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Found 2 results

  1. Bringing back this thread with the. . . Greatest. R&B Love Song. Ever. (There's also an actual video for the song too, but youtube won't allow it to be embedded.)
  2. I know its a bit late, but this is one of the animes that has made a buzz over there at animesuki and I though it deserved its won thread here in MW. Just looking at the first episode, It would seem this series has a different style to it. The sound quality and animation are pretty AWESOME!!! So, who's watched it? I think its only me and wolfx (as MW members), who watched this and talked about it sparingly in another thread. I would really love a comment from Areaseven in this anime. BTW, the raws on this thing are up to episode 9 and i heard the "meido" (who is one of the most anticipated characters of the anime) has appeared. Oh yeah some pics can be found in this blogs: http://anime.miao.us/archives/2006/04/08/694/ http://mangaminxslair.blogspot.com/2006/04...-lagoon-01.html http://www.batrock.net/anime/?p=452 http://www.yayapapayaz.com/handofgory/2006...lack-lagoon-1-2
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