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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. Mine are films and cartoons from my childhood, like the last unicorn, short circuit 1 and 2 and etc...but my most recent guilty pleasure has a retarded rapper, a latin hottie doing yoga, and ben affleck. That's right gigli, I though it was funny as hell, I'm so ashamed, I have so great taste in movies, but I just love this one for some odd reason, i mean it was christopher walken and al pacino what's not to love
  2. Hey I'm not going to say what happened to my 1/48 valks, but I have had great success with quick gel super glue, or just super glue in general
  3. Okay then where can I buy all 26 episodes on dvd, most of the places I go to only have episodes 1-17 on sale, I want the whole thing
  4. Okay hey I've been wanting to buy the entire samurai champloo series online, but I have seen that the sets they have are 17 episodes long, but when I saw the show listed on anime news network it said there was 24 or 26, how many episodes are there really?
  5. "Ninja kick the damn rabbit" Michaelangelo in the first movie. I oppose the cgi look, since I was always a fan of the original costumes, and they still work as far as realism today, they made it more believable. Anywho the movie well definitely suck since it is hooked up with 4kids, but the new cartoon is entertaining and isn't a childish as I thought it might be, if they can make it like the new toon it may be good.
  6. I am currently in the airforce and I know that after any opertion big or small, especially a battle that u would have to fill out an after action repoort, as well as get debriefed, so my guess is he snuck off cause he did know he was going to die, and he wanted to see claudia before he passed
  7. I think as with most things since they had no real competition the simpsons decided to tone down and become lax, but now theirs family guy, and even though they are on the same channel as of now the only thing going for the simps is that they come on before FG, if they don't try and do something to come around soon they may not see an 18th or 19th season, and FG will just take over fox, and this september FG will be releasing their movie where stewie will go look for his real father, while the simpsons movie is still a long way away, and true the FG movie is straight to video but that is because it was being made before the show had got renewed, and they weren't sure that it may not do as well on screen so they played it safe
  8. I have loved FG since it first came on, I have always thought that it was far more superior in comedy than the simpsons. Family Guy always has that u don't know what's coming up next feel, and the constant references and parodies to pop culture are priceless, I nearly died when I saw lois's dad sit in the chair in front of the speaker listening to classics blaring out, it took me straight back to the original maxwell commercials of the 80s. And the most recent episode that has had me crying was when brian was on the bachlorette and stewie was talking about his book, oh I was crying. FG brings me to tears of laughter almost every other episode that's why its far more superior, all though I love the simpsons, its getting old and tired, and even the writers recognize this as they make jokes about it every episode or so.
  9. Oh, and let's not forget basara . Before u boo we are asked to name the best pilots, and even though he doesn't fight, he was a damn good pilot seeing as how he was never shot down, or even hit, he flew circles around almost everyone
  10. He does have a point, but then that takes the fun out of it
  11. I would have to say max, although roy was good, he had the expierence, he was also shot down. Isamu and guld were both excellent but u really don't see much of their combat skills when fighting more than one opponent, yeah u see isamu's, but not enough. Millia was great, and was born for war and was the top in her fleet, but was none the less defeated by max, and max has proven many times over his skills when going against multiple oppenents, as well as survival since he also survived the great war like millia, and his skills were even recognized by roy himself. It's max all the way, and mind u I'm a big isamu fan, but those are the facts friends
  12. Well I feel that the movie was okay, I especially liked the thing and human torch, but all in all, i felt that it was a spring board for a far better more superior sequel with the right director attached. Nothing against Tim Story, but he wasnt nowhere near qualified enough for this film, (although I do thank hollywood for letting a black director try and take on a huge project like this, we are coming up and soon their will be more of us like me ) but maybe next time it will be a lot better like X2 was to Xmen
  13. my life felt so empty and incomplete without my daily visit to macross world. welcome back
  14. i will gladly buy one my damn self
  15. to my knowledge last i checked ras al ghul was an american explorer who had found the lazarus pits way back in the 1920's or so, he used them to keep himself young, and over the years built his criminal empire, but he was once american, now that is what batman the animated series says, how true that is to the comic im not quite sure as i have never read any of the comic dealing with his origin. the cartoon had a way of sometimes changing somethings, but it was pretty true to the comic, unlike that horrible spiderman cartoon which changed damn near everything
  16. so i saw it wednesday night at 930, and i am going back today with some people who havent seen it, oh i cant wait. i am suprised at how excited i am to see the movie a second time
  17. oh oh oh, i have the worst comic book movie. it was so bad that marvel refused to even give it a straight to dvd release. it was supposed to be their horror/sci-fi movie for last fall, but i guess they saw it and realized that it was utter garbage, more so than daredevil and electra combined, that they said lets just give it to the sci-fi channel and forget that it was ever made. the only big star that i saw was the person who played blanka in the street fighter movie, which in itself one of the worst movies ever made. okay are u ready for it????????? MANTHING
  18. it was a good score, but it didnt have any decerning theme music or anything like the other ones, it was there and helped with the mood. i dont think batman should have theme music it doesnt suite the feel of him or this particular movie
  19. kanedaestes


    nevermind, i found some slightly helpful tips using search. but still if someone has something to say its fine as well
  20. well those of u thinking that about his character in batman are in for a treat
  21. hey i love my boots and they too are bad, but if u really hate them fix them that is the best part, fix, modify, make it the toy u want it to be, cause if u fail, it is cheap to replace, thats what i plan to do,
  22. kanedaestes


    i have a question, is it direct sunlight that causes yellowing or just prolonged exposre to outdoor light. see i light to have my blinds open in my room, and i am worried that over time my 1/48 my start yellowing, but the dont get direct sunlight so if it is sunlight then they should be fine right? oh and go see batman begins
  23. oh my god, oh my god, they have finally got it right. withouth a doubt the best batman movie ever (which is saying a lot cause mask of the phantasm was the best before that). And maybe one of the best superhero movies ever, i cant wait to watch it again, and again. i havent felt this good about a movie in so long, a movie that i want to see over and over again in the theaters, i dont care how much it costs, it is very much worth every penny, u are in for a ride
  24. in last month issue of wizard they did bring it up, but said she was too old pushing like 41 or so, and if they wanted to do a origin story, and start a franchise they needed someone younger, but 20 years ago she would have been perfect
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