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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. It's looking really good so far. As @MechTechsaid, let's to see this project coming me to an end and not turn into vaporware. Keep up the good work
  2. Thanks, @MechTech. You should get some of these. You won't regret it
  3. At last I had some time to work on my Phalanx and Spartan I used decals from the Robotech Tactics game by Palladium books
  4. Looking forward to seeing this build
  5. Yes, he does. He's one of two builders that work on my kits. I just got another 1/100 kit
  6. Thanks. She does! Yes, it's the 1/12 model. Thanks @Gabe Q your Miria VF-1J looks awesome!
  7. Great job painting that, @Photogirl How does the quality feel compared to KidsLogic's?
  8. @Gabe Q Is there a white decals market? Most of the decals posted here are only available by purchasing the sets they're included with, and the standalone ones are mostly discontinued. My first idea when creating the topic was to have backups of decals available for all users of this forum, because it's really frustrating to build a model and accidentally tearing a decal apart, with no backups of it. I think many users have benefited from this already, and if one MW user were to sell the decals posted here, correctly printed and cut, even with white markings, I would gladly purchase them.
  9. Thanks, @MechTech. Your build is looking amazing. I got a Bandai BB-8 & R2D2 kit for my birthday and my daughter wanted me to build it right away. I was able to quickly assembly BB-8's head before moving onto other things
  10. @Photogirl have you tried gray panel lining on white parts? At least I like it much better than black
  11. Good luck with it. I've heard assembling the miniatures is not easy. I hope you enjoy it, at least
  12. @Gabe Q I found this pic on Facebook. The brown ones are from the Tactics game
  13. I bought the decals separately. I don't have any miniatures from that game, so I couldn't tell how they were sold initially
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