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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. Ya the model kits. I resisted those for a long time but once I picked one up I was impressed and now I've got a lot of models to work on😊 Fortunately I love working on models! Hasi's and Bandi's.. I wish they would have done 1/48 bad guys.. Otherwise might not even be looking at the high metals..let alone buying them🤔😅
  2. I love my 1/48's !! It's really cool seeing so much 1/48 love👍🏻 Considering 1/60's have been the standard (for toys) 1/72's have been the high end , detailed scale And now with the 1/100 Hi metal R series generating so much hype ( justifiably so!) It's easy to forget our 1/48 Yammies.. Love the pics!
  3. Ya mon. Finish the series. 😉 And check it off your bucket list😆 Not many people loved the series but you know we're gonna buy the hell out of those DX's and 1/72's Aintcha Spanner..well at least the DX's..🤔
  4. Awesome !! 👍🏻
  5. Quite massive indeed. Did they give any indication of a ball park price for such a thing?
  6. I wanna support MW Conn 16 @ Delta level .. But I can't make it... Any chance I can have my Swag shipped or anyone going from the sf Bay Area I could meet up with..?
  7. At this point the whole franchise has spun out and it only mirrors the efforts of its creator(s) trying to grasp onto something nostalgic and yet new and innovative. But.. They blew it. Hikaru is tailspinning into Macross city in the vf-1d and doesn't know how to change into batroid mode.. Misa help him!!
  8. It's funny. I'm sentimentally very attached to my yammyVF-4g. I wouldn't sell or trade it for anything. I don't care about market trends... Of course , I have the Chronos YF-30 and it IS hot. My advise to you is to throw out dollars and (common) sense and go for what you resonate with the most. Get your hands on the YF-30 and see what you think..
  9. C'mon guys. How can there not be some kind of follow up?? Even if you haven't heard anything in the wind (haha!) Granted the Macross trend is now 'leave em hanging'.. Again, I really want to know what the Japanese fans are saying about Delta.. Maybe there's change in the wind.( Haha,sorry can't resist.!) 😝
  10. OMG.. What a brute!! Considering the shear size.. I would pay $350 ya, but.. There we go down the rabbit hole.. Now I need Vajra Cannon Fodder..
  11. One has to wonder if Delta is commercially successful enough in Japan to carry on the franchise into a new series. And possibly additional Delta content. I for one am assuming so. And I do expect a movie out of Delta. How could they not milk it..?
  12. Well I was just about to purchase the ticket n airplane ride from NorCal. But apparently there's a phat party happening on my land that whole weekend..so..😕 Fate has denied me again! I still want those shot glasses!😡
  13. Hmm.. Temping. It is only a 7 hr drive.. Or 1 hr flight..
  14. Macros con merchandise skull squadron level only available to attendees?
  15. Hey 505th. Didn't say I loved it. Tho it had a few enjoyable moments..Just being focused on the positive😉
  16. Lovely project. Realty looking forward to this..
  17. Just to add some positivity. The animation is great! Mecha designs great! Macross universe development added depth. Last episode all battle, less babble..I like. I liked the music from this series more than frontier. (Tho not really into poppy teanage music anymore.) Enjoyed the idea of Windemere and its people Otherwise.. Help me stay positive y'all..!
  18. Coming out of my aerie to drop my two cents.. I felt a lot more info got dropped in this last episode. If they had kept up this pace from the get go, we would have had a much richer and streamlined story. Having said that, I really enjoyed the homage and parallel unfolding to the final battle in mega road. The final song was very nostalgic I must say. And I feel like all of us old school fans should appreciate that regardless of all the other crap. I pretty much gave up on really loving this series almost from the beginning. But as a fan and freak since 1984 , you know I'll never stop watching.
  19. So...where do I sign?😉
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