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Mercurial Morpheus

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Everything posted by Mercurial Morpheus

  1. Diebuster 3 raw is out. Now I have a reason to watch the subs I have of 2. Strangely, after enjoying the raw, I got too preoccupied to watch either sub that I have.
  2. Thanks for sharing. I've yet to post my pics online, but will post a link when I do.
  3. Well that's definitly interesting. Where'd that come from? Also, another group is apparently fansubbing Gunbuster. For the heck of it, I'm grabbing the second episode to see how it compares. Their forum makes it sound like they're cleaning up the translation. http://astrange.ithinksw.net/gunbuster/ It is nice to see it get attention in the digisub world, if only from bit groups(these guys usually release manga).
  4. Those are truly amazing. It's models like this that drive me to get better at this stuff. Wow!!
  5. Nice GunnerX. I like how you've done the panal lines. It'll look great when it's done. I've taken a couple of photos of my Aestivalis. I pretty much finished it some time ago, but con season picked up so I haven't really focused on the touchups I intend to do later. I also left the pen open so the marker I was using to detail the panel lines is pretty much ruined, but there's not many panel lines on it anyway. Once I get the film developed I'll pop it up here.
  6. I'lll probably have to drive down to San Jose to see this, but I'll definitely check it out. Princess Mononoke opened me up to anime, so I always look forward to new Miyazaki works.
  7. Hmmm. I'm coming in late Friday. Hopefully I won't miss this.
  8. Ahh, so you're the one. At least it went to a fellow MW member. I was actually in the room when you were buying them. I'd ask how much you payed, but I'm not sure I wanna. I got some nice figurines though, and some good VHS deals I woudn't have gotten had I bought them though, so I'm happy. If anything, I'm probably more peeved at not getting a Scrapped Princess T-shirt(though if they were all L like the auction ones, that too no longer matters).
  9. I'm going for the first time this year. I definately hope to see the Maaya Sakamoto and KOTOKO concerts. Maybe I'm hop over to Robocon for the heck of it.
  10. I've seen most of Crest of the Stars, and really enjoyed it. I intend to see Banner I and II so that I can watch this.
  11. True, ADV does make some pretty sad dubs(yet they strangely have a following). Though the commentary is a laugh riot in how lame it is.
  12. I enjoyed the first one, and I still need to watch the DVD of two that I have. Still, this is interesting news indeed. I'm definitely looking forward to this, what with Mikimoto involved and such. Hopefully it will be a prequel of sequel, or maybe an inbetween story or something. Who knows...
  13. Interesting news indeed. I had meant to ask Keith Burgess at Fanime about this(Fanime showed Digital Panic's version, which I found interesting since a Manga Rep was there). Basically, as long as ADV doesn't have it, I'll be happy. Whomever has it probably is waiting on securing Diebuster as well.
  14. I did. It was a 180 for a 1/48 Hikaru(can't remember if it was a S or a J) and I think 220 for a Milia Fast Pack set. They wanted 400+ for a low viz. There was a guy in the swap meet that was selling an open MPC Rick, a Fire and Blazer Valk, and a VF-11 for 35 bucks each. I was leaning towards the VF-11, but he said that both legs had broken off when it and the Rick fell off a shelf recently. He did a nice repair job on it, but I wanted to check the dealers room for other Valks, and funds were too limited to consider damaged merchandise. Especially sine I couldn't get online to check. In retrospect, I probablt should have got it. Not that it mattered, someone bought it when I came back later. Of course, I found a new one for 70(the swap meet guy was certain they went for over a hundred, though he wasn't sure). All in all, I got some nice things at the con, but no really good deals Macross wise except for some 9 dollar Misa and Minmay figures I passed on. I need to do some more price research before I hit AX in a month.
  15. Mchenry Convention Centre in San Jose, CA. http://www.fanime.com
  16. I've been attending since 01, and haven't missed it since. I'm looking forward to it.
  17. Yeah, I bought a MPC Max when I decided that the Yammiest Fanime were too pricey. It's ok for 30 bucks, but I still want a 1/48. Fanime's coming up again, and I may get one if I save up enough. Out of curiousity, how much would a goof price be for a 1/48 at a con? Part of the reason I got the MPC instead was because it looked like the dealers were jacking up the price.
  18. Very nice work. Having Prime next to him sells it completely.
  19. Looks cool, I actually had a Macross City diorama idea, but lact the skill to do it.
  20. Superb work, Mechleader. I wish I could do that well. I'm currently working on a Bandai 1/48 Nadesico Aestivalis Flight type. It's the first kit I've assembled in years, and the first I've fully painted.I'm getting use to acrylic paints still. The orange is a bit too watery and need too many coats, but I'ts coming along. I just haven't been in the mood to work on it lately. I'm not doing anything fancy with it, but I hope it can get me back into modeling. I'll post pics when it's done if anyone's interested.
  21. I have some cheap ones. I have the Luke Skywalker one. It got beat up badly from all the Episode I duels I had. The top of it's missing at the moment, so I only have half the blade. Makes a great flashlight though. I have two Darth Mauls. I've got the super cheap one I bought for a halloween costume that I collapses completely due to lack of electronics, but is somewhat too thick. I also have the electronic one that I got on sale. That's it for the moment.
  22. Personally I kind of liked it. Then again, I have noticed that my views are not necessarily within the general consensus of this board. It's disposable fun, and at least amusing for the time it's running. Nowhere near a favorite, but good for a quick laugh. I enjoyed Guu and Genshiken quite a bit. Interesting to know it's directed by the same person.
  23. I still need to get a new Enterprise. I have a Star Trek VI kit in pieces after it took a bad fall. I never could get her back together. I have another old one that was electronic but, if I remember correctly, the electronics are shot and it's still unbuilt. Maybe I'll get it together one day, when I'm better at this.
  24. Very interesting stuff. Shame I can find that on any P2P's I use. Thanks for sharing.
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