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Everything posted by azrael

  1. E-gads!!! Egan, what the heck are you doing here? Get some sleep!!!!
  2. Thankfully, Big O season 2 was quite far down on my to-get list, Hell, I almost forgot to add it...
  3. Unfortunately we need those stats to compare....In terms of melee combat, the Metel Siren takes on an advantage with the plasma spear. But once you remove that, then we have to start using stats. The VF-1MS uses beam gunpods and internal beam cannons. The VF-22 has the beam cannons built in with regular gunpods. The VF-22 has a high manueverability mode which would give it an advantage in performance. The VF-22 also has hardpoints for mission specific payloads. So there's another advantage. Both have mini-missiles so there's not much there. With weapons, we pretty much have a tie. But the VF-1MS has an advantage in melee combat. Score 1 for the VF-1MS. Manueverability, I would bet the VF-22 is much better. VF-1MS - 1, VF-22 - 1 That leaves engines. Unfortunately, we need stats for this so this is useless. Performance? We've never seen the VF-1MS in atmosphere, so this is a problem. So our score is 1-1. We kinda need to last 2 to really judge. But that would that would involve stats that we don't have on the Metal Siren. If we had to place money.....I would bet on the VF-22. The manueverability on it would probably give it the greatest advantage in fighter mode.
  4. Are we complaining/debating? Cuz this is the feedback section. Not the "let's start this arguement all over again" section.
  5. You are Sailorsaturn, the power of complete destruction is at your command. *does quagmire pose* Alllright.
  6. Ahhh, Enshi....The answer is no. It's one of those freak coincidences. Nobuhiro Watsuki or Kawamori was asked this at a convention (forgot which one) and the answer was, it was a coincidence.
  7. We created "Macross", i.e. humans. Depending on which version of the story you want to believe, the Supervision Army created the gunboat which we call Macross. Another version (DYRL?) says it was a Meltran gunboat. Engrish?
  8. 1) Transformation is controlled via the throttle lever. 2) ALL VF-19s have the PPB system. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...vf19/index.html 3) There are lots of 'em. Ranging from small ships to the big fleets. The noted ones are Megaroad-01, Macross-05, Macross-07, Macross-13, Algenicus, Sentinel, and the Saratoga II. All the others have yet to find their niche. We don't know as the story isn't about the rest of the galaxy. Only Earth.
  9. Some stayed. Some left. We don't know. I would say that the UN picked up a decent size Zentradi force to protect itself with. As far as you want. It's all about making sure you sure your calculations are correct. If you're off by a bit, you may end up somewhere you shouldn't. Get a piece of paper. Draw 2 points and fold the paper such that the 2 points overlap. That would be a proper calculation. In your two points are not directly overlapping, that would be a improper fold calculation. Usually that doesn't happen unless you've got a really pathetic fold calculating program which misplaces the decimal .
  10. I thought it was common knowledge that the prequels in Star Wars really HAD better technology than later because they still had them cool un-sanctioned technology before the empire's reign. Technology was simply lost during the rebellion or sanctioned by the empire. Technology even during the time of the Old Republic was over the top uber ness. Not really. The technology is essentially the same, but the design the key point. The idea according to Doug Chiang was when we start in Episode 1 was that the style follows a artistic, art-nuevo (sp) feel. Radd was right when he mentioned the '57 Chevy. The concept is the same with Star Wars. Look at how a '57 Chevy looks like. Very curvy, with some chrome finishes, etc etc etc. Same with Star Wars ep 1. The ships have curves, chrome, very stylized. But then it starts with the industrial look of flat colors, more greys. And then in the OT, the look is very industrialized. The idea IMO, works the other way around in Macross. The VFs of 2010-2045 are streamlined, less functional looking and more stylized. Look at a VF-19A/YF-19 and compare to the VF-19 Kai/F/S/P. Notice how the shoulders are rounded out and less blocky. It's smoothed out. The idea works with the VF-0/VF-1. The VF-0 is long and irregular shaped. the VF-1 smoothes it out. It's bringing a industrial/functional look to a streamlined smooth look. That's the similar to the idea that Radd pointed out. SW went from streamlined, and artistic to industrial. Macross goes from industrial to artistic.
  11. Spring 2004. http://www.anime.net/macross/production/an...zero/index.html 5. http://www.anime.net/macross/production/an...zero/index.html That's because it was made only a few years ago, as stated. The design is based on the VF-1.
  12. They wanted to translate Year one to movie. And I heard Frank Miller even translated his Year-One story to script but in the end, they went with their current idea.
