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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. kanedaestes


    Oops oh well, yes i know it's blashpemous but hey at least i have one
  2. kanedaestes


    yeah i have more toys they are just spread out all over the place. Hopefully i can move out soon and then i can't put them all in a central location.
  3. kanedaestes


    So maybe i am blind and can no longer find the thread about collections, but none the less BEHOLD! I have finally acquired a camera so here is mine. It isn't huge but it is mine. Also i am aware of the dust on them, but unfortunately since i moved into this room i havent had the space to properly display, or change, or even dust and clean them. I pretty much set them up and left them this way for the past couple of months. Any on to the show
  4. Seriously can you provide scans of the transformation process from the instructions booklet i am curious about the arms too.
  5. This is kiind of morbid don't you think? Talking about eating dead Zentradi? Ewwwww, the steak you could be eating could be Zentradi backside, you just ate someone's butt!! Granted the same could be said about the cows we use, but we don't interact or treat them like people, eating Zentradi is almost borderline cannibalism don't you think?
  6. Oh yeah i forgot all about Fullmetal Alchemist, that's one of my favorites too.
  7. I got it, i like it since i am a fan of the game series. It's cool i like all the poses i can put him in. He comes with his two guns, his shot gun, his sword and the guitar from DMC 3. The guns can be place in holders on his back, and his sword can be placed on his back as well which is cool. The guitar does a little transformation thing so it looks like a weapon as well.
  8. Depends on what your taste are my friend. I have been watching: Naruto Rurouni Kenshin (samurai x in america) I do recommend the Devilman OVA Gunsmith Cats Cowboy Bebop Trigun Gungrave, (that's a must see) I like the Getter Robo OVAs Samurai 7 was okay Gunbuster Ghost in the Shell (Movie and Series) Hellsing Um........ I like martian successor nadesico even though i never finished it Oh i can't believe none of you guys mentioned RANMA 1/2, always reliable for a laugh. One of the best series ever I here black lagoon and Eureka 7 are worth watching, just downloaded black lagoon. Escaflowne Series, (the movie was okay, but i prefer the series) GTO Clerks the animated series The Venture Brother The Boondocks Invader Zim (Okay i know the last couple aren't anime, but dammit they are still worth watching so i am adding them.) Um There is so much more, i just can' think right now it's late and i have to PT first thing in the morn, oh well. Just keep asking around the folks on these forums know their stuff and lead you down the right path as far as good anime,
  9. I feel ya; I'm not feel'in Red Hood(Jason Todd) or even the Winter Soldier(Bucky Barnes) too much. I'm glad Marvel is keeping Jean Grey dead and Banshee doesn't seem like he's coming back to the land of the living. In the case of Arsenal, I think the Brad Metzler wanted a bowman on the JLA and maybe wouldn't or couldn't use Green Arrow. Speedy's been showing up on JLU and the Teen Titans shows and it looks like DC maybe exploiting that. The new Flash is Bart Allen, the former Impulse/Kid Flash, and in Smallville the Flash that guest starred was named Bart. Johnathan Kent might die in the Superman comics and that would parallel Superman Returns and Smallville. 427446[/snapback] yeah i don't know why, but i got real interested in the flash, i love the powers all the different forms and variations of the speed force, and i kinda like how it's kind of a family thing, and how bart is the new flash. He still has a whole lot of growing up as a person to do to be able to handle that responsibility, seeing as how his name was once impulse and it was given to him by batman because of his impulsive nature. It will be interesting to see how he handles his new responsiblilties. I try my best to keep with with all the goings on in comics, if i don't buy any comics at all i still always buy Wizard magazine every month. Hell even when i was in basic training they had a comic shop in the mini mall and i had them hold the latest issue of wizard for me until i graduated. Right now i am big into the old classics that have made a comeback. Classics like Moon Knight and Ghost Rider. Those were some of the very first comics i read as a young kid, long before i ever cared about collecting.
  10. because of boredom at work and wikipedia i have slowly become a fan of a lot of the DC characters. Right now i am reading flash, and i want to pick up some batman ones. I have all star batman and all star superman. I have always been of batman though, ever since i was a kid. To see a normal man/human be able to stand his grand against overly powerful aliens, and gods and know that he could or has owned them all at one point or another is great. One thing i don't like recently about comics is the return of certain characters. it has always been a long standing constant that Bucky (captain america's sidekick) and the second Robin were dead for good. PERIOD. I don't care how creative their return was now its like writers can't be original and have original stories or original characters. Let's resurrect some dead people, or change powers and unmask others. Oh well, its whatever i guess.
  11. I knew he was red arrow and stuff i was just curious about the change
  12. So wait Arsenal got rid of all his guns and ammo to pick up the bow and arrow again? Why? What about the second Green Arrow what happened to him?
  13. basically like he said above. it's exactly what you expect it should be, no more, and no less. but still it was a ride, a great way to kill close to 2 hours of your day
  14. just came back, loved every second, it doesn't dissappoint at all
  15. I downloaded the first 12 issues last night so i will watch them this weekend as well as samurai 7. You guys have always had great taste in other anime, so i am expecting a great weekend
  16. Its okay, i just keep mine in dragon mood, its the best mode as far as the toy goes. The cape doesn't stay on in its guymelef mode, thankful i have a smaller version of the guymelef mode from the series bandai was producing back when that, and Big O and Cowboy Bebop just made it to American television.
  17. Even if their license was coming due, i am sure they could renew it. THey have done many great things in the past couple of years with their 1/48 line, and it is turning profit, the reason other companies lost thier licenses is because they weren't turning a profit. WIth new releases from different series coming i am sure they will be fine. I am sure the Mac Plus toys will sell out so fast that if you don't preorder one you probably won't get one.
  18. You know for as long as i have been a member i have been dying to showcase what i have. Not because my collection is big because it's not. And not because i have anything rare either, cause i don't. I just want to show it because you guys are the only ones who would appreciate them like i do. I will post some pics soon, but for a preview i have: 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru (with strike armour) 1/48 VF-1S Roy 1/48 VF-1A Max 1/48 Super VF-1J Hikaru (although i place the armor with the clear cover on my max valk) VF-19 Fire Valk (knock off) VF-19s Blazer (knock off) VF-17D Bandai YF-19, YF-21, YF-11 Yamato Ah as i recall how i got most of them, a lot from ebay, and a lot from the Valkyrie Exchange. VE you will be missed. I even got my Yamato Escaflowne from VE (
  19. I will be there, i am trying to drum up more people to go with me and they all say it looks stupid, and i have said that's the point. You watch it knowing it's going to be bad, but so bad it's good. And a friend from work had sam jackson call my phone, it was great, and i was crying cause it was so funny.
  20. kanedaestes

