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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. Wow, truly the best film of this year by far. I thought hugo weaving was brilliant. Natalie portman as almost always excellent. The movie as a whole was just awesome I will gladly pay to see it another 2 or 3 times
  2. That's one of the best episodes i have ever seen, that one and the you got served episode
  3. I feel like its the Star Wars series for me. As a whole i love it, there are some parts and sections that weren't all that great sure, but i own all of the macross animes and watch them all at least once or twice a year. Its because of macross, or actually robotech since i was in germany and never knew it as macross as a kid, that i am into anime, and fighters, and all kinds of things.
  4. Yes it may or may not suck. Honestly its only feb. how about we do wait until it comes out?? I do want to see it, i like the movies if nothing more than just plain entertainment. So what they arent as smart or as spy like as they should be, I have tons of intellignet movies, if i am in the mood to watch one, i will watch one of those, or go rent one. But at that time i will be in the mood to see tom cruise in a movie directed by JJ Abrams. Hell you have all been saying xmen was going to suck because of brett ratner, but from what i have seen, heard, and read it looks like it will be entertaining. Let's just put it like this, would you rather watch this, of the Dukes of Hazzard 2? Its probably only a matter of time before that, or worse, Charlie's Angel 3. That's scary
  5. His name twas Bane, and he isnt a wrestler, just a badass genius from south of the border That's like comparing batman to superman. Batman uses his mind, honed skill and training. Supes uses his powers. (he is an alien) 331906[/snapback] anybody else see the dark night two parter wher cerebrus took control of bruce wayne for his assets with nanites and superman went undercover in a batman costum to figure out what happened to bruce with robins help? sooooooooooo damn funny when the one guy [the wrestler whose name I'd remember sober] dropped a builing on batman... who then dusted himself off and whopped some ass 367344[/snapback]
  6. My wallet is crying cause i cant afford one yet. Dammit i have 4 1/48s, one fast pack, no armor, and i want both the armor and this. WHaaahaaaahahahahaaa. Being an E-2 in the AF doesnt pay enough. dammit i need a second job.
  7. i concur with eugimon. honestly i love popcorn flicks, and the jerry bruckheimer blockbusters so that i can be entertained. i knew this movie would suck, not because it isnt an intellectual film, just for other reasons, yet i was still there in the opening weekend watching it. i do tire of people nit picking every damn movie saying it is just your average popcorn films. dammit sometimes thats all we want is to be transported from our boring dull lives to a place where will smith is an excellent marksman, and him and martin lawrence are stopping drug dealers in miami with hilarity.
  8. AAAAhhhhhhh Zim, you would figure that it should be in the works for something new will all the new publicity courtesy of hot topic and such. I have been a long time fan of Zim, ever since i first saw it when it was still new on Nickelodeon. Hell even futurama is making a comeback with 3 straight to dvd movies this summer.
  9. I am an average guy with little to no game, yes i admit it. But when chicks do get the chance to know me, and especially in the case of this one hot chick, and when we spend every waking moment together as friends, eventually stuff happens. And it did. So i feel for him, and hell i'm 24, he was doing it big and great at 16. Hikaru, and/or rick, your my hero.
  10. Venture brothers is coming back on, and so is JLU actually. those shows are still there, just not in current rotation because they are making new episodes. Venture brothers is supposed to start in march or april again, and i just read an interview wizard magazine did with bruce timm about JLU.
  11. i cant wait for ultraviolet. I saw a lot of the cool stuff that made equilibrium great in the trailer. and i loved equilibrium.
