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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Over 50 hours into Cyberpunk 2077 and thought I was about done with the side missions but nope, there is more! Glad I waited to play this game after all its patches. Definitely worth the $30 I paid. Can't wait to do a another play through after I upgrade my CPU and GPU later this year. Also, watching the CP2077: Edgerunners anime on Netflix, fun to watch and compliments the game really well.
  2. Watching season 3 of JACK RYAN. It's OK but feels a little too borrowed from 24 plus real world current events kinda overrides espionage stories these days 🤯
  3. NOPE is on Prime and watched it last night. Really good with lots of thrills and chills. Plus references to the AKIRA anime film as well. Check it out if you hadn't seen it yet.
  4. GAMERA! The original mutant ninja turtle, lol. Seriously tho, this looks better than the different Netflix Godzilla anime series.
  5. Love ALIENS but the recent games past ALIEN: Isolation hadn't interested me. Want something that frights!!
  6. The story is decent but Keanu Reeves is what carries it IMHO. I do think the recent DEUS EX games had a more interesting story which I really enjoyed in the cyberpunk genre and hope they make a new game, someday!
  7. Update that I'm over 22 hours in Cyberpunk 2077 and still feels like there is so much more to see and do. According to Google I can finish the main campaign in 24 hours but it can take over 100 hours to do everything. I think I'll do the latter to get my money's worth 😀Definitely a game that I would have loved to get lost into when I was single with no children, lol. As for bugs and glitches there hasn't been much experienced thankfully. Nothing game breaking, just very rare (about 3) things that looked or sounded odd like a bartender leaning against an invisible bar.
  8. Doubt we'll see Justin Roiland return to Rick & Morty but still think the series is doomed without him. And that's the way the news goes!! ‘Rick And Morty’ Co-Creator Justin Roiland’s Domestic Violence Charges Dropped By D.A.; EP Rails Against “Embittered Ex” & Being “Cancelled” https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/rick-morty-co-creator-justin-210900376.html
  9. Lance was in such great shape that I had no idea he was 60 which makes his death more of a shock too. Was it a heart attack I wonder? I was hoping to see Lance return to BOSCH: Legacy, he was in so many great series and will be missed!!
  10. Well damn, this comes as a shock. Always liked Lance, from LOST and onward. RIP Lance Reddick, Star of The Wire and John Wick, Dies at 60 https://www.ign.com/articles/lance-reddick-star-of-the-wire-and-john-wick-dies-at-60
  11. Agreed and its why we stopped watching TWD. Too much filler episodes and commercials too, even with the DVR box fast-forwarding as this was before we cut the cable.
  12. Because $$$!! If it's made well we'll see it but most live action remakes by Disney have been rather meh. Lets see if this Dreamworks film will be different.
  13. I'd pay real money for a "live action" remake of the 1986 animated film. But I'll still see this too.
  14. I remember thinking a TERMINATOR television series would suck but ended up being wrong and still annoyed it was cancelled. I'll give an ALIEN series a chance.
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