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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, 7 & Plus are essentially the same. Basara sings, Isamu shoots, both have a very similar personality (though Isamu is far more letcherous). Both have the same basic message about the power of music (Myung even uses song to awaken Isamu from Sharon's hypnosis), and the strength of emotions Vs artificial stimuli.
  2. Yup, starting this september they're re-releasing Nadessico in 3 mini thinpack box sets. All will be remastered (and the best part) without the english text overlays on everything. Anything else special about it? I mean really, I got the hole frickin' thing for all of $30(Great Deal! ) and I'm happy with it. Why should I be interested in a new release? Don't recall, though you may want to check those disc's to make sure they haven't gone bad, as I think the 5th or 6th disc were included in the reported "dvd rot" ADV disc's (a certain period of ADV's releases have shown to go bad).
  3. I've put LOTGH on backburner for a couple months, but now I'm definately interested in getting back into it (stopped about 5 episodes into the second set). As for death's, some that haven't been mentioned yet: Best: -Usso's mother in V. Sure we knew it was going to happen, but to imagine a kid seeing his own mother's head flying off? Damn -Another vote for Lala, and when you consider the shapping it had on the rest of U.C. Gundam. -Kei & Orsen: Orguss -Saddest....I always felt Tochiro's death was tragic, especially with its vast effect on Harlock in all incarnations. Funniest.....I'm not even going to try, as there is no death funnier than Kakizaki in DYRL. Studest: Yazan in ZZ, not that he disn't deserve a pathetic death after all he'd done, but talk about anti-climactic.
  4. Real question is, can the VF-0 transform with it attatched...
  5. It's obvious that Macross Plus is for those people that don't care much about a message or character development. It is simple straight up flying and fighting with top animators in a larger budget flick. Macross 7 has a much deeper message and requires people who have more patience and good understanding of the 1st Macross to appreciate it. On the surface, Plus is that yes, but underneath, it's actually a lot like 7.
  6. No, that doesn't happen until you start to do crazy things like import the R2 movie edition since it has vastly superior video & audio quality
  7. Well, if Guld could still fly the YF-21 after it was torn up by the Ghost, then he could also still probably use a detatched arm to fire a gunpod...
  8. I'm sure just like in Seed, the NJC suits will show up midway through the series. I do see Kira coming back though, just wouldn't make sense to make him so powerful in the first series without bringing him back. Besides, it was never said if he was the only coordinator altered to the extent he was (even though Athrun did show the same "Seed" power). I'm just curious as hell where the whole Newtype thing is going, of course I've always been a sucker for Newtype storeis (except for X, they royally botched it with tthat whole DOME thing).
  9. Yup, starting this september they're re-releasing Nadessico in 3 mini thinpack box sets. All will be remastered (and the best part) without the english text overlays on everything.
  10. I still think Tomino should have directed the new films. Even speaking another language, he would have gotten better performances out of the actor's, he's quite used to the concept of Newtypes, and as such would have no problem with the Force, and Jar Jar would have likely met the same fate as Plu.
  11. I was kinda hoping Shin would have an orange VF-1D....oh well.
  12. The only problem with Kira, is that he doesn't really have much of an arch nemesis. I just don't see Athrun turning sides again (though you never know, perhaps if Cagali died), and with Kira's current level of power, who is there really for him to fight? With that said, I'd love to see him come back in Destiny, if for no other reason to explain how they're going to integrate newtypes & coordinators into the CE universe.
  13. Hmm, the least they could do is have a chained in a bikini scene in episode 3....you know, for story continuity
  14. As much as I love Eva, I'm not gonna go for it. If ADV had announced this back in January "instead' of announcing the release of the DC episode disc's, that would have been one thing. But announcing the set a good month or so "after" the release of the DC disc's is just plain wrong. I'll stick with my un-remastered Eva in black box thank you very much. ADV is getting way too into this whole remaster/rerelease thing. I'm glad I never bought Nadessico, otherwise I'd be really pissed.
  15. Quick note for anyone with any interest in Dune. The disc is OOP, so snag them up now before they're gone (David Lynch version, which I too enjoyed).
