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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Wait huh what? What's wrong with the booster nozzle shape?
  2. Why would there be a different design? IIRC, the 30th Anniversary scheme was the same between the Arcadia VF-1J and the Hasegawa VF-1J. EDIT: I thought it was BW or whoever saying "This is the 30th Anniversary scheme, you guys, now go do your thing." not Hasegawa saying "For the 30th Anniversary, we're gonna do this" and then Arcadia saying "Hey that sounds like a good idea I'mma take that."
  3. Not to get anyone's hopes up, but since Hasegawa have a 35th Anniversary kit incoming, maybe this is something to look out for from Arcadia? Maybe a Bandai HMR? Anyone hear anything?
  4. Ooh. That's nice. I see the VT-1 and VE-1 are coming back in October, as well. Gonna have to give HLJ an email, see if they're taking orders. EDIT: Huh. Going to their December release page, I don't see the VF-19EF/A listed. The VF-31C is there, and in the October page the VE-1 and VT-1 are there (as well as the 35th Anniversary VF-1J). December: http://www.hasegawa-model.co.jp/month/201712/ October: http://www.hasegawa-model.co.jp/month/201710/ EDIT again: Oh derp derp, that's because it's on the November page. November 29, 2017. November: http://www.hasegawa-model.co.jp/month/201711/
  5. Any idea if this is a regular or LE release?
  6. Same video, just porting to a new page with a question: Around the 4:40 mark, is that the official MB Destiny for comparison? Assuming it is, from the comparison you can tell the backpack isn't exactly 1/100 scale, but it is definitely smaller than it "should" be, if the figure is actually an upscale of the MB. That said, I think it's actually a really good size, and actually makes me kind of like the design. My problem with all the peacock backpacks is that they get bigger and bigger and more ridiculous. At its smaller relative size, these complement the Gundam design more than dwarf it. ...still a dumb thing, but you know, points where points are due. The fact that the beam blade part for the big ol' sword isn't long enough (around 22:00) is hilarious.
  7. Test-fitting. Still needs some trimming, a bath to scrub off the mold release, then it's off to priming and a second round of checking for defects. Unfortunately, there are a couple of super small seam lines on the shoulders and cheeks; I might just leave them be, frankly... The parts fit isn't 100% airtight in the forearms, but the arm covers hide the gap for the most part. The top of the central calf armor is supposed to touch the bottom of the side armor panels and doesn't, but that area is surrounded by exposed frame; I'll probably let it slide, too. The biggest issue is the backpack. There's a hinge on the bottom of it that allows the ring's arms to fold down and the ring floats beneath the feet, but I can't get said hinge to hinge all the way, and I can't tell exactly what's obstructing its movement. And yet again, I might leave that alone because 1) I won't ever pose it that way, and 2) I might replace the backpack entirely anyway. One of the few things I dislike about the Stargazer design is its backpack, a bulky, cumbersome thing that takes attention away from the Gundam and the ring and draws it towards its ugliness. Something inconspicuous, like a simple GM backpack, would look much better in its place. I still haven't decided what to do yet, but if I do replace it, I'll take the backpack from the Ground GM Sniper (I've been needing a reason to buy that thing for a long time anyway) and cover up the thrusters. The articulated arms that attach to the ring would certainly go as well. The ring is always made to look like it's floating separately from the Stargazer; mechanical arms that move it around only serve to detract from the mystique. I'll probably just attach the ring to its own arm on a stand. Alternatively, another idea I'm considering is to attach it to the backpack via a clear attachment piece. If I did that, I'd want to suspend some wire inside the resin to mimic energy veins. Maybe EL wire that can light up? It might be a nice look, like the energy lines that sometimes run from the back of the Anubis to its wings in Zone of the Enders...
  8. Forgot to say earlier that that's a really nice technique brushing on the chrome. I've never seen paint brushed on so smoothly. I might have to try that out on a build or two.
  9. Considering the mess that was the GP01s, I'm kind of glad they're leaving the rest of the UC alone, honestly. Revive HGUCs would be just fine by me.
  10. Very much this. It would be nice if he looked at all the legal issues between HG/Tatsunoko/BW to provide more context for the thing with Battletech, but it's pretty clear from the video that he has absolutely no dog in the Macross/Robotech battle itself. I mean, it would also be easy Youtube bucks, at least...
  11. The backpack is still 1/100 scale I believe. (Isn't the MB also 1/100 scale?) As for a Kshatriya, I know there was a 1/100 "MG" kit a couple years ago. Is that the one you're talking about?
  12. oh wow i just now watched past the beginning and saw it's a figure not model kit at all
  13. No, no, no. VF-1 with atmospheric escape booster, THEN Super Packs waiting aboard the ISS.
  14. (Straight copy from Gunpla thread.) Saw this on my Youtube feed, figured some of you might like it. All I know about it: - model kit made by Hot Studio - 1/60 scale - probably based on Metal Build figure
  15. Saw this on my Youtube feed, figured some of you might like it. All I know about it: - model kit made by Hot Studio - 1/60 scale - probably based on Metal Build figure
  16. I don't count the YF-21/VF-22 because regardless of its similarities to a Zentraedi battle suit, it's still a VF. Plus what I meant was a variable fighter designed by and for full-sized Zentraedi. So a Q-Rau mixed with a Gnerl, maybe. Robust technology or not, lack of knowledge or not, it's reasonable to expect scientific exchange to be a two-way street. And I'm sure Kawamori et al. could have contrived some sort of scenario to justify its existence. They've done so for less logical purposes. I mean, besides being reasonable in-universe, it would also just help to vary things up a bit. We've been seeing the same old Regults and Nosdajabaplaba... Nosejob-Gers since the very first Macross. A "VF-4" Regult would be appreciated, is all.
  17. I think he means as far as merchandising goes. There are new Valks, new Destroids, but the Zentraedi don't get more than slight variations on the same designs. It would be awesome to see a variable Q-Rau...
  18. Since HG hasn't acted on their Macross copyright?/trademark? in... forever... can't said copyright/trademark be challenged in court?
  19. Whoops. I should have said more specifically that Prime 1 lacks the experience mimicking real-world aircraft that Hasegawa has. I'm sure they could go for a more realistic look if they wanted to, but I also think it would have taken a bit more effort than going their own, more exaggerated, route. But speaking of exaggerated, I'm with others wondering why they decided to add their own details instead of simply following the already detail-rich source material. It IS a very Gundam-ish approach, and one that I honestly am a bit disappointed by. (Then again, I won't be buying this guy anyhow and it looks good anyway, so life goes on.)
  20. What's a Veritech? I jest, I jest. Hasegawa's panel lines get a pass because their etching is decently shallow, and their experience with real-world aircraft translates to realistic-looking VF panel lines. Bandai tends to overdo it on the depth of their panels because they want to make them as visible as possible and/or as easy to fill as possible with Gundam Markers. The same seems to be the case here. Prime 1 doesn't have the same experience mimicking the real world that Hasegawa does. With subjects like Gundam, deep panel lines aren't much of a problem. But VFs are more realistic from their inception, so the same aesthetic doesn't look quite as good on them.
  21. Where else has this happened besides the Wing Zero? Or by "wing Gundam derivatives" do you mean derivatives of the Wing Gundam rather than derivatives of mecha designs from Gundam Wing?
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