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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Some panel forming is acceptable especially if it is part of the original intended design. My hate for panel forming comes from the Transformers that fold so much, they no longer need to resemble anything they were originally designed to be because they could be anything after being folded that much. Might as well just have a bunch of Mandalorians that transform into Red Semi Trucks, sports cars and F-15s.
  2. Agree! FWIW, I feel this way about any transforming mecha/robot/toy. If something is a foldformer, it pretty much defeats its purpose for existence imo. WTF does Optimus Prime need to have smokestacks on his arms, windows on his chest, a grille for abs, etc it everything just folds away anyways? Yes, it’s all fantasy but I’d prefer things to transform in a way that makes sense for it to need the different forms and in a way that seems somewhat feasible or realistic to how it would if it really existed.
  3. Please no panel formers for Macross! There is nothing I hate more that what I consider lazy transformations that involve endless folding...especially when it gets to the point that it defeats the reason a character looks the way it a because you can fold anything to look like anything if you keep folding it enough. FWIW, MP Shockwave had a decent transformation. I haven’t even attempted MP Megatron’s transformation yet and I busted out laughing at how ridiculous MP Prime’s transformation is.
  4. Excellent! Thanks @nightmareB4macross and everyone else who contributed to this discussion in the last couple pages based on my questions about the heat shield. It’s definitely good times to be talking about the greatest toy of all time. I know the toy overall like the back of my hand but haven’t touched any of my own in decades. It’s time to remedy that situation soon.
  5. Thanks! That’s pretty much all the stuff I remember and it was also confirmed that the extra parts just came in a bag. Not bad that I remembered all that from so long ago.
  6. Thanks! What you are describing is pretty much exactly how I remember except it it is the red stripe instead of the yellow stripe I thought it was. That explains a lot. Just to confirm, you are talking about this, correct? http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_bandai_strike_vf1s.htm My last request is if you or anyone can share pics of the instructions you mentioned and or detailed pics. At this point, it’s just to help me relive my memories, lol!
  7. So are we now saying there is no release that uses the screw method and has both clear and black shield?
  8. Yeah, equipping your CFs is a sign of a strong Macross collection.
  9. So that’s the single Takatoku VF-1S Roy/Hikaru (yellow stripe) release correct? Can you check any of your sets that has canopy and shield that uses the screw method?
  10. He blew his load too quickly.
  11. More confusion...lol! I hope someone with these original sets handy can give a definitive answer with visual examples.
  12. He wasn’t armed with any reaction missiles...
  13. Like I said, I may have to just off myself if I could only have 10 Macross toys.
  14. I’m pretty sure the Roy 1S single pack also had it. Not sure about any others but still curious. If it was only a few releases, that would further explain the confusion and why there is so little info about it.
  15. Only 10 Macross toys? Crap, I might have to just off myself, lol! I’ll give it a shot but this is off the top and probably would change every time I think about it. 1. Takatoku 1/55 VF-1S Roy (same custom as op) 2. Arcadia PF VF-1J M&M Custom set (Yeah, I’m rolling with the custom cheat and pushing it So while I’m at it, throw in a Yamato GBP with effects to this pack) 3. Arcadia PF VF-0S w/ Reactive Armor 4. Arcadia PF SDF-1 5. HMR Ultimate Set Pack (yes, the whole Macross line) 6. DX VF-1S Roy w/ all the add on sets. 7. Yamato M&M Q-Rau 8. Yamato 1/48 Low-Vis Full Set (All the Low Vis Valks with all the parts - or just the Urban version with GBP and Super Parts if I had to choose). 9. Arcadia VF-19S Kai Full Set 10. DX VF-31C Full Set
  16. I’d like to see some detailed pics as well. I think it may have been a thing where the shield (or canopy) was packed in just a bag though but I don’t remember that part clearly. One thing that seems certain at this point is there was a screw on type heat shield/canopy according to this site, several other posters and my memory. As for details on which ones had what, I’m not clear on that either other than like I said, I remember them from 30+ years ago. I thought it was in the gift pack but i definitely could be wrong on that because I did mess with several releases and that part I could have easily mixed up.
  17. I was getting really confused too but now I think my memory serves me right. They should come with a clear canopy and the black heat shield. You unscrew from the bottom and swap out for whichever look you want. I haven’t handled one with all the parts in like 35 years and I know you have very good info so that’s why I had to post about it to see if I was going crazy or had a case of imagination inserted as a real memory type thing. I’m pretty sure the ones I remember were Takatoku but now I’m reading that Bandai had releases in ‘84 that had the same feature so it’s possible they were those too.
  18. Thanks again for the confirmation. Again, crazy how there is a lot of different and contradictory info around but I get it was a long time ago with likely some inconsistencies with releases. I saw the link you provided and went to the main page but don't see anywhere to read the history, just some pics. I can be an idiot so if you can link directly to the article, that would be great. Thanks! Edit: I was looking at the Takatoku section and there are only pics with no details. I did just see under the Bandai section it describes one of them has screw in replacement heat shield. If there are more details I can read about somewhere, would still love the links. Thanks.
  19. Alright cool thanks @sqidd for anything you come up with. Mainly for my own sanity. I have no way of digging out or trying to find any examples I may have in storage and the ones I remember were my friend’s from when we were kids.
  20. It’s not so much I care which is which, it’s just me trying to get my memory straight. I distinctly remember something that appeared to be a screw in heat shield on some of the Takatoku releases and just want to confirm if that was or not the case.
  21. Hmmmm... @sqidd can you show what you mean by screw in heat shield/canopies when you have a chance? I am now entertaining the idea that the screw is not required but from the picture above, you can see a round area towards the back of the clear canopy that could be the the “screw hole” that I’m thinking of.
  22. Actually, I think you did mention the part about the few you mentioned above having heat shields but the sliding version as you say. Thanks for clarifying! Ok thanks! Sounds like I’m not crazy! Odd that I haven’t seen mention of the screw in heat shield when it seems like it was actually very common according to @sqidd (and my memory). Edit: just found a picture online that clearly shows the heat shield as a swap on part, not clip on.
  23. So, I was reading the anymoon reviews of the 1/55 recently and found something inconsistent with what I remember. @jenius mentioned that Heat Shields weren’t included until the Bandai reissues. I very clearly remember a heat shield with the VF-1S w/Super Parts gift pack long before Bandai was in the mix. I also remember it was not a clip on type but it had to be installed by unscrewing the clear canopy from inside the front landing gear bay and swapping the parts out. Was this a “memory” installed by my imagination or was there something like what I am talking about with any 1/55 VF-1 release?
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