  16. Didn't someone post line art a while ago with the VF-0 & Ghost combo like that? I distinctly recall seeing it, and a minor debate about what it all meant. Very interesting. What's also interesting is that it can't be a VF-0D (no delta wing), which means Shin gets one of the remaining VF-0S's? Aha, looks like Azrael remembered too, & just posted the pic in another topic: That is an awesome theory, I like it. What I also find interesting looking at things in retrospect is Roy yelling at Hikaru for flying recklessly, while D.D. was yelling at Roy for the very same thing
  17. It contradicts nothing. As there has never been a firm explanation on exactly "what" state life on Earth was when the Protoculture came, there's no contradiction in a more direct timeframe set in Zero. All we knew before was that the Protculture altered the DNA of pre-existing life on Earth. Now we have a specific on what that life was. Hell, I'll do you one better, let's say the Mayan islanders "weren't" from the same form of life that the rest of humans on Earth were. Perhaps the Protoculture came & evolved primates on one part of the planet, while they evolved fish people on Mayan. This would explain just why their blood is special & different from everyone elses. Considering that the Protoculture could make marsupials into very human approximate life forms (Dynamite), who's to say they would evolve both fish & primates on Earth. No prob, see above . Perhaps not. The thing under the water is its head. My ass. Models are just as much toys as pre-assembled toys are. Difference is, my 1/48 tranforms flawlessly, while your hasagawa is stuck in one form. I'm a busy on the go kinda guy, I don't have to to sit around waiting for paint & glue to dry.
  18. There can definately be a huge difference between regular & special editions. Take Time Bandits for instance. The regular edition was a bare bones grainy 2 channel stereo transfer. The special edition blow's it out of the water with a significantly improved picture, and great new dolby mix.
  19. Ah. Probably because it needs its head to function? You never specified exactly what you were talking about when you mentioned "fudging," all I could assume was that you were speaking of how these events fit in with regards to knowledge about the Protoculture during the TV series, which I explained. Perhaps it had something to do with just about everyone in the top brass involved with the event having died during Bodolza's attack on Earth. Assuming it had some top level security put on it (which it likely would have), nobody would be left to know what to look for, let alone the time required to take whatever security encyption there was on existing files about it. For that matter, why would there be a need to let the public know about it, assuming Global would follow his pre-existing chain of command instructions in keeping secret info "secret." I'm just not seeing your problem with this issue. Looks to me like you answered your own question. No, I'm saying why waste "going stale," when they can create more genetic diversity in the universe.
  20. I agree with ewilen, it just looks too american comicbooky, and not enough like Misa. Perhaps if you enlarged the eyes a bit, and made the nose smaller. Something more styled like this: or this
  21. Keith

    VF Girls

    Too much armor, not enough ecchi!
  22. Yeah, what ever happened to the days when star trek ripped of anime (such as star trek III ripping off the whole beginning portion of Yamato 2). If they really want to do a low tech series, why not just do what Tomino does, and blow everything to hell, setting it to take place a few years in the future, having to struggle to dig up remnants of the past. That'll give them a few seasons easy! Honestly, I gave up on star trek near the end of voyager's I think 4th season. I have never looked back since.
  23. What are you talking about, Enterprise rocks! I loved that episode where Fry traveled back in time & became his own grandfather.
  24. What are you talking about? The Birdman "is" the AFOS, one in the same. The reasoning behind the awakening is obviously linked with Sara, as her bloodline is the direct trigger for controlling it (as it would appear). U.N. & Anti U.N. take to fighting on Mayan, Sara see's it, Birdman wakes up & decides to tear ass. Again, what are you talking about? The U.N. Spacy "did" know about the Zentradi, you'll recall when Misa & Global thought they were bringing Earth shattering revelations to the top brass, and the aforementioned brass merely scoffed at them, having already known most of the things they reported. Hell, they already had the Grand Cannon way under construction, thinking it would be able to deal with any problems the aliens would pose. Unlike Vader & R2D2, the foreshadowing "was" already there from the start in Macross. Like I said, I highly doubt the birdman will have anything to do with Britia at all. It's not even necessary to add such a plot point in, though a scene with Britai being bord & looking for someone to fight, then asking Exedor to track down the damaged SA ship that folded out 10 years earlier would be fun. There's no reason to believe that the Birdman would need to send out a signal. Its purpose looks to be one of a falesafe mechanism. If life on Earth turns out to be warlike, take them out. Think of it this way. The Protoculture themselves were trapped in a cycle of war that they couldn't break out of. Why would they want to spread that aspect of themselves through the universe. It's the same reason why you don't marry inside your own family, adding diversety helps keep things alive & evolving. [qoute]So if the Zentraedi no longer follow the orders of the Republic, then what do they do after the wipe everyone else out? Wipe each other out? They start searching for uncomfirmed kills to wipe them out Pretty sure it's already been comfirmed beyond the shadow of a doubt that it is in no way shape or form Protodevelin (or more accurately "EVIL."). And from Sara's dream, it quite clearly seemed to be blowing poo up, not sucking energy. There were only 7 Protodevelin, with no room for the AFOS. I'm pretty sure that he's supposed to be the first evolved human, not Protoculture. Doubt that too, pretty sure it's just a tool leftover from the Protoculture's visit. I think of it as more as a test left over, like the monolith in 2001. If humans pass its trials, perhaps they're deemed worthy of something....like survival.
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