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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. It WAS the clone that defected! I remember! I don't remember if he was an adoptive parent or the real deal, I'll have to go back and watch, which after Rebels, I got a hankering for. As for Mass Effect, I knew about Asari, but I meant other species, the badass lizard guy from 2 mentioned another of his species that had a human wife, go figure.
  2. Wow, this looks INCREDIBLE. And is that Jim Cummings as Pooh? I mean it has to be, there can be only one. I am so pleased they didn't go with some random big name celebrity for his voice, hearing him hit me directly in the feels.
  3. I believe in Clone Wars there was another family where the mother was Twilek and the father was human, they had a son and a daughter, the son human, the daughter Twilek. I'm not sure if that means males take on the father's species and females the mother's, or if it is just totally random. I always wondered the same thing about Mass Effect.
  4. Figuarts Catwoman from the TDK is a TWE item, BBTS has her on pre-order for a fair price though. Didn't notice either, didn't get one either, he's gone everywhere. I nabbed one at BBTS as a placeholder until HLJ opens up again, standard Bluefin Marvel non-sense though, overpriced due to it having to come with an accessory you probably don't want.
  5. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    I'd buy that for a dollar...
  6. Holy crap, those last three episodes were fantastic, and agreed, handled REALLY well. A lot to unpack, I'd say overall... Overall, good stuff, well done Rebels. I'm glad Filoni and Co got to cap this one off unlike Clone Wars, we got answers, AND some possibilities for future story lines.
  7. Agreed, these announced figures are all pretty half assed slight remolds and repaints, easy pass on over half of them. I contemplated Black Panther, but being TWE, and the suit just isn't different enough, the addition of claws that should have come with Civil War Panther isn't enough to get me to buy. I'm in for Thanos, probably bearded Cap unless he VERY stupidly doesn't come with his Wakanda shield like in the trailers, and maybe, just maybe blonde Widow, doubtful though. I'm far more interested in what they haven't shown off, Bucky, which they also teased for Civil War and never made, at this point, we HAVE to get an Infinity War Bucky. I get it, these figures are easy to put out, almost no retooling or effort needed, but c'mon, this is the third Avengers movie, this is a big deal!
  8. Why would they attempt to avoid the release of something they also now own? Also, do you really think Deadpool 2 could affect Infinity War's opening take or overall take at the box office?
  9. Widow is definitely new too, I'm just not much for the new look, blonde Widow doesn't really do much for me. As for Hulkbuster, I haven't watched the trailer enough to see how different it is in this film compared to AOU. It looked like it could have some new molding, or be a completely new mold, not sure. Either way, doubt I'll bother, I have the AOU one, that's enough super expensive Hulkbuster for me.
  10. Spider-Man is absolutely just a repaint of the Homecoming figure. Black Panther looks like it could have some new molding, Strange and Star-Lord look exactly the same as well, Star-Lord looks to have a slightly different colored under shirt from his Guardians Vol 2 Figuart. Lots of easy passes, I just want the actual new molds, he was teased, I NEED a Winter Soldier, Bandai teased him for the Civil War line as well and he never happened. Bearded Cap, MK50 IM and Thanos are all must buys.
  11. I'd take some Hi-Metal R, those labors would be awesome. Is there anything in the Metal Build line other then Gundam?
  12. Nabbed mine at HLJ, thanks for the heads up. Zero pressure on the PO for this, same as the rest of the Side Labor line, I hope that's not a bad sign. I honestly didn't even know it went up for PO and I had zero issue getting one, as Duymon said, we NEED to keep this line going!
  13. This is also a highlight, the MP line is still only targeted at the Japanese market, they only gauge Japanese fan's interests and wishes, if V3 Prime is what the people want, Takara will make it. Space is also a factor, in Japan that is especially true, I highly doubt most Japanese collectors would have room for a full Ark Crew let alone a full G1 season 1 or 2 cast. So as Scyla pointed out, Takara will make what will sell best and what the Japanese fans want most, which is toon accuracy, and the most important characters. Would I personally love some more Cons or even mini-bots? Absolutely. Is that what will sell the best and is that what the Japanese fans want? Eh, probably not. People would probably riot.
  14. Or, at minimum, a dark purple "toy" colored Shockwave. How the hell has that not happened yet? Same with a silver colored with red on the legs MP-36, with a "clean" Con logo on his chest? Also, MP-1 was pretty awesome for his time. Takara knows what will make money, I'm positive a V3 more "toon" accurate Prime will sell gang busters, it's just a bummer they are potentially stalling other releases with more re-releases and updated versions of characters.
