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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Seems to be the most talked-about aspect of the movie, honestly. Friends convinced me to see it tomorrow morning, cheapo seats. (No way I'm paying full price to see this.) I have the lowest of expectations.
  2. Waiting on the extra scene as I write this. Enjoyable, but the dialogue was disappointing. Of all the Marvel universes, Thor needs a specific cadence to its dialogue, to how especially the main character speaks and acts. The first movie is still the best at getting this classical, mythic dialogue right, and even the second movie had its share of Shakespearean speech. This one was too Guardians of the Galaxy about it. Otherwise, really enjoyable movie.
  3. Are you sure the waterslides aren't actually stickers? I haven't built the Red Frame, but Bandai doesn't often package waterslides with their kits.
  4. Very nice colors. Did you strip everything and start from bare plastic? If so, where did you get the decals for all the markings? Or did you mask off areas and "just" paint over the original paint scheme? Either way, that's a really pretty design.
  5. If Bandai suddenly releases a MG Avalanche Exia Dash and it builds up exactly like the DM one, then those rumors from way back when that one of the bootleggers are actually Bandai incognito will suddenly gain some teeth... maybe. I dunno. It sure would be some conspicuous timing, at any rate. What I'm going to say might sound smart, but PLEASE wait for someone who actually knows what they're talking about. I'm just making assumptions based on vague memories of what others have said. Many grains of salt, please. Anyway, it's not so much that China doesn't respect international copyright law, it's that their legal system has historically sided with native Chinese groups over international ones without regard to strengths of case. Bandai either hasn't had a Chinese subsidiary until recent-ish, or said subsidiary hasn't had enough strength/desire to take these companies through Chinese courts. China's also begun to relax above nativist attitude in certain ways, in order to better attract international corporations. Giving Bandai a fairer legal shot at tackling bootleggers would certainly be of economic interest to both the Chinese government and Bandai. DM, not so much, but that's apparently a sacrifice the Chinese government are willing to make. I don't believe there's a premium figure at all of the 0 Gundam, much less a knockoff. There's probably a Robot Damashii figure, but I don't think there's a lot of RD bootlegging going on. Unless you're talking about the 00, in which case I'm sure there are PLENTY of knockoffs out there.
  6. I don't know why you've worded that so gingerly. "A bit" too far? Too fast? They blew past too far from the get-go, all the way back in Dead Space 3. The moment they started giving people the "option" to pay real money for in-game currency, the AAA gaming industry became a perverse joke. Everyone's up in arms about Battlefront, meanwhile I'm here swimming in vindication for having abandoned the industry writ large long ago.
  7. Done converting. I even managed to correct the mirrored lettering on some of the "NUNS" logos, and added detail to the emblems lost on the original stickers. I'll have to get some white decal paper, and a new inkjet/laser printer as well since the AIO I'm using to scan images can't print... :/ Then it's time to test these out, and if the results are good, I'll move onto tackling something more complex and relevant. I'd still like to learn how to make these using vector graphics instead (I mistakenly said "raster" images last post) so as to avoid aliasing and so I can resize stuff like the logos and emblems without losing any details. Still, this was fun. (Image at 1200ppi/dpi, reduce it as necessary to suit your printer.)
  8. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I wouldn't call the Reaper an evolution of the Jolly Roger, that's more fitting to Arad's ride(s). That's part of the reason why I dislike the J Kai, actually. I was already wary of the big fat emblem on the back when Frontier did it, and there it was smart enough to relegate it to only Ozma's 25S. Commanders getting specialized markings, that's fine. Messer... isn't a commander, he's just (ostensibly) really good at flying, and Hayate is even less qualified. There have been plenty of aces in Macross history that didn't get or "deserve" a fancy-pants personalized emblem. The emblem itself isn't even all that great, the paint scheme that goes with it is still off-putting as often as it is appealing... Bah. I'm being grumpy. Bit of both, I'd say. Hayate's the "hero" of the show, and they push hero merch because either those tend to sell better or they think those tend to sell better. And it's an exclusive because, yes, it almost assuredly would not sell well if they gave it the same mass production that they gave the J/F/C. This, on both statements. Given how many DX Valks are out there, they could even just repackage the VF-171 ordnance as a general purpose weapons pack, and they'd still rake in the dough.
