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Everything posted by TehPW

  1. It funny when you realize that the dog is actually barking at the skinjob Telephone Operator.
  2. From a Facebook commenter that posted on a group I follow: All can be explained easily. It is US scriptwriting for mass market performance. Fast food. Superficial instead of tight research, eye candy mass cgi instead of believable battle etc and way too many crew soap opera instead of logical plot developent. GREAT to watch but little to please the intellect. Be it Discovery or Elementary, in the end they will be cancelled. Quality is a dish served way too rately I had to borrow this. Does this comment seem accurate?
  3. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/an-interstellar-meteor-may-have-slammed-into-earth/ar-BBVZawI?ocid=spartandhp a failed planet bomb? Kinda cool (and probably another reminder that most of us ignore that the big one is still out there to smite us back into past era without Netflix...)
  4. Sounds like a excuse for a soft or hard reboot... certainly would be a excuse to reprint old toys to support such an endeavor. I would be shocked if, when HG finally loses the license, TPTB declare a DYRL 2.0 coming to theaters near you...
  5. Lets see... Millennials are currently the demographic still in vogue, what Nielson ratings still care about, etc... when you say the words V-H-S, you already certify that you are a AARP card holder (and possibly qualify for Medicaid) as far demographics are concerned. anyway... I suppose they are making this movie not because they Just want a paycheck but nostalgia? Remaking of decades old films is a thing...
  6. Sure, throw us money, we'll take it.... Why? Does any millennial even know about RH1 & 2? I didn't even know they made a 3rd...
  7. w...hy? We're waiting on pins & needles just in hope that common sense rules and HG is shown the door in 2021... why would we ever want a reboot of something that arguably should have never been created?
  8. TFA wasn't bad. They killed off Han in a memorable way... But they could have done much better. What TLJ should have done was kill of Leia, forcing Luke into action. They didn't... it's very, very hard to find goodness in a room full of Chaotic Evil.
  9. is it childish? Seto, on the STD thread explained it CLEARLY why the latest Star Wars movies have had issues. It's completely retarded... utterly. I'm just being honest about it: The current production staff that green lighted TLJ are/were complete morons. You can disagree as is your prerogative, I don't care personally. All we can hope is someone in the future (and deep pockets) redoing the movie ala 1990's reissue of the movie like it was done for IV, V & VI*... or Jar Jar hits IX out of the park... *although, as I recall, they did the reissue to fund the prequals as well as proof-of-concept for the CGI they wanted to use. It seems flimsy a idea to reissue a movie because it by itself is flaming poo...
  10. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5T0tXJN5CrMZUEJuz4oovw/community?lb=UgzEUXIz_vIFkjmPwTx4AaABCQ this might be slightly off course for this thread but Nerdrotic has done several videos discussing STD as well as the lawsuit over STD's use of the tartagrade. is someone tying to silence him about that lawsuit?
  11. https://www.crunchyroll.com/star-blazers-space-battleship-yamato/discussions anyone know why 2202 isn't apparently on CR anymore?
  12. misdirection sounds like something Comstar would do, in it's early TRO's. Perhaps the way they worded was intentionally vague?
  13. so I guess the Aquarians are the Protoculture* race of Yamato (21/22) timeline then. I know someone discussed the origins of the Galatians (and I consider them the Zentradi of Y22) but I suppose if they decide to create a 3rd series, would it be the Aquarians as the protagonists? * I suppose this a tropes question but is concept of a Older race creating/seeding younger races a common theme in SCI-FI? I know the idea sorta comes from Star Trek TNG (if not TOS)...
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