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Everything posted by Toonz

  1. got mine today and here's some pics with fast pack...
  2. i received this attachment from my dealer in singapore...
  3. Toonz

    my toy smells funny

    air fresherners? put it in soap water?
  4. hmmm somehow yamato is not able to satisfy us and we just want more and more depeche mode "i just can't get enough, can't get enough, can't get enough....."
  5. should call it the advance chunky monkey?
  6. it's good to see this thread again
  7. thanks graham! POW! WOW! yamato is getting more and more detail! let me guess..... sithlord will get 10? godzilla will get 30? kensei will get 60?
  8. thanks for the site! great pics! i'll paste the link again DannyChoo
  9. nice and lets see it in other modes
  10. these pictures were taken from some of the wallpapers that i made a while ago and as well as some of the members who have contributed to the fan works section here (thanks to you guys ). i've created them into avatars to share with everyone here so please feel free to use them
  11. wow! nice very nice! i have a new wallpaper tonight! please do more and share with us here....
  12. wow! so angelic! can we have a bigger scan? 1024x768?
  13. i need another detolf shelf soon
  14. for one moment i thought that yamato is going to reissue all the 1/48
  15. you did it again! now put it next to your hasegawa vt-1
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