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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. What about pong??? Pong was fun and incredibly simple, yet played for hours. Kind of like bomberman on super nintendo. get 4 people and let them throw bombs at each other all day. i think that that is one of the most overlooked games of all times. If you couldn't have fun with that then there is seriously something wrong with you. And how come super mario never considered the top game. Have you played it recently? my friend drug out an old nintendo and started playing it again for sh*ts and giggles. It's funny, that in this day and age of GTA, or FF7 or Metal Gear Solid, or what have you, that one of the most difficult and one of the most fun games is still the original super mario bros game.
  2. I want a VF-1D 1/48 toy now with hikaru and minmei, whhhaaaaaa
  3. Yes the airshow was just for the demonstation of the new flying capabilities aquired through alien technology. I love that episode, gosh the memories of when i first watched it as a young lad. The episode that started it all.
  4. I know it was stated in (ahem, prepares for incoming barrage and attacks on my person) Robotech that they didn't want the general public to know about the transforming capabilities because they didn't want the public to know the true height of the aliens. Now i can't remember if that was said in the Almight Super Dimension Fortress Macross series or not. But that is why they had such a contemporary design
  5. Oh yeah, i forgot about trigun, i loved that show, bought the toys, and everything. I thought it was excellent from start to finish. Where is my Devilman OVA?? God no love for go nagai's greatest creation at all
  6. I love the movie, i thought it was spot on, and smart, and gritty. The ending could have been better but michael mann likes his endings that way so it was to be expected. I loved the soundtrack, the first thing i did when i left the theater was go and buy it. I love the remix of in the air tonight, it fit with the times and feel of the movie
  7. yeah this is a load, where is samarui x, or macross plus, M+ is without a doubt one of the best of all time, most people i know who don't like or watch anime love that, and was berserk on the list and i missed it???
  8. i have always been a fan of gunbuster and devilman, thought the idea behind devilman was great
  9. If i remember correctly toynami (instantly dodges incoming barrage of miscellaneous objects) did make a couple of battriods that were about 5 feet tall. They were on extremely limited release, but i do remember seeing them, they have pics on their page.
  10. i remember being a young child constantly watchin the movie on VHS, it still holds up to this day as one of the best i have ever seen. War, death, and the first time i heard a cartoon say curse words, although all he said was dammit. I need to find a copy of DVD somewhere. I love you hot rod you were always my favortie. "Hey Daniel, if you are going to ride, ride in style" - Hot Rod
  11. Gee if only there was some way of adding a pic of myself to show you guys. I have one of me in uniform look cool, it kinda looks like my avatar of me, oh wait.......no that's not me, i am taller in person
  12. i shook vice president dan quayle's hand a long time ago when i was a youngster, um, maybe i shouldnt count that one. I am going to a Q&A staring the one and only Kevin Smith in a month so i am sure to meet him, and hopefiully get an autograph. Since i am an aspiring filmmaker he is one of the people i look up to and respect. Clerks 2 is the movie of the year, followed closely by Pirates 2, and Snakes On A Plane (just because of the name i saw that it is one of the best this year)
  13. i just read somewhere the philip seymour hoffman may be casted as the penguin
  14. Screw franchises (even though i love both) what about xenogears?? i would love a "true" sequel or prequel not xenosaga, or even the chrono trigger saga, better yet i want another Super Mario RPG, the game that truly got me into RPGs along with chrono trigger.
  15. that would be excellent, and then just go and get mark hamill again, by far the greatest joker ever!!!
  16. I have come to respect heath ledger and his acting abilities. Yes i did see brokeback (with my girlfriend) and thought it and he were both good. To see him be maniacal and crazy, and with an insane smile and laugh will be excellent. i think he is going to suprise an awful lot of people, and as it was said before i am completely confident in chris nolan's ability as a director and his casting choices, (except maybe for Katie Holmes, but that may have been more the studio than him). Did anyone one think that pretty boy cillian murphy would be good as the scarecrow? did he not surprise people? i know he surpised me
  17. Except that there are some people out there that actually enjoy the Daredevil movie... 420028[/snapback] Yeah i know there are, everyone like a movie, hell i loved gigli (sad yes i know, but it is a guilty pleasure known the less) but daredevil was considered by fans and critics (even though i don't really listen to critics) to be a failure, and not a true representation of the beloved charecter. I don't know that much about daredevil, but i know enough to know that that movie was just bad. I am hoping that it was a fluke and maybe johnson can make ghost rider as great as i want it to be.
  18. I have always been a fan of ghost rider, even though i didn't start reading until the danny ketch ghost rider, and johnny blaze was his partner. But i have doubts about this one. I like nick cage, and i love what i have seen in the trailer although i believe the need to do some more work on the skull, i just have a bad feeling because mark steven johnson, the director of ghost rider, also directed........are you ready.......Daredevil. Soooooooooooooo........... the odds are kind of stacked against him that ghost rider will be good.
  19. In Clerks 2, the newest Clerk, the epitome of a complete dork was talking about how there is a new live action movie in development, and Randall just went to town on him, saying the show was trash, and all sorts of stuff. I can't remember exactly what was said, i just remembered laughing hard, especially since i too am a huge fan of the transformers. To this day i still buy the alternators/binaltech line. I do remember the new clerk, Elias, saying that his online screen name is optimus prime, which would put him at the best possible position to have the greatest and coolest screen name once the movie hits the theaters.
  20. I thus be turning the ripe ole age of 25 of the 6th day of the eight month in the late summer of the year two thousand five after the death of jesus.
  21. Anyone consider it may follow the new cartoon series? I've seen the new series, i like it, it isn't as campy and actually follows the comics more from what i have read online at various sites. I haven't seen the trailer yet, but i remember seeing a teaser poster, and the logo on the poster was similar to the logo on the new show on Fox
  22. I don't know if it has been said yet, but the ORIGINAL voice for prime is confirmed to come back which i am excited about. Also, has anyone seen clerks 2 yet? i love the transformers and all but what was said about the movie in clerks 2 was hilarious
  23. Sadly it seems no one has love for the Dante revoltech figure but me, i bought mine, and i love it. it is awesome as far as posing goes. I have to restrain myself everyday from constantly changing poses. Next i'm going for the getters
  24. I saw the movie and felt that it was lacking a lot of things. All this hype and the excution was terrible. And the plot..... i know the book goes more into than that but i just couldnt help but think, " wow kevin smith did this so much better with Dogma."
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