either. F'ers, lol!
  9. All good. But yeah, basically just use whatever you can to separate direct contact with the stand tips and you should be good.
  10. I never heard anything about them reacting with bare plastic so now you have me worried because I only use mine on bare plastic parts or I put some clear tape over the ends. But that is my advice, put some tape over them. Only problem with that is the tape is more slippery than the rubber so it makes the stand even less stable. I wonder if museum tack would work? For some reason I feel like a sticky clay substance would be much worse.
  11. I’d like the HMR Destroids and Remaining Zentradi Mecha too but I’d almost rather have the display stands they also teased. The launch arm especially.
  12. Magnificent! The most worthy of all toys to devote this much dedication to. Look forward to seeing the completed set and everything in between!
  13. That’s a good suggestion thanks! I have some poster tack that should work similarly.
  14. I finally got some elmers for my kid’s craft projects so I’ll try that on mine.
  15. Cool! Yeah, I’m not worried about it but will be happy when they arrive. I’ve had a GigaPower Grimlock throne preordered for maybe a couple years now, lol. Not worried about that either.
  16. About the same price as a Valk huh? Probably predictable but still makes me think...buy this or another Valk?
  17. What’s that from?
  18. Now I need all my Skull Sqad Valks to have alien skulls on their heat shields too.
  19. I guess that’s why I’m happy about it?
  20. And back to the backhanded insults carried over from the postal thread? Gotta love it!
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