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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. I would gladly tell Bandai about this but I'm sure that a) someone from their core customer base (Japan) already pointed out the issue and b) they know about the issue and for some reason can't respond to it. As an example: I'm sure that Bandai is aware of the issue with the VF-171CF Super Parts (the armor panels have the wrong color). But do they plan to respond? (the sad truth) No I don't think so! However I'm interested in reliable data if the scratches are a common thing but for that we need the input of the MW base. Of course the poll won't help us because it doesn't tell how many Valkyries of what type (VF-25/YF-29/VF-171) the board member has and how many of them are scratched. Also we don't have any reference material of cases where the part is clearly defect. Looking at my own Bandai Valkyries I can't tell if the scratches on my toys are the ones where are talking here. So they could be there by default due to the molding process or come from playing with the toys or are factory defects.
  2. Can you at least provide some pictures of the damaged parts on your Bandai Valkries? I inspected mine and the VF-25s have almost no scratches that I would identify as a defect. Most of them seem like normal marks that come from the mold. My VF-171 has some scratches but that might be due to me transforming the toy. Nothing on my Valkyries seems anywhere near problematic QC. I have to admit that none of my Yamato Valkyries are having that kind of marks. In addition I think it is also difficult to compare them to other toys that are not planes. The wings of a plane (to an extend the fuselage) are large surfaces that might have different characteristics when being molded. I encountered the scratches only on the wings and no other parts. None of the markings are reducing the value of the toy in any way as far as I'm concerned but your mileage may vary.
  3. Does anyone know a price for the RVF-25 Super Parts and the three drones yet? I don't want the add-on parts but one drone for Lucas Messiah would be nice.
  4. Open it open it! and post pictures....
  5. I don't think that is the case. My assumption is that the market is saturated and all people who want a preorder have or the preorder slot is to expensive for them. Either way it is only a preorder we are talking about not the actual toy. So naturally only crazy people like us are paying a mark-up for a preorder slot.
  6. True and I think i heard on the news that the Japanese Economy is doing better because their exports are going to be cheaper. If I remember correctly the Japanese economy is depending on strong exports because their domestic market is stagnating due to a society that is not growing. So we should all support the Japanese (toy-) companies buy buying lots and lots of their products. We should all have our private museum of Japanese toys! To the credit cards!
  7. For the Luca plane what does the text beside the image for the shield say? And what's the additional part next to the shield doesn't remember it from the other releases.
  8. The NY website says that the Super Parts will be released on May the 31st.... ...which is also a Friday.
  9. Since when does Docker has a sword? Docker is not cool enough to wield a sword.
  10. I would be glad if the (re-)release those Valkyries but I think even if Arcadia continues what Yamato started (not sure I'm that optimistic just because of 1 new VF-1 release) it is very unlikely that there will be a release of those particular designs. The VF-11C only became popular after the belly-up of Yamato before it was kind of a shelf-warmer and the VF-1J is not different enough from the VF-1J from SDF to justify a separate release. The best thing I can hope for is a re-release of the SDF Mirja Type VF-1J that includes black stickers for the stripes on the wings. Hope Arcadia proves me wrong. I just want to finish the right side of the Macross 7 opening with Docker+Unknown Soldier as a replacement for Exsedol (yeah Exsedol is that awesome he can't be replaced by Docker alone).
  11. So Lucas RVF-25 is released on the 6.15.13. That is a bit earlier than I expected. Seems like Skull Squadron is taking off soon. *swoosh* Damn I need those Tornado Parts fpr the 25G. Thanks for your help xrentonx.
  12. Can't see the picture. Can someone describe what the are selling when?
  13. Seems like Arcadia is planning to release more Macross toys. If so I only have two wishes. A VF-11C reissue (not gonna happen) and a VF-1J Milia Type from Mac7 (also not gonna happen).
