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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I'm going to be shocked and appalled if this thread doesn't get locked after a heated RT/Macross debate! Dammit that's what it's supposed do!
  2. I just realized this whole thread is pointless. The first post should have just been "no". Millions of bandswidths died to give us this information.
  3. I highly doubt KS is going to allow someone with no plan, or even an outline continue looking for 100Million, essentially trolling another KS project. I think the RT fans maybe hitting the rabid climax of being upset with HG. HG won't be selling the license. It's their one true trophy of power. It's the most talked about thing on their website. I assume HG will sell the rights to Macross and RT, when they are not only sunk, but the owners have to choose between it and their house. We are more likely to have Big West build a VF-1, fly it to HG headquarters to punch Tommy in the face, than have them give up the rights for under some redic amount like 1B.
  4. Meh, I'd be happy with just paying to sue HG out of their unrightful trademark on Macross. I for one, do not want to see an American made live action macross, robotech.. anything mecha film. We've proven we can't make good mecha movie. Anyone who says pacific rim is just excited because it wasn't awful. It definitely wasn't "good" Plus I'd be willing to bet, that one of two things would happen. HG wounldn't sell the rights just to continue being the douche's they have always been. Call up Frank and tell him you'll give him what he paid for the license, and you'll give Yun and co. a job at In n Out burger, and he might take it.
  5. Won't know until Sunday night when they open back up.
  6. I like how they are keeping Robotech going by... Going to a few small conventions, and releasing the re re re re re re re rerelease of Robotech again. yes, keeping it alive, on life support, in a fatal coma.
  7. Let's not bring religion into toy collecting, nor a thread this big and risk lock down.
  8. Yeah, don't be suprised if HLJ cancels everyone's over zealous buying frenzy.
  9. I lost at all the major spots, but I got a full nights sleep so meh.
  10. I had it at CDJ but I refuse to pay up front anymore.
  11. I think Resellers are driving the hype, thinking this will be the only stock.
  12. AmiAmi has a case of the Code buyers. That's how they sell out so fast. NY won't even load for me.
  13. Honestly I think this won't be that hard to get eventually. I think the Alto reissues were a test. Bandai probably finally saw people Buying multiples for the different add ons.
  14. I must have missed the Sheyl's wang episode of Frontier lol
  15. You guys are still figuring out times? You're all so full of fail! I have a giant neon sign in my room for PreOrder time.
  16. I'll put it this way, I had just decided to re-watch all of the Robotech DVD's of mine about a year ago. I saw Shadow Chronicles at a used DVD store for 3$. I bought it and watched it, with-in a day or two of a complete refresher of RT. I was so mad after SC, I threw the DVD against the wall, and was pissed that I could have used that money for food. instead I used it for starting the Grill with the DVD case. SC is the worst animated anything I've seen. I would rather watch a Dora Explorer marathon, then ever watch that pile of garbage ever again.
  17. Maybe they are just a better form of business, it doesn't always have to be culture related.
  18. guys, it's the same time of day, everytime.
  19. The Birdman was just an ancient protoculture weapon, it wasn't actually magic. It was just the beginning of the understanding, of the power of a songstress. The whole Birdman/fish people thing was the ancient natives way of explaining the protoculture. But I digress, it's still a better story than anything given to is by HG in decades.
  20. Wow, that paints a picture of it being impossible for Arcadia to ever get licensing for these.
  21. See the problem is Robotech doesn't need anything more. It was fine before Shadow Chronicles, and it was fine after LLA. They should just leave the story alone. It's done, those shows were written for something else. All Macek and team really did Is change the names, and use Robotechnology to bridge the three independent stories together. You have to understand, no one in the history of Harmony Gold has a credit if writing decent enough, to warrant a completely new story. They are literally hacks, they hacked three shows to make one. Direction, action, character interaction and emotions, done by other people. The most irritating part.. They don't know what they have.. What they could do. They could release Clash of The Bionoids, Hell have the Robotech voice actors do it. If HG hadn't been huge assclowns with BW, they could be selling BR versions of the original Shows, as well as doing it with RT. So much potential, yet they do nothing. Instead we get god awful western cartoons, disguised as Anime. Honestly, they could do SDFM with the voice actors of RT, but stick to the SDFM script, and people would buy it. It so so soooo easy. It's either complete incompetence, Or an entire company filled with incompetence.
  22. AmiAmi usually has a "coming soon" page by now. I think it's going to be one more day.
  23. I don't see why Kickstarter allows multi million dollar corporations access. Isn't the whole point of Kickstarter for independents? This whole thing seems like giant sharade.
  24. It's either because of Artland or Tatsunoko. I know Artland exchanged hands and now has Mikimoto on the roster. From my research it seems around 2010 merchandise from FB2012 kind of dropped off. It's possible there's a licensor issue with letting others use imagery from FB2012. Only those in the companies would know for sure. I just hope someone can figure it out. a FB2012 VF-4 Hikaru would be an instant money explosion for Arcadia.
  25. Yes, MrK said they were up in the front of planned releases. But nothing outside of that.
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