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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Back in Ep 18, when Mikumo went all super-powered, a circle of lights was shown powering up. I noticed at the time, that this was not the same as the fold quartz artifact that Heinz sings into. I figured it would come back later. Looking at the screen grabs on Macross Delta's unofficial FB page, the "head" or spleen - whatever - looks to have this circle at the center. Hmmmm...
  2. Ah yes, because we all remember that happened, 11 episodes ago on a planet we haven't even seen since. Sigh. Anyone want to bet that the next episode starts with everyone talking on the bridge of the Elysion?
  3. Do you think they're even going to make it back to Ragna by the end of this show? What ever happened to our suspicious NUNS officer? They really built up Hayate's dancing in the first 5 eps - where did that go? Sigh, I really enjoyed the first half of this show, and was really excited to see where it went after episode 13. Well - aside from the repetetive aerial combat. Maybe we should have known when they rolled out the new, snoozefest OP. I'll stick with it until the end to see what happens, but it's definitely my least favorite Macross series. I've watched all the others multiple times, with varying degrees of enjoyment. I MIGHT give Delta another chance as a marathon series - it could hold up better without having to wait a week between episodes. But that will largely depend on he ending we get.
  4. Yep, I'm out of that game too...
  5. Kelsain

    Macross figures

    I just showed those to my daughter too. She hasn't seen the show, but she loves them!
  6. Actually, I watched the review for the Death Trooper. The leg proportions look really weird...
  7. I hope I like his character, b/c that's an awesome figure. Shore trooper & Death Trooper are must-haves as well.
  8. I can feel ya, man. I've been battling it myself lately. I know it sucks when you can't find joy where you used to, or where you feel you should. Feel free to PM, if you need to commiserate semi-anonymously. No judgement, no connections to real life - just shared geeky interests.
  9. Are those for the cruiser or the attacker?
  10. While the little ones were playing Lego, my son (3) said his very rough contraption was the Macross. This made me want to throw my own together. Nothing complex or exciting, just a fun, quick build while the kids played. (null)
  11. Edit: I've revised my estimate, based on the following height chart from the Chronicle/MW's FB page: The Elysion is about shoulder height to the original SDF-1, and the Ragna colony ship is about 2km long. Enough to fit a city center in, but not much else. Way smaller than even City 7. You can also get a sense of the smaller size from the ship docks, seen in the following screen grab from Episode 1.
  12. I was comparing the stated size of the Elysion with previous Macrosseses, when I started wondering about the Ragna colony ship as well. Interestingly, if the attack mode is 828m to the tip of the booms, then the Elysion's bridge could almost look eye to eye with the original SDFM. As for the colony dome, I grabbed the attached shot from the infamous docking scene. Judging by this schematic & the 828m Elysion height, I'd estimate the colony ship is about 1800m long. At this size, a Guantanamo fits nicely on the front, and the docking port on the front looks more like it would fit that better than anything else. (null)
  13. Maybe he's actually a high volume salesman for Archie MacPhee. That mercat clock looks a lot like Bibo.
  14. That's awesome, electric indigo! (null)
  15. All the griping over the fighter-only combat and relative airspeed advantage, etc aside... Why hasn't anyone in Delta Platoon thought about doing this When there's an SV-262 on their tail?
  16. Looks like someone will have to do a Batman custom on that one.
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