  14. Has the Yamato one a problem with fogging? Since it will be a helmet designed for riding around the Masei ones should not have any problems with that. I'm wondering if the front piece of the helmet will be removable like in the show and if you can slide the visor upwards like on a regular motorcycle helmet.
  15. According to the post preorders start on June the 14. I think this will be a relaxed release because it's a Tamashii Web Shop exclusive so the preorder window will be long enough for everyone who is interested to place an order.
  16. Hm are those two separate releases? So one item are the Super Parts and one item the three Ghost drones? I'm on the fence about the Super Parts since Alto has one already (I aim at one Armored VF-25S, one Super VF-25F, one Tornado VF-25G and one plain RVF-25) but the drones are a must buy if the price is right. The V1 drones where terribly prices if I remember correctly. ..on the other hand if my RVF-25 is missing a crotch plate I might have to get the Super Parts for a replacement since spare parts are impossible to get. It will also be interesting to see if the correct their mis-colored crotch armor for the RVF-25. The plain gray on my Alto makes me crazy every time I look at him.
  17. So you got the option to to get a refund and order a new unit from another shop that has them still available. Would suck if this hypothetical unit has also a defect.
  18. They where sold as Powered Weapon Set. Included two missile cluster for the Tornado Parts, Reaction Missiles for the Tornado/Armor Parts and a clip for the Reaction Missiles for mounting them onto the Armor Parts. I think the bundled VF-25G Messiah had everything included for the VF-25F they had to be bought separately. I think they where a webshop exclusive so the best shot would be the after market (i.e. ebay or Mandarake). Jenius has a review on his blog and I think U.N.Spacy covered them also. http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=4301
  19. Since every Macross Frontier Valks seems to have gotten their renewal treatment Bandai needs to announce the Super/Tornado-Parts as well as the S.H.Monsterarts Vajra asap. I can't wait for Lucas Messiah. The 50 shades of green look awesome on him. But the Super Parts for the YF-29 are the next think I will fiddle with.
  20. Thanks for the clarification. I never used that because one Valkyrie of every type is all I need.
  21. IIRC just add a high amount of items into your shopping cart (i.e. 99 pieces). The website will then tell you how many are actually available. [edit: ] All this news about crumbled die-cast parts on the shoulders seems to indicate that somethings was wrong with the metal for this specific part. It seems you have to be extra careful with the die-cast shoulder bits when handling the toy. Weird that all other parts made out of metal seem to be fine. Those awful Chinese factories.
  22. I transformed my toy partly to check if the bar was installed. If I remember correctly I deployed the legs and freed the intake covers . After the chest plate was free I was able to rotate the cockpit upwards and check the strut. It might be possible to determine the missing part while looking into the empty cockpit. On the images with the missing support piece you could see the feet of the pilot. So if you know how the area should look with an installed support bar you might see if it's there. But transforming it until you can rotate the cockpit is the saver way I think. The hardest part of the transformation is the chest assembly and the arms due to a mysterious door and stiff joints in the arms. Neither area is of concern if you need to rotate the cockpit upward. You should now what to expect though so I would advice to watch either jenius or Veefs transformation guides or any other video that makes you familiar with the transformation.
  23. That looks pretty smooth. How does the backing soda and super glue fix work? Do you mix the baking soda with super glue to create some kind of filler material to replace the small parts that crumbled?
  24. Basically foreign customers are screwed when they have to return an item to a shop that is based in another country. And a lot of shops are having bad customer support. As far as I know even amiami which is one of the largest online shops in Japan doesn't cater to foreign customers when it comes to replacements or compensate shipping costs for sending an item back. And since shipping fees to Japan are very expensive one may think twice about returning an damaged item. When my hip bar of the VF-25F Alto Custom broke I fixed it myself instead of the hassle of shipping it back to Japan. As a side question does anyone know if there are seller who sell parts of a VF-25 Renewal like with the guy on ebay who sells spare parts for the VF-171 (the fixed bar doesn't allow perfect transformation )?
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