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Everything posted by Dobber

  1. A good example of the restriction that can really be seen in the show is the destruction of the 2 trees. Morgoth/Melkor and his partner Ungoliant (GIANT Spider Demon and ancestor of Shelob) destroyed them. Well really Ungoliant did at Morgoth/Melkors bidding. In the show there is no mention of or visual of a Ginormous Spider that literally drains the trees of their light by feeding on them. In fact the power of the trees makes Ungoliant so large and powerful that she demands the Silmirils from Melkor and then tries to feed on him. She almost succeeded too and Melkor only escaped because he cried out for his Balrogs and dragons to save him! It is unknown as to the fate of Ungoliant. Ungoliant is only ever mentioned in the Silmirilian. Chris
  2. Yup, yup, YUP! That’ll be my Christmas project.😎 (Assuming I can get one) Chris
  3. While I have been liking this series in spite of its flaws or my personal preferences and have found each episode was better then the last, that streak ended with this episode. What a nothing episode and a step backward overall. Hoping for better next week. Chris
  4. The Rank of Commodore in reality is a confusing one and it is currently not in use in the US Navy. Like the TITLE of Captain (not Rank) The TITLE of Commodore is still in use for senior Captains that command a squadron of ships. I wouldn’t look at Commodore as a hard fast rank. An O-6 Capt going to an O-7 1 Star RDML is normal. The US only periodically used Commodore as a Rank and hasn’t since the 1980’s. When it was in use it is kind of like how some enlisted ranks had 2 different designations like when the Air Force had both a sergeant and a senior Airmen E-4. Chris
  5. I LOVE the Nerd of the Rings YouTube channel. He presents info so well. If anyone is interested in the history of pretty much anyone or anything from Tolkien’s saga I would highly recommend his channel. At the very least he has a summery of the Second Age for those interested in what is supposed to take place in this era of the show. As we all know, this show is its own interpretation of the second age, so I can live with that, but there is so much history that is either being glossed over or crammed together into what I fear will just be….maybe a 500yr period at most culminating in the last alliance battle…when there is SO MUCH MORE before that final battle. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Chris
  6. I seem to be opposite of many people as I liked this episode more than the other 2. The time period and story of the rings in this time period is supposed to be a couple thousand years IIRC. So I guess they are condensing the whole second age into a very short time period, as Isildur and Elindil are already shown. Yes Numenorians live ALOT longer than regular mortals but not thousands of years. There are just a lot of things that need to happen and I personally don’t like it all being squeezed together. There should be several wars with Sauron in the second age with victories and defeats, pushes and retreats and not just one big push like it was at the end of the third age. Chris
  7. Not to mention in these shows there is always just 1 Captain O-6 rank on the ship…THE Captain, when in reality at least on American Carriers and some other large surface naval vessels there could be several O-6 captains on board. Usually the CO (THE Captain), the XO, chief engineer, CAG are all usually Captains in Rank. There may be a few others. Subs CO’s are often O-5’s Commanders but as was stated they are addressed as Captain as they are THE Captain. Chris
  8. True…though GS is having surprisingly good results with split engine throttling that Maverick used. He is even impressed with the results. Chris
  9. I like the design, personally, but I hate it for this era and hate that it is the Titan-A. Should’ve just used a different name. The Titan is already established in this era in Lower Decks. Also why is Seven the Commander? She wasn’t in Star Fleet. This show even established her as sort of rebelling against it. Didn’t go to the Academy or anything, but hey, she helped out “JL” and his gang so she’s good to go I guess.🙄 Chris
  10. While I like the design I Hate that: 1) It’s the Titan. LD firmly established the Titan and this is far too old looking to be a new design. Seems a bit like the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is/has done. And…. 2) This is a little too close to Admiral Bucks Shangri La to be accidental. Another Kurtzman production coincidence….yeah right.🤔 I would hope he would get some credit for the design, but then I’m sure, legally speaking, they could just say he used design cues from copyrighted designs or something. Chris
  11. That’s what I was thinking too about the stranger. I can’t remember but did all the Istari come to Middle Earth in the Third Age? I know Gandalf wasn’t until the TA and was the last IIRC. So I was thinking maybe Saruman…or one of the blues? Also… Chris
  12. A fair assessment, though they are kind of showing her to be acting…I don’t know….like a hot headed youth when at this point shoe’s likely thousands of years old. She did refuse to go back to Valinor, like you said, but in “canon” it always seemed, to me, to be more out of ambition. That was one of the things about some of the high elves of the first and second ages…they weren’t exactly “Noble” and Galadriel was no exception. I know this is a different telling but that’s kind of the “crux” of the matter for many isn’t it. Seems like they could’ve told unknown stories in this time period using what we DID/DO know of the characters instead of making up trope like motivations. Not bashing this or anything just an opinion. I’m still going to watch but I just hope it moves away from the Warrior Princess crap and can give us something different. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Chris
  13. So I watched it. It wasn’t horrible. I rather like Elrond and the new Elf guy (I can’t remember his name) but Galadriel is just not likable at all. The scene between her and Elrond….I don’t know if it is the actress herself or just her acting choice, but did she ever have “crazy eyes” in that scene. If it was a deliberate choice then I don’t see how we are to support her. They are playing her as a fanatic and not a real leader. Not the Galadriel I have pictured. There are many types of strength all PEOPLE can have but only the warrior type is ever shown as valid. It’s tiresome and unfortunate that her character isn’t being used in a more unique and uplifting way. As it is I will still watch and hope for growth. Also the snow troll scene was ridiculous IMO. Another example of the leadership/warrior/fanatic trope I was talking about. Chris
  14. Another good episode. “Catch and release” 😀 I mean, why not 🤷🏻‍♂️ a unique but realistic take on this trope. Lol Chris
  15. Been watching Sprung on Freebee (Amazon) If you liked ‘Raising Hope’ then you’ll like this show….not just for the 2 main Actors. Chris
  16. The back seater is a WSO (Weapon System Officer) so while the pilot Flys the plane the WSO can concentrate on targeting. Why the lead single seater dropped instead of the trailing 2 seater which was lazing the target I don’t know. Maybe in case there was a problem with the lead there would still be a few seconds for the 2 seater to drop instead. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Chris
  17. Ok so, both the original (Legacy) F/A-18’s (A,B,C,D) and the completely new Super Hornets (Seen in the movie E,F,G) have single and dual seats. The Single seaters are: A and C for the old legacy Hornets and the E in the Super Hornet. The movie kind of did a tricky thing for filming to make you think Mav, Rooster, and others where actually piloting the aircraft. All the actors are in the BACK SEAT of an F/A-18F for FILMING while some of their CHARACTERS are supposed to be in the single seat F/A-18E. They did this because from the PERSPECTIVE OF THE CAMERA LOOKING AFT, the back seat of the 2 seater can pass as the single seater. External shots would then have to filmed using the single seater E without an actor on board, obviously, to represent Mav, Rooster, Hangman or any other single seat pilot. Hope that helps, I added emphasis because for a while people on the internet were convinced that Tom Cruise was actually flying an F/A-18 when he was just in the backseat of a 2 Seat aircraft. Chris Here is a picture of 3 Single seat E’s and a 2 seat F for comparison
  18. Yup, especially the scene when the Su-57 evades their missile! Lol wasn’t there talk a few years ago about Cruise wanting to make a Yukikaze movie?
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