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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I see 4 of 4 limbs? Anyways, I am curious how these will work compared to Devastator----Mixmaster and Scavenger (legs) are Voyagers with the thought being their increased mass is logical to form legs (vs Scrapper/Bonecrusher as Deluxe arms)----yet we have no Voyager Aerialbots, and Swindle (leg) is also a Deluxe.
  2. Re: Legs in the nacelles. Am I the only one envisioning something like having the knee joints, "Z-fold up and out on several right angles", sorta like how the Yamato V2 YF-19 elbows work to position the forearms in fighter mode? The thighs would stay "in the belly" near the centerline, but with some hinges, you could get the calves "up and out" as needed to tuck away into the engine nacelles, at least somewhat. (enough to slim down the back end of the plane while keeping the ankles large in battroid mode, I imagine).
  3. Is my stance unique? Huge fan of the original---but this is basically that toy again. I legit thought the renders were the original toy for a while. Hinge-for-hinge, post-for-post, tab-for-tab, identical transformation/engineering. It's the same toy, 10% bigger, and a few small issues taken care of. But it's really not "better" or "new". Certainly not "20 years to think about it" level of improvemements/redesign. Why does Magnus still having a gapingly hollow chest in bot mode? Same huge holes at the same angles. (honestly it actually looks WORSE from some angles) I wanted a BETTER Omega Prime. Make UM a bit less hollow, not QUITE so ridiculously-proportioned etc. For all their gushing about Prime's Super Mode having better proportions, they sure ignored the one that needed it more... It's---exactly the choice I wanted, but executed horrifically. It's, the toy I already had, with a few slight changes, but very expensive. To still have almost all the flaws I was hoping would be fixed...
  4. Omega Prime is probably about my all-time fave TF toy(s), it was amazing. Would love if the Haslab is that. Though, it's almost to the point of "a newer one might not really be BETTER"----I am not impressed by the new Magmatron, and passed on it. (I loved the original Magmatron).
  5. That's how you know it's the two-seater!
  6. Just a false canopy? Amateurs. You've gotta add a false mid-air refuelling receptable, and I believe we even have a false tailfin and its shadow (I do think the "black" resembles the shadow of a -16 fin, if the light was almost above and only slightly to the side) (tilt your head left and have a look, especially as the shadow "wraps" around the curved nozzle area)
  7. AmiAmi lasted exactly 1 minute. I managed to get one, and when I refreshed at 8:01, gone. (I got super-lucky, as I accidently refreshed the page again when it had already opened! That cost me like 2.5 secs...)
  8. Has anyone opened one up to look for flash and "carefully removed via slicing with an Xacto" vs forcing+hoping? Or is it in an area that's basically impossible to take apart? (I don't have any AX versions yet, only an original -31) (I hate how much Bandai glues everything----I could make my -25's flawless if I could just get everything apart nicely)
  9. Pretty sure they mean the exhaust petals. YF-21 has a pretty notable thrust-vectoring array back there. Surely someone has a GIF of it? I'm thinking particularly the "mind-machine link" demo scene. ::edit:: Here: 【MAD】 MACROSS PLUS MOVIE EDITION YF-21 on Make a GIF
  10. B&W+recut does sound like an awesome edition, would be a bit surprised if it comes to the US though.
  11. For the utterly insane price the set is, they should have given everyone dual-molded legs. I mean, Cyclops doesn't even have PRINTING on his, and looks like an unfinished prototype. Yellow boots, yellow thigh straps, that's the 90's Cyclops look. This is, Cyclops forgot half his costume while rushing out the door, and only had time to put on his chest-strap. I mean, isn't the "superhero brightly colored kneeboots" look THE thing that dual-molded legs best take advantage of, and would be the primary reason it even exists? (black shoes/boots are easily achieved via printing, but printing bright colors over other bright colors often have issues)
  12. Yet, they still haven't fixed the backwards paint on the chest-stripes. That's still a deal-killer for me, but such a simple fix. But, knowing Bandai, and the VF-1 modex debacle, I'm honestly kinda surprised they haven't "doubled down" and reversed the shoulder colors to match the incorrect chest...
  13. That was IIRC Kawamori's explanation for the hip kibble on the Masterpiece Starscream toy.
  14. I'm a bit late to this thread----are you looking for just a shell, or a whole console at this point? My indigo one's mint and boxed, happy to sell to a fellow forum-member.
  15. I'm surprised the Thunder Machine even has the Pontiac logo molded in.
  16. It's there, they just didn't paint it to match the molded-in detail. Look carefully at the blue plastic, right in front of the grey tip of the canopy...
  17. The modex numbers on the ventral fins look backwards (again). They'd read "113" (or IIE, really) in fighter mode... Rather than fix it, Bandai will just issue "113" tailfins down the line... And it's not even a mirroring thing---it looks wrong on every side of every fin.
  18. VF-25: Since the shoulder armor is so hard to remove, I just left the joint assembled, and poured nail polish inside as best I could. Several times, with the arm in different positions so it'd flow to different areas. Though if I were to do it again, I'd use Future. (nail polish is "hot" enough that it reacts with the plastic part of the ball-joint socket, and it dissolved a small amount of material at the edge).
  19. I also notice that the Pontiac arrrowhead recess on the wheels is quite prominent, I think it should be toned down a lot.
  20. Absolutely---that's why I'm keeping my retro one and (trying) to sell my SDCC one. The retro looks better IMHO. I painted a few small extra details on the retro and the details really pop. (like the flames on his boots, and studded belt)
  21. Was the decision to have a Crossfield/Discovery-esque saucer-look an idea from higher-up, or were you guys given fairly free-rein? (it was mentioned in dialogue, so I wondered which was first)
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