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Everything posted by easnoddy

  1. easnoddy

    Hi-Metal R

    Im happy about this. It's not another VF-1. Hopefully we get a tease at a couple more 2019 HMR at TN.
  2. Is that Ozma the non-- transformable vf100 fighter type? Looks very dark.
  3. I really dig my ET Zeta Legioss. Only a couple minor gripes really. Really looking forward to the other two ET Legioss and Sentinel Blowsuperior, Hoquet and Legiosses.
  4. easnoddy

    Hi-Metal R

    10 days. They need to show the Nexx 2SS and half the 2019 Macross HMR (hopefully 3 releases).
  5. I have no doubt Hasbro/Takara could do better. It would cost more though. Its just a matter of what to do with the outer alt-mode kibble in bot mode. All said it's not terrible. Leader Jetfire was terrible.
  6. A couple more pics. Of course like most Transformers its kibble-tastic underneath.
  7. Not a huge Transformers fan but love the 3 military vehicles from the first movie. Had no idea the large scale Blackout had been made, ran across it in a store. While not as nice as Bandai/Arcadia toys or even the Leader class (or in my case bootleg) Brawl, this toy, it's pretty cool. And nearly 1/60 scale.
  8. I really like the 30th and will be getting the 35th. Trying to find the 25th valks at decent prices.
  9. easnoddy

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Awesome, I saw that in the instructions but until you mentioned it, I assumed that was molded, not a separate, spring-loaded piece. Thanks a ton!
  10. easnoddy

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Does the YF-19 have the hip-release button/switch? Cause I can't find it. Hips are pretty well locked in battroid.
  11. Do we have an over/under on how long/how many times the ET Jota Legioss will be delayed?
  12. easnoddy

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Got my YF-19. Oemgee... the hips. Its like they took the wrong piece of the Yamato VF-19, that swing bar. Maybe mine is too tight, but I cannot get it to rotate after flipping it up. Im afraid of forcing and breaking the joint.
  13. easnoddy

    Hi-Metal R

    3 days inactivity in this thread (is that a record?) and only 1 release looming. Disconcerting. When is the next toy/ model show? Hoping for a big bang of a display with 3-4 upcoming releases. I'd honestly rather them finish this line than the DX 1J.
  14. easnoddy

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Got one for 31600 yen from NY. $320 shipped or so.
  15. easnoddy

    Hi-Metal R

    It is disappointing how the line has slowed. They should treat Mac2 like a different line. I really, really like the Dougram figures, but that line is dead.
  16. That VF11 drone...drool... Also Milia and Pink Peckers versions.
  17. FUUUUUUUUUUU.... I really wasnt gonna get OWL for 1/60. But with a color scheme this beautiful...
  18. I just finished Delta on some crappy boots. I don't get the hate. It's not a whole lot different from Frontier or Zero in my book. Silly singing, silly characters, cool fighters, weird protoculture stuff. Delta is better than 7 in a lot of ways IMO. I enjoyed the protoculture music as a weapon concept. For us old timers, Plus, DYRL and SDFM would be difficult to beat. They're just not the silliness or otaku-ness that modern anime has to appeal to. We need a darker macross series.
  19. This is unfortunate. Dougram designs are great (blockhead, bushman, iron foot, etc... plus three gunners). The Soltic should have have been a normal release with Korchima as a web exclusive.
  20. This comic, like all things harmony gold, should wither and die on the vine.
  21. Condor looks like a Tread for dark legioss. Nooo to those 2007 designs. We have yet to have a normal perfect legioss/tread.
  22. Been a long time on HMR Dougram. Main mech got 2 releases, soltic was a web exclusive. Is this line done?
  23. Thighs of the Sentinel legioss are too short. IMO the ET Legioss blows this one out of the water in armor soldier. It's a better toy than people give it credit for. Ive owned Gakkens and Toynamis and still own the CMS. The ET is thus far the best legioss we've gotten. Stupid gunpod attachments aside. However there is much to say about how the gakken maintained form without the use of stupid tabs. Also, I will buy the Sentinel cause I'm a sucker for Mospeada. Big junk and all.
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