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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. If you're buying 10 toys from them this year that's 70 bucks! haha That's the cost of shipping on 2-3 toys.
  2. Ive ordered from NY twice and it was well packaged and in great shape. I'm sure if you got a broken one they would hook you up. But it's your money and what you feel comfortable with of course.
  3. Some people just want it now and they don't have time to wait for pre-orders to come up. Ebay is their marketplace. Some people hunt for deals and get a better price. It's all about time and money. I think there is a going rate on this forum as a market, and then an inflated market on ebay.
  4. BTW, how do you mount those lights? Do they have sticky stuff or something?
  5. It's just capitalism. Capitalism in a niche market for specialty items, no less. Are you saying that if you had a Yamato toy that you bought at retail, you would sell it for $150 out of the kindness of your heart, if it was going for $500 +? If those are your personal beliefs I admire your courage sir! But I don't think it's realistic. I had this discussion with a zealous Transformers fan a few months back when I was selling some vintage Transformers and Star Wars toys. He told me my prices were too high and it was exploitation to put items that high. I told him that he was full of cow pies, and that buying toys is a luxury. If you want to mark a toy at the high end of the collectors market and WAIT for the person that A. has the disposable income and B. the desire to buy that item at the highest market price, then you have every right to do that. It might not sell as fast, but it will sell because that buyer does exist. There isn't anything wrong with it in my mind. If you're not dying to sell right away, why not see if you can get the highest price you can. Not to mention you pay ebay 10% and Paypal $2 percent + shipping. But that's how auctions work. You're paying to get as many eyeballs as possible and command the highest price. I had a cherry Blue Gakken Alpha that had a simple repair and I sold it for super cheap. I could have waited around for the one person to buy it at a higher price, but I wanted it gone so I increase the amount of buyers who would consider it. That said, Ebay prices are generally off from where you can get items in other places. They could be inflated $100-300 dollars depending on the item.
  6. grymg - the point is to pay when the yen is low, but it could flux up. I had them convert my order over from when I pre-ordered a month ago, and I saved about 2 dollars! haha.
  7. I didn't fool with lights. The suggested ones seemed too hot. The puck lights were ok...but 3*40 is a lot. Thanks for the suggestion, ill check home depot.
  8. I sent kurisama a request for a 1/12 votoms shoulder but idk if the messaging system is screwy.
  9. I used to play palladium's robotech game back in the day. It was silly complcated. Hit tables for every part of the valk, and tons of skill rolls. I never did quite figure out armour penetration for that game. Its funny, with games workshop and warhammer, you can spend close to 100 dollars unpainted and unassembled figure.
  10. Welp. I just lugged 3 of these bastards up the steps to my apartment. Time to assemble!!!!
  11. The way Bandai renewal's sell, and with all the conventions... I'd say Fandom is healthy and probably growing. I think it's more a question of how anime has changed in 30 years. It's not the same market it used to be. Robots aren't front and center like they used to be. Giant Robos is a niche and Macross is also a niche, so take that as you will. It's not as big as Transformers in the states, that's for damn sure. Yamato's molds will be back at some point I reckon, and I don't think their change/demise will hurt fans too much. Anyway, I'm going to Animazement in a few months to see Mikimoto, so it will be interesting to gauge the age and size of Macross fans on the east coast of the U.S. Also, I agree with Graham. Besides a few stray weirdos this is the most helpful and friendly toy/show forum I've ever been a part of.
  12. I think the Toynomi's took too many liberties with the design and had too many quality control issues. And I still don't think it looks better than the Gakken offering. I like the Toynomi beta though. It's a decent toy.
  13. Very Dynamic. This isn't a very good picture but it shows him crouching: You can get that famous running pose out of him too. It's basically an articulated skeleton with rubber over it, then the plastic bits are over the rubber, so it's made to move. It also comes with a cool stand to help with any unstable poses. The spine also bends in various ways, so you can hunch him and sway back and forth. The ankles have tons of articulation, and the hips kind of dislocate to make certain poses. Ill try to take some better pictures of him in a crazy pose at some point. From Heel to the top of his shoulder fin he's about 16 inches tall.
  14. That's what matters. If you have the money, you should spend it on things that bring you joy. Their are a lot worse things in life to throw your money away on than High-end Japanese toys! And it's like my dad always says. "It's just money. You can always make more." haha
  15. Larger market and more choices I guess. Back then their was only one toy to buy and one person to buy it from haha. Besides, yamato just went under a month or so. Also, there was a lot less to buy back then. One or two CM's and you were set. Modern collecting encompasses multiple shows, lines, and valks.
  16. Welp. I just dropped $400 shipped on a Yamato 1/12 Turbo Custom Last Red Shoulder set. So that'd be mine.
  17. I need to sit down with Sherlock. I've had it for awhile but I've been too busy watching other stuff.
  18. I hope it does well. I'd like to see his other stories play out on film or TV.
  19. I stopped playing after I realized they weren't going to do anything good for Merc Bounty Hunters. I hate picking a class because I want to enjoy that role and it ends up being ignored. Next time I pick up an MMO i'll just play whatever is OP in beta! haha. I had really good custom slotted warhero gear and a high level pvp rating, so I sold my account for about $300. Sold the collectors book and statues for about $40, and threw out the box. It was pretty fun for the most part, but the PVP didn't do it for me.
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