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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Some may remember me mentioning that I was going to pick up the Tekkaman Blade set last week. Just got it in tonight, and man was I surprised, spreak across 7 disc's, it now has both the original Japanese version, plus the english dubbed version all together, crazy. For any who may want the old technoman series, you may want to check out the set they're selling over at animaniacs. While you know me & dubs, I figured there would be some who might be interested.
  2. Awesome, though I'm curious what other great MW treasures might be on this DVD. Perhaps mecha graffiti? The original Macross TV intro from the first episode that AnimEigo didn't include? Some of the toy commericals that weren't on the 20th Anniv DVD? I like this idea.
  3. Here's a question. I remember of course the names of Knight Rider, Airwolf, and Riptide, but what the hell was the motorcycle show of similar theme called?
  4. The irony is, that episode with the farked paint jobs is actually the one that pays most homage and stays most true to the original Macross series. Milia back in her 1J... SDF-era old timers taking a Monster out for a spin... actually made me wish the rest of Mac 7 was more like that episode. -Al In story theme & style, most of Macross 7 "was" like that, be it not always using the 3 old timers, but overall that was not dramatically different from any other episode.
  5. Man, most of this stuff would have never been released on tape...DVD's are getting scary.
  6. Hmm, we're not far away from a fullscale cosplay battle one of these years. VF-1S guy Vs Astray guy, I can see it coming...
  7. I'll believe it when I see it. Last fansub group that tried to do 999 TV only got through 4 episodes. But hell, if they want to go do the whole series, I wouldn't mind if it prompted the HK companies to pick up interest in it (as it would take me "years" to download 113 episodes).
  8. I'm sorry, but there's no way to miss that glitch. The entire last few minutes of episode 19 have all character movement strobing like a bad 70's flashback.
  9. For something that small, and that expensive, it sure as hell better come with a TREAD!
  10. Their benefit is that they're not in an english speaking country. It's doubtful that HG gives a rats ass what goes on in france, and in turn, the french company could give less of a crap about "borrowing" certain extra's.
  11. You were a fool for ever believing Basara could die. EVen Gamlin know's he wouldn't die, even if they killed him. btw, YOU WILL LISTEN TO BASARA'S SONG!
  12. Here's a question cyc, did the australian release of SC have the disc 4 video glitches?
  13. You can safely see the movies (GE:999 followed by Adieu) without seeing the TV series, as they're their own take on the story (DYRL styled). While the TV series is awesome, looks like all we'll ever get are the 36 episodes that were put out subtitled on HK DVD. It's too old of a show unfortunately for any legit company to commit to 110+ eps of, even AnimEigo hasn't touched it (bastards!). Eternal Fantasy is more in line with the TV continuity than the movie continuity, so you may wan to think that one out.
  14. FX set is 8 disc's, and includes everything right through dynamite.
  15. They bombed the island to clear away all the brush hiding the birdman's "head."
  16. I haven't seen anything of it unfortunately. I'd hoped that an HK set if nothing else would be out by now, but perhaps geneon Or media blasters will license it soon. Not surprised that there's comedy in it, as there was a lot of comedy (mixed in with high drama) in 999 TV.
  17. I don't know, the CG 999 in Eternal Fantasy was actually pretty nice. In turn, Endless Odyssey has been awesome.
  18. Oh hell no, 7 should definately be watched before II.
  19. FX versiosn are the way to go, you get comprehensively everything Macross 7, with all the extra's, and the highest audio/visual quality, though there is no HK set with perfect subs out.
  20. That's pretty sweet box art, although I have to wonder how sturdy such a large gatefold could possibly be.
  21. At this piont I'd say you need to go back & start with some classics instead, like Space Cruiser Yamato or GE:999. There you'll learn the important lesson that you can get a great story without top of the line animation.
  22. I'd actually reccomend saving the OVA's for later. While yes they do have some good mecha action, they entirely lack Tomino's "Newtype" storyline aspects which I feel at least are pivotal to the Gundam experience. The 0079 movies & Zeta contain the meet of the primary story, if you don't like that, then there's no point in getting into Gundam. CCA is also a wasted experience without seeing Zeta.
  23. Actually, the new yamato looks like a combo of Faust's castle (Adeiu GE:999) the Yamato, and the tail end of the Arcadia. Even so, I'd take it over the Yamato 2520 any day of the week!
  24. If I recall, the premise was that Merlin brought them to fill in for the REAL King Arthur and the knights of the round table, because they were kidnapped. Sidenote: Captain N did the football team thing first. For reasons lost to the ages, Mother Brain decided to challenge the heroes to a game of football, filling her team out with Dr. Wily's boss robots. And somehow, Kevin's high school football team was abducted to fill out our heroes' team. Along with his girlfriend. ... Sometimes I wonder why I watched those things. This I remember, why doesn't CN do something useful like re-running all this crap? I swear, they waste so much airtime on the same syndicated home produced B.S. ed edd & eddy that its painful. I don't care if they are owned by warner, they should actually license some decent nostalgia shows. I wanna see Turbo Teen & Mighty Orbots! That shitty Popeye & Son, Pole Position! Bucky O'Hare & Exosquad! Something new (well, old that hasn't been shown in a longass time new that is) that isn't freakin' Hanna Barbara or Warner damnit!!! They're getting to be as bad as MTV. Hell, all this early 90's nostalgia has pushed me to order the Tekkaman Blade HK set.
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