  13. Mr. Loo does have a life outside of Macross.....He will update the Compendium when he updates it. No need to rush it. Not like there's been lots of Macross news lately...
  14. For that, you will need to ask Kawamori. The story follows Macross and not Earth so....
  15. Way ahead of you... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=142
  16. Apparently...people don't read the other threads.
  17. Sorry, was reading that question without thinking about it. Oops. It was probably done by Britai's fleet. Boldolza was not in the vicinity of Earth (IIRC) at the time so I doubt it was anybody but Britai. But I haven't seen DYRL? in ages so I may be wrong (Also Britai made a long range fold to Boldolza and I don't think Saturn to Earth would be considered a long-range fold). When? Well, best I can do is guess. DYRL? starts when they are around Saturn. When Hikaru and Minmay go for their joy ride, we are still in the vicinity of Saturn. Minmay states in the beginning during the concert scene that 5 months have passed since they left Earth. So Pluto to Saturn took them roughly 5 months to travel. So my best guess would be somewhere in those 5 months between where Macross folded to the beginning of DYRL? the movie, Earth was laid to waste. Unfortunately, I can't give you any better than that.
  18. Yes, they bombarded Earth after SDF-1 folded. Millia has always been a strong-willed lady. Even before she flew out in her VF-22 however, she was still bedridden. 7 daughters. Emilia - on a mining colony. Komilia Maria - unknown, possibly with the UN forces Miracle - unknown Miranda - unknow Muse - unknown Mylene Flare - Macross 7 Therese -unknown Because Sivil was curious. Sivil's exposure to Basara affected her. The other Protodevlin had less drive to investigate Basara and their only drive was to create the Spiritia Farm. Those Protodevlin were less rebellious than Gigile or Sivil. Yes they do develop a bit. But I won't spoil it for you.
  19. Unfortunately this debate can't really go anywhere since there are lots of things to factor in before we can say, which is a better fighter. It would probably be better to compare the engines (and performance as Mr. March said). But the problem with engines is that the engines got better as time passed. The engines on a VF-5000 (probably same size engines as those of the VF-1, if not a bit smaller) produce a good amount thrust. And the VF-5000 is only about 5 years younger than the VF-1. etc, etc. etc. That's the problem with comparing VFs. As the timeframe changes, the technology gets better and it becomes harder to compare overall. The best way to compare is to group fighters into timeframes. 1. VF-0 vs. VF-1 2. VF-4 vs. VF-5000/VF-1X 3. VF-11 vs. VF-9/VF/VA-14/VF-4/VF-5000/VF-17/VA-3 etc.... 4. VF-19 vs. VF-22 etc... The problem with (3) is that during that stage of development, VFs were being developed for specialized roles. The VF-14 was a in-between to a bomber and a fighter. The VF-17 was designed for special ops. There were VFs for all kinds of roles. Then when we get to the VF-19/VF-22, obviously there is the intention of combining the roles of all the previous VFs into one package. I guess the best way to say it is, what do you want to compare by? And in which timeframe?
  20. Couldn't have said it better. Being one of the few who did like M7, it really is an acquired taste. But it's like that with many things. Heck, I have a co-worker who won't eat anything besides burgers, mac and cheese, and the like. If you like it, kudos. If you don't like it, kudos. Can't really do anything about it.
  21. Okay, for you people just tuning in (yet again). Let's go over what ewilen said. Tatsunoko owns the animation to SDF Macross. Big West lost the appeal apparently. We've known this for a while so having this just reinforces the original fact. Tatsunoko sued Big West and Bandai (Bandai Japan) for copyright infringement on the "Macross" name. Tatsunoko lost. Again, the general feeling from this is, Tatsunoko never had a claim to those since they were never part of the production. Bandai has been the principal source for distribution and many other things with Macross since Macross II. Again, we've known this. IMO, this may be why Bandai reps have been mummed about this subject since they appear to be part of the on-going legal issue, i.e. keep this in mind if you should talk to Bandai's reps. Now onto the weird part. TP was included in the credits to DYRL?. This may be the cause for the RT toys. Although TP owns roughly 17% of DYRL?, an arrangement was made between TP and BW so whatever is between TP and BW is hard to figure out on who owns the copyright to the animation of DYRL?. Is this right ewilen?
  22. I still prefer calling you people lazy. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=140&st=380
  23. Agreed. We have no proof. They have not show any proof. It's just a statement. It would be like me saying Shawn is a freakin-murdering bastard. Do I know that for sure? No. Has Shawn said anything that would incriminate him? No. It's just a statement. There is no proof to prove or disprove the statement. So why change it if all we make are statements with no proof?
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