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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. That's why I was asking if there was a way to differentiate them. I wonder if NUNS puts valk gas stations out there? o.o
  2. Here's a novel concept: make sure the pilot is skilled enough and trained enough to not "get limbs blown off" the Valkyrie. You do realize that in the middle of a dogfight, by the time you're done trying to just blow off the legs, the opposing pilot's already trashed your main body on your valk? It's not like they're just going to do like "The Fish Slap Dance" and stand there while you open fire: Limbs and other parts are considerably small, in light of targeting the main body as a whole. The damage incurred on the limbs of the YF-21 was due to the large numbers of missiles and the incoming fire from the AI controlled Ghost X-9. If you're facing that kind of craft, you've got problems no matter what you do. Right? You blow one limb off, the pilot and mech are still in the fight; you blow up the main body and it isn't going to matter how many limbs are left. Not to mention the other pilot's probably going to guess after the first second or two what you're trying to do and do something about it (like target YOUR main body and light you p like a Christmas Tree).
  3. We're talking about savailable airframe space, which is always going to be at a premium in aircraft. The YF-21's setup was different. as General Galaxy 's design encases the arms and legs for stealth purposes (within the main fuselage), and they were probably going for a larger airframe design anyways. But keep in mind that any sort of modification or redesign such as dedicated limbs comes with tradeoffs such as added mass (which means fuel consumption for the extra weight), extra wiring/ servos to hand;e that setup, added armor for the limbs (protection from enemy fire), and separate power conduits to the engines and limbs (instead of a main bus that splits when it gets to those parts in the engine nacelles/ legs). As far as "resilient to damage", that only works insofar as not damaging the limbs and the engines at the same time. The YF-21's engines were on its' back, meaning you could still take them out with directed weapons fire at that part. That would still "screw over the pilot" regardless of where your mech's limbs are located. In most VF's, you're simply not going to have the luxury of having separated limbs/ engines/ et al; they have to go somewhere and that's going to have costs. UN Spacy/ NUNS kept going with the current paradigm because frankly, having engines in the legs means you don't have to have separate nacelles for them and the required mechanics/ electronics/ software for it. @Seto Kaiba This is pretty much my take on it, but I'm certain with your experience and access to the various Macross publications that you'd have an official (and far more concise) explanation than mine. I'd really like your input on this if you get a chance.
  4. So, could a Valkyrie conceivably extend its' operating time in space by using it's intakes inside a nebula to collect hydrogen gas? I know that Hydrogen wouldn't be the only gas in there most likely and that the Valks probably don' t have any way to differentiate the elements, but it was just a thought.
  5. Well... when you need inertia convertors, ex-Gear and such to keep your pilots from turning into chunky salsa during their sorties, you may have an issue with planes being a bit too powerful.
  6. Haven't used vinyl paints in some time (Testors used to make a set). For Robocop, I planned on using foil HVAC tape burnished onto the parts and then sanded with ultrafine sandpaper and steel wool, then airbrushed with transparent colors for the final effects.
  7. UPDATE: Well, got his hair done and the figure painted: Yeah, his expression kinda evokes Grumpy Cat, doesn't it? Anyways, here he is with the rest of the gang: Max and Millia will be getting redone as well; both of them are unaltered as far as height is concerned, so you can see what I did to the other figures by checking those against them. And now once Roy is fully dry and the clearcoat is set, I'll be setting him up with the VF-1S model I have (1.72), much as I did for Hikaru. Some of the next stuff (aside from mods to Max and Millia) is sourcing a figure for Kakizaki (Ben in RT), I'm also thinking of getting transformable valks for Max and Millia to complete the collection; we'll see how it goes. So to welcome Roy to the group, here's his theme from RT: Stay tuned...
  8. Not to mention the ventral strakes on the engine nacelles/ legs help stabilize it too, as they are angled.
  9. One problem with that figure is the hair's too flat (as you mentioned). If that head were to have some Milliput applied to the hair and sculpted to match the photos, the head would work much better. Also, some careful file work on the lower face/ jawline would help a lot to reshape her face and bring it into line with the boxart.
