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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I’m glad there wasn’t a sequel to man of steel. I hated that movie
  2. Personally I don’t like their movie universe much. The first Wonder Woman was ok, the Suicide Squad was really great and their Captain Marvel was entertaining. Everything else was really lame and not worth wasting time. As far as the not quite in universe films recently the Joker was good and haven’t had a chance to see the new Batman movie yet
  3. Did the paint those internal details on the outside? That looks insane
  4. I’m pretty sure it’ll just be the Rock in his more serious mode like Scorpion King rather than goofy Rock from everything else. That being said, I wanna see it too. I really liked the DC Captain Marvel movie
  5. I had watched some YouTube videos awhile back from Barborosrex, and he uses that same thinner on just about everything from lacquers to enamels and the acrylics. I think it’s really just a universal thinner and the fact that it has a retarder mixed in that work together. Enamel paints can usually be thinned by weaker thinners, but the acrylic could be thinned with simple water if needed and lacquer kinda needs a bit of a stronger thinner. The acrylics and enamels seam to break down a lot smoother when he was testing the mr leveling thinner than they did with their dedicated thinners and of course the retarder just keeps things wet a bit longer so the paints level out a bit smoother
  6. I really like The Suicide Squad, but I had a tough time getting into this show. It felt like they barely had a budget most of the time and had a lot of episodes that really dragged. It kinda feels like a generic Deadpool or something. I did finally finish it and I just wasn’t super into it. Some of the jokes were funny and at least they finally confirmed what everyone already knew about Aquaman. Overall, it’s not bad just not all that good. More like filler until The Boys come back.
  7. I don’t mind the 70’s themes either. There were also a few good ones before those as well. cool theme music is such a lost art. I remember that even Underdog had an epic theme and maybe far more epic than he deserved
  8. I guess my problem with Rogue one was that I really only remember three characters, with everyone else being completely forgettable. The main two were just extremely boring and I just didn’t care about them. The droid was cool. And there was the usual Star Wars eye candy. And some crusty dude that they went to rescue and he just basically said nah, I’m good here bro. And the were like hey we got a sip and you fits and he was still like nah I don’t need to live any more I’m just gonna go out like Clark kent’s Dad from man of steel.
  9. And this is why he’s “THE” Batman instead of just another Batman or dark knight or whatever. I mean Keaton didn’t dance and most didn’t even get a boy wonder. And the amount of deaths he was able to avoid vs the almost complete destruction and near collapse of society that happen in most Batman films since
  10. I guess the confusion is with this movie being called “The Batman “. I guess due to the title some old folks thought they meant Adam West
  11. Actually, it’s damn good camouflage. It completely fools my eyes into making me think I’m looking at a 2d drawing from an awesome artist
  12. Hikaru was a thousand more times entertaining than Andor. He had bad luck was totally goofy, but grew into a skilled leader and ladies man. The only thing Andor has going for him is a super cool killbot with an attitude
  13. Nope, it would totally backfire every time someone needed to eat. Then it starts with the ripping of the tape and then the screaming bringing on the ripping of flesh and finally silence
  14. Out of curiosity I just checked for macross and 30 minutes missions and those are gone as well.
  15. It seems that this also affects non gundam kits as well. I was gonna check out some of the kyoukai Senki kits on hobby search and they don’t have them listed either. Looks like pretty much a lot of the business the Japanese to American sites will be losing quite a bit of business. Hlj may not be awkward yet, they still seem unaffected or at least not updated.
  16. Maybe email hlj and see if they currently know how they can handle your situation. I’d imagine they can still ship what you have ordered or at least the items in the warehouse. Hopefully anything preordered as well. I was reading a Redit article, that may or may not be legit and just says that they are doing this so things will be distributed to the U.S. since bluefin is being absorbed by Bandai USA. The manufacturing would still be done in Japan. Again not sure if that’s legit or not
  17. It’s also possible they might do something crazy, like actually start doing some manufacturing of the kits here in the U.S. since their process is requiring fewer human workers outside of the initial design and planning. The last time I saw one of their gunpla manufacturing videos they only seem to have a small crew that just mainly checks for problems and the rest was automated. Even the warehouse had automated fork lifts and packaging if I remember correctly. But that seems a bit more extreme than what’s probably going on. It’s more than likely gonna be mass shipping from there overseas and the distributed to stores out this way. Not sure how that will effect other countries yet or if they have a bigger distribution plan for them. Right now all we can do is guess and wait for a possible announcement or like most things Bandai, just wait til it happens
  18. Wow! This is annoying. I just went on to hobby search and under their gundam kits section, there are no gundam kits. I like using their site to check out their instructions on kits sometimes. This is an odd decision. I guess maybe Bandai plans to bump up the supply to the U.S.
  19. He looks ready for some corned beef and cabbage
  20. Thinking a bout the super vf1 set. The super vf1a battroid and the fighter and Gerwalk to go with it. Maybe that weapons set to go with it
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