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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2017/06/22/mari-iijima-on-music-macross-and-minmay/ I'd post the text/commentary, but Forbes doesn't like my adblocker. But I saw this on my news feed, figured you guys would like. I'm guessing it's written by the same guy (someone here? I forget) who's written Macross articles there in the past.
  2. When I first saw the Hazel, I thought it was a Mk. II spinoff, so it makes sense it'd use the Mk. II frame. I STILL sometimes see AoZ designs and think they must be from Zeta/ZZ.
  3. Even Stargazer had 45 minutes to tell its story... How many episodes does this one have again? Five? Six? Times 3 minutes each and that's still less than a single broadcast episode. And this is no Makoto Shinkai, they don't know how to tell a galaxy-spanning epic drama in 25 minutes. AND this first episode was more a trailer than anything else. Shame. Cool Tristan design, terrible execution all-around otherwise. EDIT: ...or is this actually just a preview and not the first episode proper? That would certainly explain a few things. (But it aired a couple hours ago, aka 12pm Japan Standard Time, 23/6/17, same date as the air date...)
  4. Oh, that's cool. What forum? For whatever reason, I never pegged the HLJ guys (Syd? Todd? or another employee?) as forum members.
  5. Hey everyone. I just came across these while browsing HLJ and thought some of you might find them worth your money. Their product pics show a bunch of Bandai Macross and Gundam kits being customized with them, and the results do look pretty good. Photo-etched vent fins and photo-etched exhaust fans? Yeah, okay, I'm down. http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?Maker1=idl
  6. I dunno if this is the same mission as the others or not (haven't seen past the briefing just yet), but it has developer commentary attached to it. EDIT: The dev chose to use the F/A-18E instead of the F-14D, at least. EDIT 2: Weather effects, including 3D clouds and godrays. Vehicle handling and HUD functionality can change depending on environment (such as turbulent winds inside a cumulonimbus cloud). Icing can occur.
  7. Not sure if people already mentioned it, but the PG Falcon is P-Bandai only(-ish), which is why the ~$30 markup.
  8. The reviews of the Tristan I've seen focus too much on the limited articulation, ignoring that the kit looks kind of decent otherwise. Old-school, maybe, but swap out the hands for some better-looking sets and that's all you really need. Maybe swap out the joints for something newer if you must. (I'm currently mulling buying one plus a GM Custom to do exactly those two things.) That being said, it IS confusing as hell why they went the route they did. Using Alex runners to save money is all well and good, but the runner they chose has very few parts that would make sense to use, and the parts they did reuse weren't those parts. Nearly all of the kit is newly-tooled, yet exhibits such old engineering. And whereas those older kits' flaws were a result of technology constraints, this kit has been intentionally hobbled, and not for any meaningful reason. They were just lazy.
  9. Well, I asked in the quick questions thread, so I'll link some answers if there are any. There's also high carbon unmatched Japanese steel...
  10. Wasn't there only one in existence, which got destroyed during the (Australia?) base attack in Unicorn?
  11. I just popped on over to my theater's website and saw that this movie has special showings tonight. Is it a Wednesday opening?
  12. It's a resin recast of this: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10381845
  13. Ah, I see. Feel free to lock this one too, then, mods. Just wanted to vent a bit.
  14. A series of unfortunate events this morning led to the puppy we're taking care of killing the wren chick we'd saved two weeks ago. I can't blame the dog because 1) it's a dog that didn't know any better, and 2) it's a puppy that didn't know any better. But still. I had spent the last week or so feeding the wren from hand, and it had taken to sitting in my palm while I did. It had soft downy feathers and a thin beak. It was spoiled as hell and always ate more than it probably should have. It was my first "pet" since the guinea pig my dad got me when I was seven. This sucks. Who here has pets? Wanna snap some pics?
  15. What are the peg diameters of the various RG beam sabers? 1) The ones included on the A/B runners of some RGs. 2) Runner SB-1 on others (also on most MGs, I think?). 3) Runner SB-12 on still others, I think the Destiny and Zeta. Follow-up question: Does anyone have any they're willing to let go? Thanks much, everyone.
  16. Same mission as the other video I shared, but this one includes the pre-mission briefing.
  17. Seconded. Also the 3DS Assault Horizon Legacy. It was a complete remake of AC2, and it revamped the... whatever the "close-up dogfight" mechanic was in the original Assault Horizon. In Legacy, it's a special bar that you fill up and use to automatically evade missiles and/or get around to an enemy's tail for a quick one-hit kill. (I think, anyway. Going off of trailers and reviews.) I'd have loved to see the PSP-specific superfighters rendered in high resolution.
  18. ^ Sorry, I was trying to be sarcastic/facetious. It seems that yet again, the internet strikes! ...also *looks over at DX YF-29* Shut up, b-baka! It's not like I even like them or anything...!
  19. *sigh* You people and your trivial things like "transformation" and "articulation" and "tampo" and "high quality."
  20. Ah yes, I forgot to mention stateside stores as well. I also know that Tatsu Hobby regularly preorders/reorders P-Bandai items. I'm sure if you contact them, they'll be willing to get some of those for you. I bought the P-Bandai Powered GM, Tallgeese III, and Heavyarms Kai through them, and the price was... I'd like not to think about the price, but that's to be expected. I've bought from them for years and have never had any issues with them.
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