  10. Good idea: I plan on doing that with a 1/6 Horizon vinyl Robocop model kit (as soon as I can find one that doesn't cost a mint!)
  11. Thanks MT!Yeah; I had already added some to his torso; I just don't want him to become a wiener dog! lol Seriously though: if you apply the material while the torso is whole and then split it while it's soft-cured, it's not so bad. But the height I'm going by is the difference between Hikaru's eye-level and Roy's, for example. I want the proportions and masses to be accurate. On another note: I need to find helmets for him, Millia and Max. Ebay wants 14-25 bucks APIECE for them! 😬 Then there's the matter of sourcing a figure for Claudia; the body isn't an issue, but I need to find a good African-American female head in the 4 inch figure lines (think classic GI-Joe). I don't want "modern" toys because I'm going for a certain aesthetic here.
  12. Meantime, I have a new project: RT Matchbox Roy Fokker figure: The good news is that I finally found a Roy Fokker figure; the bad news is that he's kinda short compared to his given official height: (kinda embarrassing t that he's shorter than Misa as a figure...) So I set about correcting that; although poor Roy probably didn't like what that involved: I cut the legs at two different points: just above the ankle and in the middle of the thigh. I then put in a piece of thick styrene plate that I then filed and sanded to shape. While the initial fit was good, I felt the figure lacked the needed height, so I doubled the lower extension to two pieces: However, that didn't bring the height up to my satisfaction, and the torso looked a little out of proportion; so, I added some Plastic Welder to the lower torso whole, and then when soft-cured, I split it along the seam with an Xacto knife: He seems to scale a bit better with Hikaru now, but still not quite Anime scale. I'm concerned that if I go any further, he may look out of proportion, and I don't want to have to bulk him up any further and lose detail on the figure in the attempt: Here is is with Max (whose height is unaltered), as a reference of how much his height has been increased): (Max is next on the list to be accurized) And this is where I stand with my SDFM Macross figure collection: hoping at some point to make Kakizaki, the Bridge Bunnies and Claudia, as well as maybe a couple of others: (Yeah, Millia's in progress as well; I need to redo her hair and finish modding her flight suit. They reused the "Lisa" body mold for "Miriya", which had a backpack and no harness) Next up: Roy goes to the paintshop (and while I'm at it, I may as well get Max and Millia set up so all three can go!) Stay tuned...
  13. I learned that lesson the hard way when I designed and built my own transforming fighter; super glue has good pull strength, but lousy shear strength. For model kits that have high-stress moving areas, I prefer Permatex/ Devcon Plastic welder, as it's stronger and less brittle than either super glue or epoxy and outperforms just about anything else I've ever used.
  14. I searched all the kits for Plamax/ Max Factory on HobbySearch: No Bueno. I also did some digging online and found this: https://support.goodsmile.com/hc/en-us/articles/14947088269593-Products-eligible-for-customer-support Wondering if the decals could be printed out on decal paper from a good scan?
  15. The only explanation: this "Boba Fett" is a half-@$$ed clone that was hastily done and left in the desert when they couldn't find the Sarlacc with the real one.
  16. This is one reason I think the Force is misrepresented in much of the prequels and sequels., IMO. Canon notwithstanding (not sure how it stands on this, but not a fan of a definitive light and dark side), if life creates it and makes it grow, then the Force itself should not nave a good or evil bias, but simply just be. It would then be the agency of each Force user how the "Light Side" and "Dark Side" are presented, with the Force serving to amplify whatever is already within them. That would then leave the middle, which would allow people to neither have to be Michael the Archangel or Satan of the SW Galaxy. Baylan Skol and Shin Hati would certainly have fit that; perhaps veering a bit closer to the Darkness, but not particularly Sith.
  17. I remember in the original Revell instructions for Axoid, Orbot and Vexar, the battroid version cockpits had a polycap that you had to install for the leg bar. The instructions said to put it in with the nub on it pointing sideways, like so: But in the Macross version, it showed the correct way to put in in: Everyone I knew back then swore I "did it wrong", and still insist I did even when I showed them these pics. And they wonder why I don't talk to them anymore? Sheesh. >_>
  18. This is the next Voltron I want to get a hold of and improve the articulation on!
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