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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

    That Breetai figure is nice
  2. Thanks everyone for your tips. The piece is looking like this after some sanding:
  3. I decided to paint the little guy included with this kit. The version above had been painted with markers. This is what it looks like now:
  4. Thanks @arbit and @MechTech I'll try cleaning the part some how, maybe masking the decals, and let you know how it goes.
  5. Hi. I was top coating some of the parts of my Tornado kit yesterday, and it's looking like this: Any ideas on what the problem may be, or how to fix it? Thanks
  6. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2020/08/hardware_review_believe_the_hype_polymega_is_the_ultimate_all-in-one_retro_machine
  7. I made more progress on my Tornado last night
  8. I had never heard about the Trion Protocols before, and it seemed to me it was explained well enough in the series
  9. Thanks, I just downloaded the IDW Transformers app for Android, so I'm definitely going to PM you. Really???
  10. If the Captain were to make a Bioroid, I'd strongly prefer he made the blue one, since it's never been made (at least to my knowledge). However, we know it's not going to happen due to low interest in Southern Cross kits
  11. Watched it last night with my wife. We liked it, but as others have mentioned, there aren't many transformations. Still, I liked the old school designs and the animation. Now I'd like to start reading some Transformers comics, since my only reference was the '80s movie, which I watch every now and then. I don't remember much of the G1 series. What Transformers comics would you recommend?
  12. I wish there was a 1/100 version of this
  13. It's not hard to find them. Try Yahoo Auctions or Mandarake. I've been able to buy all those kits recently
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