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Everything posted by arbit

  1. This is the Neo Nautilus which appears in the last 5 episodes of the original Nadia TV... some of Gainax's best work. Yamato and Macross fans should get a kick out of it. Its a direct descendant. Electronics dont come with the kit, if that's what you mean.
  2. Disappointed that its failing. You would need a really talented director to pull this off. I thought they knew what they were doing. Turns out that the Hollywood treatment with an Avengers level budget isnt right for this franchise. This loss will make it difficult for more anime live-action properties.
  3. Nice to hear your collecting tales. I gave up on ever getting a good valk in the 80's. I searched every toy store I ever entered for a good decade to no avail. Then I gave up forever in 2000 after seeing the parts-forming Yamato V1. A decade or so after that, I read that Yamato's V2 was an amazing valk and "one of the best toys ever". And here we are with a closet full.
  4. Yes sir. I reference it regularly. He knows what he's doing... I don't. However, Mechtech and I came up with the solution before seeing Dorobou. Also, by using Arduino, the electronics are much easier than the home made electronic boards he uses.
  5. I hope they announce if they are doing the Premium Finish or not. Hate to miss out and then find out they are not doing the Premium Finish at all.
  6. Looks great Pengbuzz. Very sleek. Fianally making some progress on my Nautilus after endless studying, thinking, measuring, re-measuring, stressing, anxiety-ing, and generally procrastinating.
  7. Either that or I wait for Hasegawas TV Storm Attacker to do this:
  8. So there is no 1/5000 TV Storm Attacker kit?
  9. Lots of amazing work here. The Falcon rocks. It looks right out of the movie. And very gentle work with the lighting. Not too much, not too little. Love the old school SDF-1. I prefer its lines to the Hasegawa. I've been waiting for the Hase Battle version for a lighted SDF-1, but now I'm thinking to go old school. Whats the best recommended SDF-1 kit with similar look to Derex's? I would rather it was smaller than 1:3000.
  10. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    So we need something like this.
  11. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    What is the function of the two opening shoulder hatches on the Defender? They dont seem to have missiles in them.
  12. This rack and pinion might open the doors.
  13. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    And with the same pre-order discount.
  14. Gerwalk Keyboard! Love it. You should share that with Macross Fan Central on FB. Personally, I would drill some holes in the launch bay for flashing leds. But thats just me...
  15. That's exciting! I will open those doors one way or another! So here's the plan for the hanger: revolving platforms, opening and closing bay doors, leds everywhere, sound effects, and lowering chain. See you in about a year!
  16. Pengbuz, the diorama is AWESOME. Way to show those negative pricks and not give up! WM Cheng, I thought you said you were old and out of practice. That Falcon is absolutely amazing.
  17. I wouldt know where to put that either, but not in the Scoop thread.
  18. There were only 2 new valks for Delta. Could it be due to the complexity of the design of the 262?
  19. Terrible. These KOs are severely unethical. I have no problem when a garage group designs its own figure and sells a few unique pieces to fans, even if it is unlicensed. But there is no justification for these at all.
  20. Thanks. I understand limit switches. I understand reversing DC motors. That's fine. But there are 4 wires in a stepper motor (2 pairs). What do you mean by drive it off one end? Do you mean with the stepper motor, or reversing a DC motor? Can I find a screw drive without a stepper motor, or is that the only option?
  21. Where did you find that? On Ebay they are all refab 4-wire stepper motors. Can I run a screw drive with a normal 2-wire DC motor?
  22. Cool! NZEOD to the rescue. I will look into it.
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