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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Awesome, fixed Super O is going to be a hot seller. Hopefully we get a newly sculpted super hot Misa <3 To ride shot gun.
  2. wow, i bought mine when they had it at 65$
  3. Eh, BBTS has the VF-25S supers in stock for 72$ still.
  4. The visor is defintely the same color as the armor in the animation.
  5. The problem I have with this, is there seems to be some hostility towards Me because I emailed HLJ. Funny part is my email does nothing. Basically they aren't even getting enough To support the orders they did get, so they limit everyone who bought more than one, so that everyone who ordered actually gets one. That doesn't mean new people get one. So how is people emailing having any connection to the supply?
  6. I got my set last night, it actually looks pretty decent on the yF-25.
  7. Sunstorm is hideous, and I paid 20$ less for Tak Prowl. So glad I don't have to try and find those two hunks of loose Plastic this round.
  8. I'm still having a head time crunching the numbers here. 4-6 years of planning = -$? SDCC Panel = -$? Kickstarter planning + failure = -$? There's a lot of payroll money that just walked out the door. Does anyone have Franks number? Text him and wake him up? Or is he actually dead, and the stooges have him in his office propped Up on his desk with a smile drawn on his face? Any real company, that invested that much, with nothing to show, would be letting The production manager walk on home.
  9. It's a new mold, there's no reason to think they will interchange.
  10. I would go back to holding the trunk, because this is near tin foil hat thinking. Toys people, just toys.
  11. Yeah, it never had fast packs, so it's not going to be in the set.
  12. It would go against the "exclusive" part of the whole thing.
  13. Has anyone just tried shaving some supers so that the 19's wings can sit more natural. I threw some 25S on and the clip on to the wing roots. It's just the wing is too thick to move around.
  14. Suddenly you're bigger? This threads basis was based on the fact that even before we knew of failure it was a point and laugh scenario. This is just more info for future fans and passerbys to understand how HG's shinanegans have always played out. Leaving it as a warning even. There is no good coming out. Robotech shall always remain Robotech. Maybe Maceks vision was that no matter what people come in between his idea, and the universe. The original Robotech will forever remain a champion of western culture. Without the internet, bootlegs and torrents, most of us wouldn't know the source material. Without the burned image of the greater story. Robotech stood it's ground over the years, almost as much as Transformers and GIJoe. It's pop culture. No matter what the stooges under Yune and company lie about, pretend to be a Macek vision or what not. His original idea, stays a legacy among North and South American fans. What we all see here, is a desperate grab for the last remaining threads of decency that may have been left at HG. By claiming this was Maceks vision, then saying he worked on it up until is passing. To having little to nothing to show For 4+ years of claimed work on RTA, just shows no class. Ironic Academy / Class.
  15. I'm guessing it's no more complex then the Bandai tree stands. Washer one side, bolt on the other.
  16. It's because one of questions was "why didn't you put a 1 per limit". He's saying, it's not an issue because no one is getting multiple. They are only getting enough to give everyone who ordered 1 piece. I'm not going to panic. Wether it's at release, or a little but later, there will be restocks. If the retailers complain about shortages, more will get made.
  17. Read and we shall all weep. Looks as if Bandai, is still Bandai, and is only selling in product runs.
  18. Holy.. Sh**, Really? 4+ years they worked on RTA, and that KS was all they had to show? How does he stay employed?
  19. Na, this is just simple business planning. Bandai designers will have a catalog of goods that they intend to release. Those releases are dependent on profits from previous releases. The Tornado parts in this perspective are just a simple rule of having the VF-25F sellout at retail multiple times. Those profits opened up the next release, which would be the Tornado parts WE. The VF-25G version gets made simply by expense sharing and double dipping. It really doesn't cost much to change colors during a tooling phase. Sales numbers on these maybe of less importance, however if they didn't get enough pre-orders to make budget on the numbers they have already planned. It would get canceled. I'm not saying Bandai doesn't have a plan, but it's not as .. Conspirical as you've put it. The 25S will no doubt pace the way for a G reissue. Simply because it's proving demand for reissues, double that with the recent WE G parts and you have a crossroads for the next release. However.. It maybe delayed, if they have already chosen their next design, and that design maybe ahead, in the molding phase. But.. We are reaching the perverbal end of the Macross F Valkyrie lauch bay. Outside of a few repaints like Graces VF-27, and Berera's ghosts. After the next G reissue, there's really nothing left for Frontier. Sure some WE parts packs Are probably on the table, not counting repaints of the limited YF-30.. I think Bandai might be getting ready to shift. It's possible to get bundles, but I think those days are gone, they make more in pieces.
  20. Your argument is completely void, you can't compare a general release with a web exclusive. Bandai Made to order the YF-29 Isamu. It's market value is completely on those who bought it. General release are directed at normal market release. They make general release items dependent on The budget that was allowed for X number of pieces. They intend to do an X amount based on a per cost basis. Those numbers are then set in stone for that run of the tooling. If the retailers ask for more then available, during tooling run, they could essentially run more. But the cost per order, will go up unless they renegotiate the purchase order with the factory. Which is the reason why there are shortages. You lose profit when you renegotiate. Instead of just selling out And then buying a second run, based on demand. Bandai doesn't not care about sales outside of their distribution channels. This is how big business runs. The numbers are in the protocol, not the objectified demand statistics. They go purely off pre-sold inventory To retailers.
  21. Lol, that Chinese price was before the re-tooling. They raised the end price 4 months ago, when they had to re-tool The visor. It's 300$ for the first 100 preorders, and 425$ for what's left.
  22. Pointing out more RT/HG goodness is hardly trolling. It's just rounding the argument to every corner of their "stable".
  23. My experience with past Bandai shortages lead me to conversation with Scott awhile ago where he somewhat spilled the beans. This was back.. 4 maybe 5 years ago, when he was increasingly frustrated with Bandai shorting orders. If you've ever dealt with manufacturing, there's no middle man. Bandai R&D's their product with the factory. Test shots are made, once final tooling gets approval, they start manufacturing. Now as I imagine there maybe 100's of other items being made in the same factory, If I'm trying to fill a container to be shipped to my Dist warehouse. I'm going to allot several different products in one container. Let's say Bandai's VF-25S order is 2000. Those 2000 maybe split up Around 4 times, shipping finished product as available. It maybe 1-2 months before the next containers leave the factory. That would be considered a restock, even though it's still part of the original order. Bandai opens orders up to retailers with "We have 1500 units available". They sell out, the remaining orders will open up at tooling completion. Remeber they are only selling what they think they will sell domestically in Japan. Unless the retailers have shared they sell a decent amount of units overseas, I doubt they Know there's any demand outside of Japan. Even though they could sell Macross F if they wanted to HG doesn't own that, even though they think they do.
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