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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm definitely getting the Max, but I sure hope the next standard release after that is a destroid or another Zentraidi mecha.
  2. Disney does a lot of things no one asked for, like the upcoming jungle cruise movie. I just think Tron can still fit in even if it wasn't the big cash cow they expected.
  3. I don't think they need to choose between one or the other. They produce Marvel films, Starwars, and Pixar stuff as well as their live action princess thing and films based off of rides things. Tron would fit in with Their remakes as well as rides and belated sequels all in one now.
  4. It's not styrene, but will probably be fine. You can test it on a clear piece of sprue before using to be safe.
  5. I stay far away from stickers. I may pick up the 31a since it's the only one I really like, but I was wondering about add ons. I will probably wait for a review on it with add ons before buying though.
  6. Wow I forgot about that, but in my opinion the entire thunderbolt soundtrack is just crap. It's like the worst example of jazz followed by the worst example of pop, followed by the worst example of country all in the same soundtrack to one of the best offerings of gundam ever animated. I love the look and story, but for once I really wish for a U.S. release with a redone soundtrack.
  7. I was checking out reviews on those hguc exclusive kits for the guncannon, gundam, and gouf revives and it said the markings are waterslides so now I gotta get em. I was gonna pass em up due to my hatred for stickers and assumed that's what they were based on the other hguc kits, but I sure hope this is a trend that will go on with the rest of the line from now on exclusive or not.
  8. If it's only a dollar it would be great customization practice
  9. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    If it was when hmr first started I would rather have had a vf1d, but now I think I would be more excited for the vt1d from the movie, just because it's more different.
  10. That's the most entertaing display fora kit ever
  11. I was worried when I heard about the match head trick, now it's on to gunpowder. Next thing you know someone's gonna suggest putting your kit next to a fragmentation grenade for realistic battle damage💀
  12. There are companies that make sanding films. I think testors makes some. They are like sand paper with a super thin plastic or resin backing and are very flexible. If you use a high grit you can sand a clear piece very smooth and may be able to clean up the fog. Then you can try a thinned gloss. You will probably want to use an acrylic based gloss so it can be thinned with water. I've been having a hard time finding future floor wax lately. It changes names and brands, I think it's now pledge with future shine or something, but that can work well to since it can be thinned with water. After the sanding you can also try to polish the plastic, some people recommend normal white toothpaste. I forgot to mention you may be able to get a good high grit sanding film at an auto parts store, preferably one that has auto paints, they may also have good polishing products as well.
  13. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    After the dscussions about the fast pack colors I'm almost convinced bandai is on to something, or maybe I'm just getting brain washed😑
  14. If they do an armored one I hope it's a dedicated kit and not just add on parts. A dedicated kit would keep the proportion better. I would also like to see other mecha and support vehicles. I really doubt any one else has plans for a gnerl fighter.
  15. There's a monopoly for everything now. I think people only buy them to collect.
  16. If it's on the inside you could try a high grit sanding film rather than thick paper. The films aren't better than paper most of the time, but the films can conform better to difficult spots. Either way don't give up.
  17. I'd feel safer using pastels than matches. Pencils and erasers work too.
  18. I love the anime and I also enjoyed the Kenshin anime and live action film. I haven't seen this live action film yet, but from my experience Asian films are usually far better if the don't rely on cgi. Death note live action was tough for me to get through, although my daughter loved it. I had to throw in an edit because I do like the Finalfantasy films and those are all cgi, but it must be mixed media that bugs me like live action with cgi or anime cgi .
  19. Well the last couple posts are scaring me a bit from starting this line. I had heard the quality was getting better, can anyone confirm it?
  20. Hey 505thAirborne that flat coat and panel line job looks legit, before I saw yours I thought these looked like absolute crap, but you took that crap and turned it into gold.
  21. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I both love and hate the wait on announcements. I get really antsy waiting for news, but then when it comes I get excited or slightly let down. Recently I've been more on the let down side hoping for a non vf1 release, but then I start to accept what's coming and still preorder. If the max 1j is November and they stick to the new pattern of one a month millia will probably be December if she's not a web exclusive, so who knows December could be a surprise. Anyway if Millia gets a December normal release then a lot of the major vf1's will have been released. There's still skull 1a's, trainers and elint seekers as well as Max and Kakizaki's 1a's from the show, but I think the new year will bring more non vf items like destroids and enemy units. Then again the could bombard us with different squadron repaints like Angel birds and such, but I think with all the vf1's it's time for something new.
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