    Minmay Gaurd

    Okay i did a search and the only thing that came up was the great customs that many of you guys have made. Now i remember reading about it long ago but i forgot, or it just didn't soak in at the time. What exactly is the Minmay Gaurd and how or where did it start, and what's up with the different acts. I know it's not canon, but i do like a lot of the color schemes, and i just wanted the back story is all. Please forgive my ignorance.
  21. I agree, to many vilians in the pot spoil the soup. The Joker alone is more than enough, there really isn't a necessary reason to bring in more at this point. But we will see, just because they have that many doesn't mean that they all need a lot of screen time, there were 2 in Batman Begins, and Ra's Al Ghul didn't really have much screen time except towards the end. ( And i mean as a villian not as a mentor in the way of the mystical ninja )
  22. I know it's not, i just forgot how to spell RK, so i used the american name is all.
  23. the macross plus yf-19 controls where very much like the DYRL controls, basically both fighter and battriod were integrated
  24. Yes, you would think that a series like RK would be on the list considering it has 20-some volumes of manga, 90+ episodes, 2 OAV series, and loads of artwork would have made it to the list...blame popular culture. 425228[/snapback] Thats nothing in the sea of anime. Theres dozens of shows with more than 500 episodes and scores more volumes of Manga. I think you guys should realise, as has already been said, this is a Japanese poll and whats popular at your Western Anime Club might not always be whats popular or what has been popular with fans in Japan. 425283[/snapback] It seems as though you believe that we here at mac world don't know a lot about other anime and the longevity or the popularity of them in japanese or asian culture. we aren't as ignorant or uneducated as you may think. The general statement being made on this page is that most of the things list are not really what a rational person who loves anime would consider being the top overall. I don't believe that Gundam SEED should be at the top, i do believe macross should be higher, and that a form of samurai x should have been included. A lot of us here are older than your average american fan. Most of the age range goes from early 20's to early 40's, so most of us have seen a lot in our day that wasn't translated or adapted by american media. Many of us have spent time over in japan and other asian countries, and many are still there. Give us more credit than you have. I can tell by the whole Western Anime Club or whatever you mentioned you are obviously misinformed by other sites that you may have frequented about the individuals here on this site. that is all i have to say, that and that the Devilman OVA should still be on a list of top anime somewhere.
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