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Everything posted by JKeats

  1. I forgot it was April Fool's Day and read on slashdot.org that Tiger Woods is teaming up with Apple to promote the new Mac OS and believed the article. That is the extent of my April Fool's Day. Hurrah.
  2. This game is fun but I'm having so much trouble with it. Do you guys move around all the time or stay relatively still? I find that I become a little distracted with shielding myself against missiles so that I usually end up flying around all crazy-like. It's fun but half of the time I feel like I have no idea what the HELL I am doing.
  3. Eat some hot dogs. Go to the Met. Take a picture of your hand doing the "West Side" gangsta sign over NYC at the top of the Empire State Building. Get drunk at trendy bars and make a fool of yourself. Watch a friend throw up milk on the street at 3 a.m. after drinking all night. Eat more hot dogs. Take a walk in Central Park, if you're a real man you'll do it late at night. Go to Chinatown and bargain for crap you don't want. Go to Little Italy and eat. All things I did on my trip to NYC last year with my college newspaper crew.
  4. There you go... mecha boobies. What is this thing? Looks like VF-11. It's the SoundForce VF-11. Go Macross 7. Her mecha boobies aren't exposed, this thread is still misleading!
  5. Boo, way to mislead us with your post heading!!! I want to see robot boobs, dammit!
  6. Bright Eyes, Shins, Cake, The Unicorns, Elliot Smith, The Velvet Teen, Tiger Army, Beatles, Nirvana, Janis Joplin, Weezer and on and on and on.... Please, no hip-hop, pop or gangsta rap. In college,I used to put Flashback 2012 on my computer while I was studying.
  7. I would also like to add my chuckle in with the rest of the group. Bravo Graham, bravo. -JKeats
  8. Greatest. Thread. EVAR. Or at least it's what's getting me through my workdays. I remember wanting to go to Universal Studios as a kid just to sit in the KITT car and take a picture with it. My parents must have hated me when I was young. -JKeats
  9. Duke, thanks for posting that, didn't even know King George was going to be on 60 Min. this Sunday. Sweet. God, that SE ESB poster is so awesome. Has to be my favorite out of all of them. -JKeats
  10. Saw the trailer during the OC last night. Damn, I cannot wait until this movie comes out. Looks like Palpatine will be going against the Jedi with a lightsaber in hand. It was an awesome night of OC and Star Wars.
  11. Oh man, is your girlfriend a Robotech fan or something? lol, no but my public display of excitement over seeing that car may have been too much geek for her
  12. Since it's been mentioned here: I live in So. Cal and twice I've seen the same dark blue Celica with a huge VF-1A from DYRL on it, with a veritech logo. Once I saw it near my school in Riverside, CA (maybe the guy went to UCR, like me?) and another time I saw it in Pasadena, in Old Town. I wanted to leave a note on his car saying, "COOL" or "HURRAY" but my girlfriend told me to stop embarrassing her.
  13. Best movie of the year, hands down. Go watch it, you won't be disappointed. Oh and they played the Star Wars Ep. III teaser before the movie, so it was a win-win. Elastigirl is awesome.
  14. Posted occasionally as Fortinbras, if I remember correctly. Those days were fun. I remember when Yamato announced their Mac+ valks... Damn, I feel old.
  15. you ain't the only one pal! my friends and i took a bunch of...stuff, and played for like 70+ hours straight! we'd all go home at some point, then race back to my friends house to feed our addictions....yeah, both of them. Well I was just a kid so no crazy...stuff...for me then but I could not stop flying around and taking pictures of polygonal buildings. I remember I would take the propeller hanglider thing and just drive around the towns. Dang, I need to track that game down...
  16. I have no idea why but Pilot Wings for the 64. I would sit there and play that game for HOURS just flying around. Good god.
  17. What kind of cigs are those? Italian?
  18. But isn't that scene from the end (where he's in the Strike VF-1S)? Oh well. Probably another animation mistake. Actually, I think that image is from the scene towards the beginning of the movie, when he is in his VF-1A. Which would make him 011. He was in the stirke actually so... yeps... another animation mistake In the beginning of the movie, when Hikaru is 011, he's in a Super VF-1A. Hikaru is assigned the Strike VF-1S at the end. So if this screencap is from the beginning like I believe it is, then he should be 011, in a Super -1A.
  19. But isn't that scene from the end (where he's in the Strike VF-1S)? Oh well. Probably another animation mistake. Actually, I think that image is from the scene towards the beginning of the movie, when he is in his VF-1A. Which would make him 011.
  20. The reason why they used the head to make soup was because the rest of the fish's body was cut off when Hikaru tried to drag that monster back in and Minmei closed the hatch too quickly. Koreans use the fish head in soups too, BTW.
  21. No, it wouldn't be your fault. It would be their fault for being dumb enough to break into your house. That's why they deserve the hammer.
  22. Dude, it was someone you know.. likely someone who obsesses about your girlfriend.... who wants to be you.... creepy... OMG, that is creepy. Was it....... YOU???
  23. Sorry to hear... My car got broken into a couple months back when I was still in college. They stole everything: my iPod mini, pictures of my trip to NYC (including the negatives!!), my girlfriend's house/car keys, her friend's purse and keys, my sweater, my golf clubs (bastards!!), and last but not least, some old valks I was planning to give away to a few MW members. Still don't like to talk about it, but it was a really craptacular experience. What really pisses me off is that they took things that would have no value to them, like the pictures and negatives, the keys, and of course, my valks. Sorry, man, good luck.
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