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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I paid for the preorder which I have yet to install and play. This experience has turned me off from preordering for good which is bad for developers/publishers that may of released a great game.
  2. Popeye was Robin William's first movie role and is one of my favorite movies growing up. It's kinda cheesy but I loved it as a kid and its worth watching if you've never seen it before.
  3. Agreed! B5 is was an under rated show that was ahead of its time. That being said, the series was so epic I wonder if it could be contained in a two hour film.
  4. As one of the token investors here I am annoyed the project is cancelled. I don't have the hate for HG that most here do because I'd hate to see the property fall into worse hands.
  5. I'm old enough to remember seeing the first Terminator in theater, I was about 12 years old. Yeah, my parents let me see R-rated movies back then Anyways, I have low expectations for this new film. Especially after the title update. Though... I could be totally wrong about this film. I remember thinking the Terminator TV series would suck especially with Brian Austin Green starring in it but it turned into one of my favorite television series till FOX cancelled it
  6. It was OK but it still does not get me excited like Clone Wars did. I even saw the movie when it was released years ago. My wife and I were the only ones in the theater, lol.
  7. I saw an early show and thought it was a good movie it was just that, good and nothing more. And that's my problem with Disney's Marvel films, they always play it safe which doesn't give me any desire to see the film again. The only Disney Marvel film that I found that didn't play it safe and thought outside the box is Captain America 2, which is still my favorite Marvel film so far.
  8. Good effects for such a short commercial. Whats goofy is I remember seeing both those videos ages ago on Memebase before knowing what Attack on Titan was.
  9. If you ever get a chance to visit New Zealand go to the WETA Cave in Wellington. It's probably grown since my last visit in 2011 but it was still awesome. Check out the photos we took. On the left is a human sized Sting and on the right is a Hobbit sized version.
  10. Well, this was an American film and I suspect most Americans including those in Hollywood believe our immigration laws are more strict than other nation's when its almost the complete opposite. During my visit to New Zealand in 2011 I read a heart breaking local story about a Cambodian couple that was used as slave labor for a baker for five years and after they had enough abuse they went to the authorities. In the end they were deported back to Cambodia and the baker was fined. Pretty F'ed up. Didn't mean to derail the thread but thought it was in interesting story to share.
  11. I saw the entire trailer but I get your point. If I'm already sold on a film I want to see then I don't need or want to view any more trailers that can contain spoilers.
  12. It'd be nice if DisneyXD brought back Tron: Uprising. That was the best animated series ever developed outside Japan.
  13. If you know me then we do expect baby shower gifts!!
  14. Since I know none of you guys outside this forum I'll let you on a little secret. My wife and I are expecting our first baby in about two months and we already picked her name... it's Lucy! So whenever we see this trailer on TV we giggle We picked the name months ago as a play on words of Star Wars character names. 'Lucy' Skywalker for example
  15. I think it would help HG's community if they updated their site. It's looked the same for over 10 years! Not a HG hate post, just a thought.
  16. When I first saw the Clone Wars trailer I was excited and when I watch this Rebels trailer I am not. Oh I have a bad feeling about this.
  17. The Robotech updates are more of continuation of the Mospeada anime. As cool as Mospeada looked I'm surprised it didn't have a new series or spin-offs that Macross had in Japan.
  18. While I'm re-watching Attack on Titan I'm thinking about how awesome it would look if it was live action using a Hollywood budget. I bet it'd be bigger than The Hunger Games! Yes, I know the Japanese are working on a live action film on their so based on that information my expectations are low
  19. I seriously doubt there are those that hate Macross like you imply, they probably just don't like the purist elitism It's possible to be both a Macross and a Robotech fan at the same time. Though I love Robotech's story more than Macross's I still appreciate the latter that I enjoy it's sequels and spin-offs all the same. I guess it's like comparing the old Japanese Godzilla films to the new America film released this year. Some people will always want the man in the suit but there are others who want more than that.
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