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Everything posted by Toonz

  1. killer skills he has!
  2. If George Lucas is going to remake Starwars 4/5/6, who would you like to see in these new films? lets call it a wishlist.... as for me, i think ewan, hayden and ian can continue to be obiwan, vader and emperor. as for the new actors, keira knightley is my choice to be pricess leia and antonio banderas can be a new jedi master wearing black cloak with a white lightsaber (i phtoshop him) what do the rest think? lets keep this topic fun and light hearted...
  3. that's what i thought too cos i'd love to have posable cyclones to play around with... well, who knows they might just do it....
  4. wah! i'd like to have one! since i didn't get the one that i did last year
  5. i still can't stop laughing ...
  6. That's right!! Behold, the true power of the 1/48... I give you...ORGUSS POSE!! the legs!
  7. soon you will see your 1/48 increasing.....in no time
  8. the power of a detolf! nice fockers, but where is the 1/55 chunky monkey?
  9. miria and ben dixon are missing? ran away?
  10. hot water, i've tried and tried..... work, it did not.....
  11. ok guys...its the lightsabers that come with the basic ep3 action figures. not the handle, but the blade that is curve. i think i will try the hair dryer method...if it still doesn't work, i may have to get some transparent rods from art and craft shops to replace the blades
  12. some of my lightsabers are curve after removing from the EP3 packaging and i have to say that i really HATE the EP3 packaging curve front causing some of the lightsabers to bend in shape. does anyone know how i can straighten them? i've tried putting them in hot water but it doesn't work
  13. my my my.....the 1/55 never dies...
  14. Toonz


    I would not bet on this information. as previously, from a Fax image there is a mention of the word Limited Edition next to the pic of the Cannon Fodder. Noel Ugh. Means I have to buy another 30 of the other CF. SPARE some for us
  15. wow...wonder how it looks with strike fast pack
  16. Toonz


    thanks for the pics my local seller told me that there is no such thing about a limited CF
  17. Wow, I mean... WOW If that umbrella could make that Click & Hiss sound of a lightsaber when you open it up i like that umbrella!
  18. please allow me to do this....i'm bored at work....
  19. WOW!!!! awesome pic you have there!
  20. yes, i made an order through kinokuniya (Takashimaya) but i'm not sure of how many copies they have in store. it costs S$102.
  21. got the book tonight from kinokuniya..... and each page really put a BIG WOW on my face!
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