  12. I figured as much but there are a lot of other great products there, and i just wanted to let those who don't know about the site to check it out
  13. So every now and then i head over the the studio half eye site and see what products they are turning out. Long time ago i got real excited because of the great work that they were doing with the getter robo franchise. Now i go back over and i see something i never thought i would ever see in toy form. A transform gunbuster figure based off the original show and buster machine 1 and 2. i dont know if this was already covered in the gunbuster thread, but that thread is so big that i just thought i throw it over here. If you don't already, i encourage everyone one to head over to there site and see the great looking products they put out. Only real problem is that the site is all in japanese, but if i can find my way around there i'm sure you all can too. http://halfeye.m78.com/
  14. I also hope that some day you all will critique my movies and say how bad they are, and then I can tell you all to go to hell cause that is what the studio wanted me to do, and that you will all have to wait for me to start my own production company for the good stuff. Mwahahahahahahahaha
  15. I am an Airman in the United States Air Force as a videographer. My plan is that when my enlistment is up to go to Full Sail in Orlando, Fl and get my Bachelors of Science for film, and would like to make professional films or music videos. So far I am quite good at the videos I do make, but I am tired of making the ones the Air Force wants me to make, I am ready to make my own kickass creations and whatnot.
  16. So I am making a video about some F-15s that are visiting my base from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, and when I was standing on the flight line with my camera looking at them all i could think about was macross. Like how cool it would be to be standing next to some valks getting ready for take off and stuff. I also got even more appreciation for Shoji as i stood there looking at the fighters thinking about the VF-1 designs, and how everything transforms and stuff, god it was like being a kid again watching Macross (or rather i was watching robotech in germany) and seeing all the valks taking off, ground crews scurring around and everything. Any of you ever had that happen to you? I know a few of you have been around fighters a couple of times before.
  17. i won't see this one, i was disappointed with the last one. why if we have vampires and werewolves are we using guns that didnt seem to do anything? where was the hand to hand combat? hell even in annne rice novels that vampires were throwing hands and stuff. god i felt so robbed. i love gun movies when they are done properly, but the first and probably the second one sucked.
  18. Hmmmm, the pics looks kinda odd, but i will wait for more pics to come out. I hope the movie will at least be decent, i love the first two, and even though i am an avid x-fan and could tear them apart, i won't. I think bryan singer did a good job with the franchise, i am very very scared of what brett ratner will do. I did like rush hour 1 and 2 for the cheap laughs and what not. Red Dragon not so much. Lets just hope he knows what he's doing. if he can put out a decent film then i will be happy. Hell just give me more shots of colossus and i will be happy
  19. There was an asian guy working at wolfram and hart in the later season of angel after lindsy left, his name was gavin, and there were a few asains that popped up all over angel as a matter of fact. Honestly i didnt like the character gavin though, he always seemed behind the power curve of the law firm most of the time.
  20. In the ultimate universe venom was a suit designed to help people rejuvenate damaged cells or something, and then something else happened when eddie brock came into the pic, but yes it was a failed experiment that both eddie's and peter's fathers worked on together before peter's father went missing
  21. I honestly think that there is a lot of unnecessary hate towards robotech. It may mot be better than macross, but can we truly hate a show that without it most of us would have never known what macross is? I have just seen the original macross series for the first time last year, and its great but u love robotech too, that was the gateway, the beginning. For instance I don't like the military, but I will love and respect it for giving me the chance to learn video, directing and editing and everything I need to know about making a film. If it weren't for robotech I wouldn't be in this forum. Yes I have the dvds, games, and soundtrack and books, because I can still remember that feeling I got as a kid when I first saw max's vf-1j, or when rick finally got the skull. I still love the music causes that's my childhood, and despite what most of u say or think its true for u to, macross is better, and my life, but robotech is still important to me. That's my two cents
  22. He seems like he would be, apparently the show is so accurate that his family had to sign releases so they could make it. so even if he is successful he's had such a hard life and upbringing he probably wouldn't let stuff like success be a factor, he could be far worse off cosidering his upbringing. i think the show is brilliant though for a low bidget show. hey A1, does he actually own a car shop or anything like that?
  23. So i was in my friend's room when i noticed she had the boxset of the fox show titus. the whole show!!!! this is one of fox's better shows, and i dont know exactly why they ever cancelled it, it was pure genius. i was wondering if any of you remember it, or even have the set yourself? now i all need is the ned and stacy boxset (another great fox comedy) and i can die happy
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