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Everything posted by Toonz

  1. You are correct, the VF-0's hands do not retract into the forearms. Graham 314996[/snapback] then where do they go in fighter mode? 315091[/snapback] I don't know if you have the hasegawas model or not but the hands look like they just make fists and are between the arms and the Backpack....The "plates" with the yellow stripes on them that cover the area between the arm and the back-pack is actually the back off the hands. Chris 315095[/snapback] Damn, you're right! I've never noticed that before. Spun out. Toonz, take a look at the first ep of Macross Zero when Roy first transforms the VF-0. You'll see the the hands are stored externally in fighter mode. 315124[/snapback] yeah! thanks! just playback that scene and the hands were indeed stored externally. now yamato better give us strong fingers to hold the gun
  2. You are correct, the VF-0's hands do not retract into the forearms. Graham 314996[/snapback] then where do they go in fighter mode?
  3. er....i realised that it has the same chicken hands as the 1/48 VF-1
  4. just want to find out how much the Bandai 1/55 VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (mint in box) is worth today.... any advice?
  5. goods news BUT will they take the next 2 years to develop this valk before they decide to shelf it again like the 1/100? well i hope not.....
  6. thanks for the pics exo! i hope the hands come painted that way...
  7. ok for some of you who have a full set of these fat things, how about some group pics?
  8. no i won't get them though it's pretty cheap over at the flee mart here
  9. does anyone of you still own these figures nowadays? some call them hamburger hands how playable are they?
  10. can't wait for this set to arrive, finally to have a cockpit for myself
  11. how RARE is this version of the batmobile?
  12. i like it! and how much will that be? any fast packs to go along with?
  13. ouch~~ has it been fix yet? yamato.....
  14. really crazy over jetfire are you?
  15. welcome to the real world of 1/48
  16. good job! yeah and some close up now....
  17. Toonz

    Toy Ages

    classic http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=classic vintage http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=vintage antique http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=antique
  18. Toonz

    Low Viz

    Join the club, I keep hoping becuase they were so popular we'll see a similar 1J or 1S release joining you as well. i was offer at a good price when it first came out and i thought, what the heck, how many 1As do i need? well...look at now....sigh....
  19. nice addition of yamato valks and you got to spread the 1/60 legs out more, it's standing like a 1/55 now... i still don't quite understand the use of the cloth...any pics to show?
  20. whew....just manage to glance through the many pages.... where is scott BLUE coming from? who is sarah and is there a grey cyclone? i don't think so....
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