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Everything posted by treatment

  1. /me double-facepalm you guys oughta buy a pair of these: http://www.amazon.com/AudioQuest-K2-terminated-speaker-cable/dp/B000J36XR2/ and these, too: http://www.amazon.com/Denon-AKDL1-Dedicated-Link-Cable/dp/B000I1X6PM/
  2. welp! finally visited the local Target today and they got some interesting stuff there like: SkullGrin (a non-blue recolor of Darkmount) and Mindset (a blue-repaint of Hailstorm). They got the usual rotf shelfwarmers clogging the pegs, but they also have... Special Ops Jazz ($9) and Dirge ($9.04)!!! Bought them two right away. They also got those little ones (legends?-class) like Tracker Hound and Duststorm which is a mocha-repaint of Beachcomber. Maybe the other Target have Blurr and the others. Wally's didn't have jack other than the usual rotf crap. edit: Jazz is so frickin' kewl!!!
  3. was at wally's last nite and their TF-aisle is now stacked full again. ...with a bunch of those ROTF shelfwarmers yet again. Augh! well, I reckon it's not quite as bad since a couple of WFC-Megs finally appeared there and there were a couple more Darkmounts. WFC-Prime was there, too, so I finally snagged him. He's not a $13-kewl figure, but he's $9-kewl.
  4. Well, I saw and bought Megs (wfc) at Wally's today. $9! That Wally's also (surprisingly) got a couple of Darkmounts and both Terradive and Tomahawk. All of which I passed on. As such, Blurr, Megs(wfc), Dirge, Soundwave(wfc), and Red Alert are all available in Fry's retail for $12.99 each. I'm gun-shy with the pricing, so I'm gonna check the other Wally's here for them instead.
  5. fyi, guys. The local wally's here price-dropped the deluxe-class TFs to $9. I just went to their online-site and it's also $9 there. dunno if it's gonna permanent, tho.
  6. just saw this... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2010-10-18/sdf-1-macross-cake-featured-at-sega-manager-wedding geeky, but i (and many other fellow macross-fans here) still salute and congratulate you on your wedding, Jerry Chu!
  7. meh. they're not gonna ever top the awesome remake and the even more awesome sequel to the awesome remake...
  8. fwiw, I saw both Darkmount and Hailstorm at the local Wally's here. I couldn't pull the purchasing-trigger on either. Darkmount's just too small. I prolly would've gotten him if he was in Voyager-class. Hailstorm's just way too meh. that said, I must await Classics Grapple.
  9. nice. tho gotta wonder why they changed his Flaming Chicken into something else...
  10. One can only hope that they indeed do that. It would be such a surreal Peter Parker story dilemma that he really wanted a redheaded Gwen all this time... never gonna happen, tho.
  11. spotted a lone Red Alert today at wally's and here he is alongside his buddies:.
  12. whoa! from the pics, the old Yammie's bigger than the DX. shuttle-mode: tie. gerwalk-mode: i give the edge to the old Yammie, as it looks more menacingly Monster than the DX. destroid-mode: DX definitely looks prettier with the stickers, but the DX cannons look weak by proportions. what is the scale of the DX again?
  13. I reckon that's the whole point about it being expensive and sh*t. Yamato prolly did some research and came up with the conclusion that there just really ain't much mass demand over there in Japan for this stuff. They're prolly got gunshy with the sales-results of the destroids and the q-raus, and most especially the results of their Konig, too. *shrugs* I can wait for an affordable Yammie Regult. I'm not in a hurry for it, tho. If it doesn't happen, then it doesn't happen.
  14. fwiw, I think only anime52k8 was the one who makes the all-you-can-hate post and I rather think he's just being sarcastically funny. I dunno about the other posters, but I don't *hate* the stuff I listed. I just really didn't care for them. They're all meh to me. It's really tough for me to hate anything, toy or otherwise.
  15. Huh? Maybe you need some reading-comprehension lessons since what *I* listed from my post ain't everything. It ain't even half of what's in existence.
  16. my all-time favorite will always be the badass 1/60 Hikaru Strike VF-1S. altho the 1/48 Hikky-1J still is very awesome to me, too.
  17. all of the MPCs. all variants/scales of the Bandai VF-25. all of the Revy VF-1. the VF-19 Kai, regardless if it's by Bandai or the upcoming Yammie. the VB-6 Konig Monster from both Bandai and Yamato. the Toynami Regult or anything else from Toynami. all variants of the SDF-1 from every one that ever made it. those are prolly it for now. I prolly would not care for the Phalanx if Yamato ever offers it, either.
  18. awesome! http://kotaku.com/5639005/snoop-dogg-chuck-ll-cool-j-boom-dizzle-in-best-halo-reach-vid-ever
  19. here's the same snap from the remastered version. edit: so to compare, here's Acro's product shot again: http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc181/AcroRay/SDCCRegultResize.jpg i reckon MaidenJapan/Toynami got the colors wrong since the turrets and arms were blue from both mine and Exo's snaps.
  20. Count me in with those who finally just got Peg and Thrust. From the wally's I seldom go, too. I think I got their last Peg, but there were still a few Thrust figures. TRU only had a couple of Thrusts and no Peg at all. fwiw, I passed on cybertronian Prime and Bumblebee. edit: Peg's really got alot of...pegs. oh, well, he's kewl for posing. anybody got the Sword of Omens for him, yet?
  21. looks like a chick-flick to me.
  22. isn't it? It's like they raided the Macross Frontier cg-inventory for the space battles in the trailer. at any rate, this live-action SB-Yamato movie is totally gonna be cheesy but that's gonna be ok. wished they'd kept the bellbottoms, tho.
  23. sure we can. It is very easy for them to surpass the revies and the toynami, considering both revies and toynami suck from the get-go at everything. I just really don't see why Bandai can't (or won't) make their HM-1J as pleasingly proportionate as the Yammie-v2, regardless of size and cost differences.
  24. here is the Perfect Solution for your Perfect Collection VF-1J issue:
  25. hmmm. thanx for the comparo. not trying to be a yammie-fanboy, but the v2 is really alot more better proportioned. in contrast, I can see this HM-1J as having more additional disproportionate stuff than just the obvious thin small feet. -- the chest is smaller and higher up in placement. -- the thighs are a bit quite anorexic then again, maybe it could be just the angle of the HM-1J pic, tho.
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