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Everything posted by ManhattanProject972

  1. Well when everybody and their mother can become a pilot makes you wonder how the government pays them all.
  2. I wonder if the the DX or the 1/72 version will come with a damaged arm seeing how many times Hayate has lost his.
  3. After putting together various Valk replicas in Kerbal Space Program and modding parts to give them close to their true performance without having them break apart doing +25G maneuvers at +mach 3 speeds, I have just one question. How do Valkyries with under mounted gunpods, especially the SV-51, not shoot off their own noses? Is their muzzle velocity so high they can shoot straight passed the nose as the plane pitches down violently? Because that's the problem I've run into, every time I pitch the nose down when firing, the projectiles fired will collide with underside of the VF's nose. Its even more of a problem with the SV-51 which mounts its gun so far back and isn't given hardly any clearance for the gun to fire without hitting its underside.
  4. Well to be fair, I don't think we've seen Basara sing at a human's funeral/remembrance ceremony. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D--eVxaLF6c At 7:25 there is an acoustic version of Remember 16 which I think is from The Galaxy is Calling Me when he picked up Pedro's dad's guitar I could be wrong tho.
  5. At first I was like, "Messer, why the hell do you have such a candid framed photo of Arad with an incredibly stupid look on his face? I mean I understand you admire the man for saving your life and all but c'mon at least get a better picture of the dude." Then they showed us it was a log and that was just Arad's reflection, I always assumed those Tablet things were transparent.
  6. Maybe Alpha or Beta Platoon will show up more often giving us more VF-31A action, and maybe they'll install the Philosopher's Stone Fold Quartz crystals on them just like Delta's 31's.
  7. Goddamn its even sadder the 3rd time around and even more so with subs. That shot of Mirage gazing out to the ocean was a very nice one. And Ive been wondering, where is Keith's and Heinz's mothers? Maybe they were both lost to the hole and thats really whats got Gramia so pissed and vengeful?
  8. I think there are those viewers who would love a Male > Male < Female triangle with the guy and the girl fighting over the same guy, personally I would love to see that that but instead they're fighting over the same girl. Would be pretty funny to watch.
  9. To add to the side of not transforming, when you transform, you kill whatever speed you have allowing other enemies to close in and surround you and being in Delta's position already being outnumbered I think it was the right call to keep it in fighter mode. Messer wanted a 1v1 duel with Keith so to prevent others from joining and complicating the fight even further he kept his speed up to where even if the other knights wanted to join in they couldn't. Now to Keith doesn't really have an excuse for not transforming, he couldve forced Messer to slow down allowing him to get surrounded and get taken out much easier. Keith doesn't really use his forces superior numbers to its full advantage, but thats probably because out of everyone in the show he enjoys and prefers 1v1 duels as evident in him going Alto over the sheer bliss he was experiencing fighting Messer all out. Thats probably my biggest complaint about the series so far, no one is using teamwork, everyone but Bouge and the Twins seem to forget they have teammates and wingmen to tag team with, no one really has eachothers backs. And for Delta, it just seems pretty foolish that they don't really have any team tactics the could use against superior numbers except their formations in which they all break off and do their own thing anyway.
  10. From the pic provided the lasers are definitely coming from the top of the fighter, you can tell because of the upward cant of the 31F's canards. Its just the Valk itself being upside down that makes it look like it fired from the underside.
  11. Just like in Evangelion when Shinji and Asuka had to be completely in sync with each other in EVERYTHING they did to prepare for an upcoming fight, By dancing and listening to music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJqwMu9kuRg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpKDUCR9IeM
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