  9. I thought P-Bandai was "made to order," so to speak? Unlike the regular DX releases which are mass-produced and sold normally through retailers? With the VF-31A, my impression is that they're leaving the preorder window open for a certain amount of time (started August-ish and ending two weeks from now-ish), and once that closes they'll only be making enough toys to meet that demand (maybe plus some for redundancy's sake).
  10. If this is a P-Bandai exclusive, shouldn't the preorder window be pretty generous? How is this situation different from, say, the VF-31A preorder, also a web exclusive, which is still open?
  11. If the model kit's anything to go by, the articulating arm should have enough range so that the missiles can face up and slightly forward in all three modes, in either fore-to-aft (front-to-back) or port-to-starboard (side-to-side) configurations. (EDIT: Hm... maybe even be able to launch missiles downward from the stowed position?) That was some impressively fast work from start 'til now. Super looking forward to this. Speaking of the model kit, any intent to bring this to 1/72 scale?
  12. OHHHH. Thanks very much, you two. Wow, the details are even worse on those stickers than I originally thought.
  13. Would anyone who has one of these be willing to take close-up shots of the three diamonds on either side of the nose cone? I'm trying to convert the Mecha Colle kit's sticker sheet to a high-quality decal sheet, and the details on the sticker covering the nose are terrible. I have a feeling they're just innocuous sensors, but the RVF toy seems to have some white around there (or maybe its just the light). Anyway, I just wanted to be sure. Thanks for any help.
  14. Oh yeah, I forgot all about that. Was too stuck on the PC/console talk.
  15. Is it stated outright that they don't have a spoken language? Even so, not having a spoken language doesn't mean they don't have a language, and within that language a name for themselves, but your point still stands.
  16. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hey, you never know. Maybe that charger recharges the missiles, too. Yep. (Not gonna lie, though, that sounds like such a dumb cool idea.)
  17. Movement, turning, etc. are tuned differently for both. Halo has always been a console shooter, and the slower turning speed helps to compensate for the reduced accuracy of an analog stick. Up 'til like Halo 4 or 5, too, the games tended to run at 30 frames per second. Doom is impressively well-adjusted for consoles, but I have the feeling it was developed with PCs in mind, thus having a higher default turning speed. It also plays at 60 frames per second, which tends to make things "feel" like they're moving faster, especially if you're used to mainly playing Halo. Then there's the FOV... I don't know what the exact FOV values are for both franchises, but I would imagine that Doom has a higher FOV than Halo, which would also present the gamer with more on-screen information, making things seem even faster-paced.
  18. Tangentially related question: Why does Robotech merchandise continue to draw from its inspiration series (and really only one of them) instead of promoting original creations? I mean, I know the reason why, but if HG were really interested in pushing Robotech, you'd think they would try to and integrate their original creations more and more into the merchandise. Make stuff of the Shadow Chronicles stuff, I think that's the latest animation to come out of that franchise. This constant rehashing of the VF-1 is all well and good for us old folks, but honestly it's franchise suicide. If putting "TURBO" on your cars makes them go faster, does that mean putting "VF" on your VFs make them more variable? You might be onto something there...
  19. Part of the merchandise, maybe, but it was never part of the "official" design as far as I'm aware, and even the merch had the good sense to get rid of it by the time the Yamato toys and Hasegawa kits came out.
  20. The "VF" ON THE LEGS looks awful to me. This is Macross, not Gundam, we're smart about our decals.
  21. Converting that VF-171 sticker sheet into a set of decals. First set of tests, decals 15-18 I'd love to be able to raster-ize these instead of having to resort to fixed pixel count images. Anyway, these are at 600ppi and can be printed out at 600dpi. Resize it -50%, change the ppi to 300, and you should be able to print it out at the correct scale at 300dpi. (If I'm getting that conversion wrong, let me know, please.) The black borders are there to mimic the borders of the clear parts of the stickers, to make DIY decals easier to cut out. I'd imagine you don't really need to follow them, just make sure not to separate the gray pattern thingies from the white.
  22. There's something to be said for whether you want to get rid of seams too, or not. If you do, that further complicates the build/paint process. You might be able to get away with priming/painting on the runner, if the gates are smartly placed in areas that will either get covered or are otherwise out of sight. (Like if the parts are undergated, for instance, though my impression is that the GM Sniper II is not undergated.) Otherwise, yeah, taking them off the runner and painting them shouldn't be too much trouble.
  23. For my part, I just thought he was boring. I thought all of the Aerial Knights were boring. It's hard for anyone to be obnoxious when the only reaction they can muster out of you is utter apathy.
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