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Everything posted by treatment

  1. re: http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/images/tp0255/023.jpg why does it need a support-platform for GERWALK-mode?
  2. pre-order of Cannon-Shell Sheryl at CDJ: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detai...EY=NEOGDS-11124 uhh, don't be late?
  3. well, fwiw... i saw rotf Devastator at the local wally's yesterday for US$98. he's big. make that, reasonably HUGE! here's his link from online wally's: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?...uct_id=10963123
  4. WTF? no District 9 choice-option? Poll FAIL!!!
  5. watching the rather hilarious review, I thought his mispronounciation was quite deliberate. Messy-Yah. indeed.
  6. honestly, those launching missiles are nice, but looks damn corny and icky.
  7. i dunno, guys. iirc, nugundam's been badmouthing Yamato since whenever, so this latest rant of his is yet-another bloggy meh. tragic as it may seems, but the comic irony here is that he's the one who messed up his own yammie. not trying to defend yamato at all since i have my own share of disappointments with them, but we really gotta call a spade a spade, no?
  8. found this rotf-deluxe Swerve review at http://www.2deeponline.com/2009/08/transfo...-swerve-review/ so, yeah, Swerve's indeed got a different head from Sideswipe. i reckon interested G1-fans will just swap Sideswipe's head with Swerve and call it a day. now we just await the blue-repaint to arrive and have it called Tracks. with missiles and stuff, of course.
  9. obtw, forgot to mention that I saw Swerve (rotf-version) a week or so ago at the local wally's. he's basically a red repaint of Sideswipe. i was tempted to get him, but i'm still not quite keen on any of the rotf-figures. he looks kewl, tho.
  10. I, uhh, thought MW-forum actually has a dedicated forum-section for Reviews? like, over at http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=18
  11. prolly already posted, but here it is again: http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00176 pre-order page for the 1/60 1J-GBP set
  12. sorry, dude. head pilot is actually right this time about the CF1A-dyrl having black-stripped shoulders ala Skull squadron: for consolation, there's no "red" on it, however, so head pilot prolly did indeed mixed up Hikky's 1A with the actual CF1A-dyrl. but wouldn't you know it, another potential CF-1A variant with poor Kakizaki's green-chest/colors.
  13. ANN has a pic of the Toynami Battlepod (pic at the bottom of the page) at: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/convention...cken/sdcc-day-1 honestly, it looks pretty meh. i reckon it's a good thing most of us here at MW-forum already got the still-awesome Revy Regult. btw, to those attending, did you guys get any info regarding the on-again/off-again Toynami Bandai-Chunkies from them?
  14. this thread needs more Warhammer goodness!
  15. they're at the 10-minute mark, i.e when they're descending. it's quite difficult to spot or take a snapshot in the old dvd-version (very dark), but the remastered-version provides a clearer albeit a bit grainy sequence. as you can see from the snaps i attached.
  16. this guy... always my fave.
  17. wasn't a topic like this already made? why are you responding to a post from LAST YEAR?
  18. the Warhammer in the trailer... IS. VERY. FANTASTIC! Wonder what other Unseens are they gonna put back in MW-5. w000000000000000000000000000 hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. i say sell all of 'em 1/48s while you still can.
  20. I dunno, man. Maybe SS will be better off as a fan of Gundam. I mean, with all his talk about Bay, veritech and stuff, I'm pretty sure he'll thoroughly appreciate this gundam mecha you posted before:
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