  15. I'm still not seeing how that's sad, overall I'd say "sad" is a bad descriptor, frustrating maybe? I just want Takara to move forward with some new characters, the more time they waste on V2, V3, etc. is less time spent on a character we don't have yet.
  16. Why is it sad? Some people want the line to actually continue with new figures, not just re-releases and re-paints or figures that already exist. Could there be improvements on MP-10? Of course, as mentioned above, many agree. Would I like to see them actually make a new character from the original Arc Crew, absolutely, more so then another Optimus, or Starscream, which a V3 will happen eventually for him as well and will clog up the potential for more new releases, since SW and TC will have to follow. Sad? That kind of sounds gross.
  17. Speak of the devil, a new trailer for the big three episode series finale.
  18. Ah I see. I believe it was explained that Jedi and Sith knew of the Temple, they just didn't know how to access it's true power, or they didn't know how to access the inner chamber. Ezra's connection with Dume and the Loth Wolves was more or less the key everyone was missing, Palpatine clearly knew there was something there he just didn't know how to access it at first. I chalked it up to that, the Temple was known, but not the inner power itself, or how to even access the power and the true "inner" chamber of the Temple.
  19. Ah I see, makes sense, you never know. I have confidence this movie will handle all the internet stuff much better, and it will probably be a whole lot funnier too.
  20. Not that I'm trying to call you out or anything, but care to elaborate on this? I don't get what comes off as idiotic, the temple most Jedi and Sith weren't aware of or the Place Between Worlds most Jedi and Sith weren't aware of?
  21. Did you not see the first film? It's not even remotely close to the Emoji movie, the first film was actually incredibly touching and well done. I'm excited, I LOVED the first film to death, watched it over and over myself! The only question I have is, where is Fix-it-Felix?
  22. Also, looking at some of my more recent Marvel Star Wars comics, and some of the non-sense from TLJ, the implications of the Mordis Gods is by far one of the most important revelations in Star Wars history. These last episodes also gave us a more interesting look into a side of the force we haven't really seen, a physical place that actually binds all space and time together, Yoda and other Jedi have always mentioned how the Force binds and holds everything together, The Daughter, Son, and Father and the Jedi Temple have shown us how fairly literal all of that really is. Also, it was pretty obvious to me Ahsoka's bird follower was actually The Daughter, she clearly survived to a small capacity from what The Son attempted.
  23. LOVED these last two episodes, fantastic stuff. Color me impressed for not cheaping out and just giving us X-Wings and other relatable garbage we've seen for the past 40 years and in every other known form of Star Wars media, THIS episode is something the show needed, not more of the same/easily consumable fan service. What we saw was some real, tangible game changing stuff for the force and force users, I'd take that any day over more CG X-Wings and Ties. Most importantly, we got a LOT of answers for a lot of different hang ups, storylines, and even more insight into the actual ancient Jedi/Sith order. It's always bothered me with this series when people complain when it actually gets unique and interesting and instead just clamor for more OT stuff since it takes place in the PT - OT timeline. Personally, if I wanted X-Wings, Ties, and Star Destroyers I would watch the OT, or Rogue One. Rebels is actually interesting, and despite being set in the most loved era in the Star Wars timeline, they definitely could have went the boring fan-service route, they didn't and I love this show for it. There are three episodes left, there will be plenty of boring shooty shooty explode stuff in that time I'm sure, actually finishing the Loth-Wolf storyline with a look into a new side of the force that has never seen was awesome!
  24. This is my fear as well. My love for MP-10 shouldn't come as a "he's perfect", he absolutely can be improved upon in several ways, all already mentioned, articulation, mold improvements on his legs, better looking rear end/feet in alt mode, paint the frakkING eyes Takara! Hasbro did! Aesthetically though, my fear is we will get those things, but then bland toon styling, no rivets, details, just plain areas covered in paint. The real question I have is, if this isn't just a rumor and is a real thing, will he just be a half-ass + repaint or would it actually be a new mold? That's what hasn't been answered yet among these rumors. The scan everyone is wigging out about shows some clearly different molding and proportions then MP-10, but that rumored image isn't concrete. I'd love the same styling and detail of MP-10 but with some new fancy Takara engineering making him as poseable as Sunny or MP-36, but if Takara were to do a V3 Prime I am 100% confident they will style it to go with MP-36, bland, and toon accurate.
  25. Unfortunately agreed, the new trilogy isn't really doing anything for me, but Rebels? This show is the business. Like Clone Wars, a little rocky at first, but it grew into something truly special, and it seems like it's ready to end on a high note.
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