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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. Even though this seems to have some issues, quality-wise it can't be worst than the Toynami or Evolution Toys versions
  2. How did you attached them? Just like the Toynami/Aoshima?
  3. The Toynami/Aoshima is less complex, and their durability was a disaster
  4. I wonder how it looks "combined" to the Toynami/Aoshima Tread
  5. I know, that's what I was referring to. The only thing that stopped me from getting NewAge's was it's back. I don't like how it looks. Then I saw Magic Square's.... Thanks.
  6. The pilot definitely needs some painting. I'll give mine I try once I get it
  7. I need to check if Hobby Search is shipping to Chile
  8. I got payment request from Anime Search
  9. I feel the same. Even though I've been waiting a long time for SDFM figures (not DYRL), the headsculpts are not good enough. That's just a skinny blonde soldier wearing Roy's uniform.
  10. I got my first non-Macross toy in years, and I must blame @derex3592 for this! Can't wait to open it!!
  11. I really like the change they made to the transformation mechanism
  12. Yeah. It's going to be about the same height as the old Bioroid kit
  13. Great. Looking forward to seeing your work
  14. Convectuoso

    Macross figures

    I really like the face of that Minmei figure
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